The Epic Saga of Upgrading a Vintage Gaming Rig to Windows 11

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The Epic Saga of Upgrading a Vintage Gaming Rig to Windows 11

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Challenge of Upgrading an Obsolete Vintage Gaming Rig
  3. The Need for Upgrades: CPU and Storage
  4. The BIOS Upgrade: A Prerequisite for Running Windows 11
  5. The RAID Conundrum: Troubleshooting BIOS and Device Issues
  6. Exploring Alternative Solutions: Linux and Windows 10
  7. The Battle of BIOS Versions: Searching for the Missing Link
  8. The Unofficial Flash Utility: A Ray of Hope
  9. Cloning the Windows Installation: AOMEI Backupper Professional
  10. The Journey to Windows 11: Overcoming Compatibility Issues
  11. The Final Hurdles: Secure Boot and NT Domain Compatibility
  12. A Case Mod to Remember: Fixing the Broken LED
  13. Lessons Learned and the Joy of Gaming


In the world of technology, change is inevitable, and the rapid evolution of hardware and software often makes older systems obsolete. However, there are individuals who passionately Collect and maintain vintage gaming rigs, cherishing the nostalgia and unique Charm they provide. This is the story of one such individual, THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR, and his journey to upgrade an obsolete vintage gaming rig to run the latest operating system, Windows 11.

The Challenge of Upgrading an Obsolete Vintage Gaming Rig

THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR's vintage gaming rig of 2019 fame had once been a powerhouse with its 6-core Ryzen 5 CPU, 48 GiB of RAM, SSDs, and a formidable graphics card. However, as Microsoft declared that the CPU was too old to be compatible with Windows 11, THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR faced the challenge of upgrading his beloved system. Despite the allure of buying a new PC, he was determined to explore potential upgrade components and push his vintage rig to its limits.

The Need for Upgrades: CPU and Storage

To run Windows 11 on his vintage gaming rig, THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR decided to replace the current Ryzen 5 1600X CPU with a Ryzen 9 3900X. Although not the most modern option, it was the best choice available for his existing mainboard. Additionally, he organized an m.2 SSD with a larger storage capacity to accommodate the upgrade, as the current boot drive was running out of space. Armed with thermal grease and a random USB key for the BIOS upgrade, THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR prepared himself for the first crucial step.

The BIOS Upgrade: A Prerequisite for Running Windows 11

Upgrading the BIOS was essential before installing the Ryzen 9 3900X. THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR encountered some complications along the way, as the BIOS would get stuck in a boot loop without displaying any error messages. After extensive troubleshooting, he discovered that the RAID functionality, required for his hard drives, was not included in the BIOS version he was using. This realization shed light on the underlying issue and prompted him to Seek a suitable solution.

The RAID Conundrum: Troubleshooting BIOS and Device Issues

THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR attempted various approaches, including booting into Linux and changing the BIOS settings to AHCI mode, to resolve the RAID problem. While these attempts provided temporary access to the disks, they were not sustainable solutions. After thorough investigation and a stroke of luck, he discovered an older beta version of the BIOS that supported RAID for older AM4 motherboards. The missing link had been found, but more challenges lay ahead.

Exploring Alternative Solutions: Linux and Windows 10

As he waited for the replacement BIOS to arrive, THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR decided to boot into Windows 10 using AHCI mode. However, he encountered a blue screen error message, indicating an inaccessible boot device. Desperate for a solution, he delved into online forums and tutorials, seeking ways to motivate Windows to use AHCI instead of RAID. Unfortunately, none of the methods available could be implemented without a running system, leaving him at a standstill.

The Battle of BIOS Versions: Searching for the Missing Link

Restoring the previous BIOS proved to be another challenge, as no backup had been taken during the initial upgrade. THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR turned to the MSI download page to find the version he needed, but to his disappointment, it was missing. Determined to find a solution, he took matters into his own hands and manually modified the download URL, successfully retrieving the BIOS version he had previously used. However, there was one more obstacle to overcome.

The Unofficial Flash Utility: A Ray of Hope

With the previous BIOS version in HAND, THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR attempted to flash it onto the system. Unfortunately, the official method did not allow downgrading, leaving him in yet another predicament. Refusing to give up, he scoured the MSI user forums and stumbled upon an unofficial EFI flash utility. Though it was explicitly stated that it would not work with his Carbon Gaming X370 board, a user shared their success story of reflashing a similar board with an earlier BIOS release. Intrigued, he decided to take a chance.

Cloning the Windows Installation: AOMEI Backupper Professional

With the BIOS issue resolved, THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR turned his attention to cloning the Windows installation onto the new 1 TiB M.2 SSD. While considering various methods, he came across AOMEI Backupper Professional, a paid product that offered system cloning capabilities. Fortunately, a free license key had recently been released for a limited time, making it a viable option. THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR installed the software and successfully cloned the system to the new SSD, marking a major milestone in his upgrade journey.

The Journey to Windows 11: Overcoming Compatibility Issues

Armed with the Ryzen 9 3900X CPU and the newly cloned Windows installation, THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR finally had the components he needed to make his vintage gaming rig compatible with Windows 11. With the installation process initiated, he braced himself for potential roadblocks. Surprisingly, the installation ran smoothly without any major issues. However, when it came time to log in after the upgrade, his personal user account was locked out. Luckily, he had set a local Administrator password during the troubleshooting process, granting him access to the system.

The Final Hurdles: Secure Boot and NT Domain Compatibility

To meet the requirements for Windows 11, THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR enabled secure boot and TPM support in the BIOS. However, these changes caused the system to continually reboot, preventing him from accessing Windows. Faced with this setback, he made the decision to revert back to the previous settings and boot into Windows 10. While exploring the Disk Manager, he discovered that converting the disk to a GPT partition was necessary for secure boot and EFI compatibility. Undeterred by the potential risks, he proceeded with the conversion and successfully booted into Windows 10 with the new partition scheme.

A Case Mod to Remember: Fixing the Broken LED

With the major obstacles overcome, THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR took the opportunity to address a minor issue with his vintage gaming rig. The front door of his Thermaltake Shark case featured a broken blue LED. Seeing this as the perfect time for a case modification, he built a small carrier plate to integrate three cyan-colored LEDs and replaced the daisy-chained Molex connectors with a single connector for better cable management. After completing the repair, the case boasted a refreshed and eye-catching LED display.

Lessons Learned and the Joy of Gaming

Throughout the arduous journey of upgrading his vintage gaming rig, THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR faced numerous challenges, setbacks, and moments of frustration. However, his perseverance, resourcefulness, and willingness to explore unconventional solutions ultimately led to success. With the upgraded system running Windows 11 and his beloved games ready to be enjoyed, THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR reflected on the valuable lessons learned and the satisfaction of overcoming each hurdle.


  • THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR's journey to upgrade an obsolete vintage gaming rig to run Windows 11
  • The challenges faced during the BIOS upgrade, RAID troubleshooting, and cloning the Windows installation
  • The discovery of unofficial solutions, including a flash utility and AOMEI Backupper Professional
  • Overcoming compatibility issues with secure boot and NT domain integration
  • A case mod to fix a broken LED and improve cable management
  • Lessons learned from the journey and the joy of finally enjoying upgraded gaming capabilities


Q: Can I upgrade an older CPU to run Windows 11? A: While it is possible to upgrade certain older CPUs to meet the requirements of Windows 11, compatibility may vary depending on the specific hardware and BIOS support.

Q: What are the possible solutions for BIOS and RAID issues when upgrading an old system? A: Troubleshooting BIOS and RAID issues may involve updating or downgrading the BIOS version, exploring unofficial flash utilities, and experimenting with different disk partition schemes and modes, such as AHCI.

Q: Is it necessary to clone the Windows installation when upgrading to a new storage device? A: Cloning the Windows installation ensures a seamless transition to a new storage device, preserving all settings, files, and applications. However, alternative methods may involve reinstalling the operating system from scratch.

Q: How can I resolve compatibility issues with secure boot and NT domain integration on Windows 11? A: Compatibility issues with secure boot and NT domain integration may require adjusting BIOS settings, converting disk partitions to GPT, or making changes to active directories and authentication servers.

Q: Is it worth the effort to upgrade an obsolete vintage gaming rig? A: The decision to upgrade an obsolete vintage gaming rig ultimately depends on individual preferences and the desire to experience the latest technologies and advancements. While it may involve challenges and troubleshooting, the satisfaction of reviving and modernizing a beloved system can be rewarding for enthusiasts.

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