The Ultimate Battle of 6 Core CPUs: i5-8400 vs Ryzen 5 2600X vs X5675

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The Ultimate Battle of 6 Core CPUs: i5-8400 vs Ryzen 5 2600X vs X5675

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Comparison of CPUs
    1. X 56 75
    2. Rison 5 2600
    3. i5 8400
  3. Streaming Benchmarks
  4. Gaming Performance
    1. Far Cry primal
    2. CS:GO
    3. Ashes of the Singularity
    4. Kingdom Come Deliverance
    5. Dota 2
    6. GTA 5
    7. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG)
    8. Final Fantasy 15
  5. productivity Benchmarks
    1. Cinebench
    2. V-Ray
    3. Adobe Premiere Pro
    4. 7-Zip compression and decompression
  6. Power Consumption
  7. Conclusion

Comparison of CPUs

In this article, we will be comparing the performance of three CPUs: the X 56 75, the Rison 5 2600, and the i5 8400. These CPUs represent different generations and offer varying levels of performance. We will analyze their performance in different benchmarks such as streaming, gaming, productivity, and power consumption. Let's dive into the details and see how these CPUs stack up against each other.

Streaming Benchmarks

When it comes to streaming, the choice of CPU can significantly impact performance. In this comparison, we used XSplit with a bitrate of 6 Mbps. We tested two different encoding options: GPU encoding and CPU encoding. The GPU encoding option, using the onboard GPU encoder, proved to be the better choice as it had minimal impact on both the CPU and GPU. On the other HAND, CPU encoding resulted in higher CPU usage and caused stutters in the streaming process. Based on these results, we recommend using the GPU encoding option, especially when streaming intensive games like Final Fantasy 15.

Gaming Performance

Gaming is one of the key areas where CPUs play a crucial role in delivering smooth and immersive gameplay. We tested the three CPUs in various games at both 1080p and 1440p resolutions. In Far Cry Primal, the X 56 75 performed slightly behind the Rison 5 2600 and the i5 8400. However, when we increased the graphical settings to high in 1440p, the trend continued. The X 56 75 managed to score its first victory over the Rison 5 2600 in Kingdom Come Deliverance at 1080p, but the Rison 5 2600 performed better at 1440p.

Moving on to other games such as CS:GO, Dota 2, GTA 5, and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG), we observed similar results. There was minimal difference in performance among the three CPUs, especially when playing at 1080p resolution. However, at higher graphical settings or 1440p resolution, we noticed some variations in performance. It's worth noting that all three CPUs performed admirably with a GTX 1080 Ti, and the differences became negligible.

Productivity Benchmarks

Apart from gaming, productivity tasks like video editing and rendering are also vital for many users. We compared the CPUs in rendering tests using Cinebench, V-Ray, Adobe Premiere Pro, and 7-Zip compression and decompression. In most cases, the Rison 5 2600 emerged as the winner, followed by the i5 8400 and the X 56 75. The Rison 5 2600 showcased impressive performance in Cinebench, scoring the highest in both single-threaded and multi-threaded tests.

When it comes to video editing, all three CPUs performed well. We tested the rendering time of a 35-minute track in Unrealistic 35x real-time render, and the differences were minimal. For Music production, all three CPUs proved to be excellent choices, rendering tracks close to 30x real-time speed. The X 56 75 did excel in 7-Zip compression and decompression tests, outperforming the i5 8400.

Power Consumption

Power consumption is an important factor to consider, as it affects both the electricity bill and the cooling requirements of a system. We overclocked all three CPUs and measured their power consumption under full load. The X 56 75 consumed the highest amount of power, reaching over 200 watts. The Rison 5 2600 was more power-efficient, consuming approximately 70 watts less than the X 56 75. The i5 8400 showed the best power efficiency, consuming the least amount of power. Choosing the i5 8400 can result in cost savings on both the power supply and electricity bills, making it a Relevant option for gamers.


After analyzing the performance of the X 56 75, Rison 5 2600, and i5 8400, it is clear that CPUs have not made significant advancements in the past decade. A well-maintained X58 motherboard paired with an X 56 75 CPU can still deliver impressive performance at a fraction of the cost of newer alternatives. Additionally, the X 58 platform offers the advantage of being compatible with cheap DDR3 memory. However, for those looking for the latest features, power efficiency, and warranty, investing in newer CPUs like the Rison 5 2600 or i5 8400 is recommended. Ultimately, the choice depends on individual needs, budget, and preferences.


  • Comparison of X 56 75, Rison 5 2600, and i5 8400 CPUs
  • GPU encoding recommended for streaming
  • Minimal differences in gaming performance, especially at 1080p
  • Rison 5 2600 excels in productivity tasks
  • i5 8400 offers excellent power efficiency, saving on power supplies and bills
  • X58 motherboard with X 56 75 CPU offers exceptional value for money
  • Newer CPUs offer the latest features, power efficiency, and warranties
  • Individual needs and preferences should guide CPU choice


Q: Can I use an X 56 75 with a GTX 1070 GPU?

A: Yes, the X 56 75 is compatible with a GTX 1070 GPU and can provide a satisfying gaming experience.

Q: Are there any differences in power consumption between the X 56 75 and the Rison 5 2600?

A: Yes, the X 56 75 consumes more power than the Rison 5 2600 under load. However, the difference may not be significant for typical gaming and productivity tasks.

Q: Should I choose DDR3 or DDR4 memory for a gaming PC?

A: For gaming, DDR4 memory is recommended as it offers higher speeds and better compatibility with newer CPUs. However, DDR3 memory is still viable for older platforms like the X 58.

Q: What is the advantage of GPU encoding in streaming?

A: GPU encoding, using the onboard GPU encoder, minimally impacts the GPU and CPU, resulting in smooth streaming performance. CPU encoding can stress the CPU cores and cause stutters during streaming.

Q: Can I overclock the X 56 75 CPU?

A: Yes, the X 56 75 has overclocking potential. However, it is essential to ensure proper cooling and stability to avoid any potential risks.

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