Solve AMD RX 5700 Series Restarting Issue with this Solution!

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Solve AMD RX 5700 Series Restarting Issue with this Solution!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the RX 51 Series Graphics Cards
  3. The Wordman Restart Issue
  4. Possible Causes of the Wordman Restart Issue
  5. Solutions for the Wordman Restart Issue
    • Power Supply Solution
    • RAM Test Solution
    • BIOS and Driver Updates
  6. The Role of PCX and PC Express
    • PCX 4.0 and 3.0
    • Compatibility with Motherboards
  7. The Importance of Power Settings
  8. Additional Tips and Recommendations
  9. Conclusion
  10. Resources


Today, I will address the Wordman restart issue on the RX 51 series graphics cards in the United States. If you have encountered sudden shutdowns, restarts, frozen screens, or constant blue screen errors while gaming, this article is for you. I understand that you may have already searched the internet for various solutions without success. In this article, I will share a solution that is not widely discussed in Turkey. I personally dealt with this issue for a month and found that many people attribute it to the power supply. While it is true that using two PCX and 4.0 power supplies can solve the problem, it is not a feasible solution due to the high cost of these power supplies in our country. However, there is another solution that does not rely on expensive power supplies. Please continue reading to find out more.

Understanding the RX 51 Series Graphics Cards

Before delving into the Wordman restart issue, let's first understand the RX 51 series graphics cards. These cards, which are typically priced between 14,000 and 16,000 lira, offer high performance for gaming. The series includes models like the 5600X and the 5700X. One important thing to note is the power consumption of these cards. While the RX 380 requires 320 watts, the RX 5700X needs a higher power supply of around 225 watts. This difference in power consumption becomes significant when using the same power supply for different graphics cards.

The Wordman Restart Issue

The Wordman restart issue refers to the problem of sudden restarts or freezes during gaming or encountering constant blue screen errors. Many individuals believe that the issue lies with the power supply or RAM. However, from my experience and research, I can confidently say that the issue is primarily related to the power supply.

Possible Causes of the Wordman Restart Issue

There are various factors that can contribute to the Wordman restart issue. While some individuals suggest it may be due to a faulty power supply or RAM, these claims are not entirely accurate. Let's explore these possible causes in more detail:

1. Power Supply: While using a power supply with higher wattage or using two power supplies can alleviate the issue, it is not a financially viable solution for most people. Additionally, not all power supplies come with the necessary features, such as being modular or having an 80 Plus Gold certification, to support this setup.

2. RAM: While RAM can impact system performance, it is not the leading cause of the Wordman restart issue. Upgrading or testing your RAM may not resolve the problem entirely.

Based on extensive research and discussions on foreign forums, the Wordman restart issue seems to be primarily tied to the design of the RX 51 series graphics cards.

Solutions for the Wordman Restart Issue

Now, let's explore the solution for the Wordman restart issue. As Mentioned earlier, using two separate power supplies or upgrading the RAM may provide temporary relief. However, there is another way to resolve the issue without significant expenses.

Power Supply Solution: While using a higher-wattage power supply or multiple power supplies is not an optimal solution, it can work for some. However, the cost of such power supplies may be prohibitive, especially considering the availability and pricing in our country.

RAM Test Solution: Testing your RAM is always a good practice but resolving the Wordman restart issue is unlikely to be solely dependent on your RAM modules. Consider other solutions before solely focusing on RAM.

BIOS and Driver Updates: It is recommended to update your BIOS and graphics driver to the latest versions to address any compatibility issues and benefit from bug fixes and improvements. However, be cautious as BIOS updates can be complex and should be approached with care.

The Role of PCX and PC Express

The PCX and PC Express standards play a crucial role in the compatibility and performance of graphics cards. Here is some important information regarding PCX and PC Express:

PCX 4.0 and 3.0: While PCX 4.0 offers higher data transfer speeds, most motherboards, especially those in the a320, b450, and x470 series, do not support this standard. Therefore, it is important to understand that running graphics cards at PCX 3.0 speed does not result in significant performance differences in most scenarios.

Compatibility with Motherboards: Motherboards vary in terms of their support for PCX standards. It is essential to ensure that your motherboard supports the PCX standard required by your graphics card. Always refer to the manufacturer's specifications and recommendations to avoid compatibility issues.

The Importance of Power Settings

In addition to hardware considerations, power settings can also impact the stability of your system. It is recommended to ensure that your power settings are optimized for performance rather than power saving. Making adjustments in the power settings can help mitigate the Wordman restart issue.

Additional Tips and Recommendations

Here are some additional tips to help resolve the Wordman restart issue:

  1. Perform regular maintenance on your system, such as cleaning the components and ensuring proper airflow for cooling.
  2. Monitor your system's temperature during gaming Sessions to ensure it is within acceptable limits.
  3. Seek assistance from professionals or forums dedicated to addressing hardware-related issues. They may provide specific guidance tailored to your setup.


The Wordman restart issue can be frustrating for gamers using RX 51 series graphics cards. While the problem may be attributed to the power supply or RAM by some, it is primarily caused by the design of these graphics cards. While using two power supplies or upgrading your RAM can provide temporary relief, they may not be practical or cost-effective solutions.

Instead, focus on optimizing power settings, updating your BIOS and drivers, and ensuring compatibility between your graphics card and motherboard. By following these steps and considering the factors discussed, you can mitigate the Wordman restart issue and enjoy a stable gaming experience.


For more information, please refer to the following resources:

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