Trading Nvidia: Capitalizing on an Upward Trend

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Trading Nvidia: Capitalizing on an Upward Trend

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why I Bought Nvidia Calls
  3. The Challenge of Short-Term Options
  4. The Stock's Continuous Rise
  5. The Gap-Ups and the Expectation of a $1,000 Mark
  6. The Importance of Time Erosion and Long-Dated Options
  7. Observing Bid-Ask Prices and Volume Weighted Average Price
  8. Managing Risk and Taking Profits
  9. The Bearish Engulfing Pattern and Reversal
  10. The Extended Position of Nvidia
  11. Taking a Long-Term Perspective on Nvidia
  12. Conclusion

Why I Bought Nvidia Calls


One of the biggest positions I held was Nvidia calls, which had a long expiration date of 70 days. I had confidence in this stock as it had been on a continuous upward trend. Instead of trying to time the market and find the top, I opted for long-dated options to give myself ample time without worrying about time erosion. Short-term options can be challenging as even if you're right about the direction of the stock, the lack of time might prevent you from profiting if there's a pullback before the stock continues to rise. By purchasing long-dated options, I aimed to avoid this challenge and take advantage of the stock's potential.

💡 Pros: Long-dated options provide more time for the stock to follow its uptrend, avoiding the risk of the option expiring before you make a profit.

💡 Cons: Long-dated options are more expensive due to their extended timeframe, which may require a greater initial investment.

The Challenge of Short-Term Options


Short-term options pose a unique challenge due to their limited duration. While they can be profitable if the stock moves in the desired direction, they can quickly lose value if the stock reverses before the option's expiration. This challenge arises because time erosion affects short-term options more severely. As an experienced trader, I have made the mistake of buying short-term options and witnessing the stock move in the anticipated direction, only to lose money due to the limited time remaining on the option. To avoid this situation, I prefer to pay more for time by purchasing long-dated options like I did with Nvidia.

The Stock's Continuous Rise


Nvidia's stock has been on an upward trajectory, prompting me to invest in it. The stock displayed a series of gap-ups, where the price jumped significantly between consecutive trading days. These gap-ups indicated strong buying pressure and hinted at the possibility of reaching the coveted $1,000 mark. I had previously predicted a breakout for Nvidia and believed it had the potential to double in value. Although the stock's movement is not influenced by my opinions, it was satisfying to witness my prediction Align with its current rally.

The Gap-Ups and the Expectation of a $1,000 Mark


Nvidia's stock exhibited multiple gap-ups, creating a pattern of upward Momentum. Gap-ups occur when the stock opens significantly higher than its previous close, and they often indicate strong bullish sentiment. With each gap-up, I grew more optimistic that Nvidia would finally reach the $1,000 mark. As the stock approached this crucial level, I anticipated a potential pullback due to the abundance of limit sell orders placed by investors looking to profit from a price Ceiling. Recognizing this pattern allowed me to prepare for potential trading opportunities.

The Importance of Time Erosion and Long-Dated Options

Short-term options are susceptible to time erosion, creating a sense of urgency to capitalize on the stock's movement. However, I preferred long-dated options to mitigate this risk. By giving myself more time, I reduced the pressure to find the perfect exit point. Long-dated options provided the flexibility to let the stock run its Course, potentially resulting in greater profits. While long-dated options may be more expensive, I considered them to be a worthwhile investment to avoid the pitfalls of short-term options.

💡 Pros: Long-dated options give more flexibility and reduce the pressure to time exits perfectly. They provide ample time for the stock to follow its uptrend, potentially leading to greater profits.

💡 Cons: Long-dated options can be more expensive due to their extended expiration date, requiring a larger investment initially.

Observing Bid-Ask Prices and Volume Weighted Average Price


To make informed trading decisions, I closely monitored the bid-ask prices of my options and the volume weighted average price (VWAP) of Nvidia's stock. While the stock continued to climb, I noticed that the bid prices of my options did not increase proportionally. This discrepancy indicated a potential change in market sentiment and prompted me to evaluate further. It is essential to analyze bid-ask prices alongside the stock's movement, as the bids should typically increase as the stock rises. When this correlation breaks down, it serves as a warning sign to reevaluate the trade.

Managing Risk and Taking Profits


As an experienced trader, managing risk and taking profits at the right time are crucial to long-term success. While Nvidia's stock showed impressive gains, I understood the importance of not getting too greedy. Seeing the stock approach the $1,000 mark and anticipating potential resistance at that level, I decided to sell a portion of my position. Managing risk involves striking a balance between capitalizing on upside potential and avoiding potential losses. It was not about trying to sell at the absolute top but rather about ensuring I locked in profits.

The Bearish Engulfing Pattern and Reversal


After selling a portion of my Nvidia calls, I observed the formation of a bearish engulfing pattern, signaling a potential reversal in the stock's uptrend. This pattern occurs when the stock gaps up above the previous day's high, only to reverse and close below the previous day's low. The stock's poor closing location and the significant increase in volume indicated a shift in market sentiment. While this does not indicate the end of Nvidia's upward trajectory, it suggests a period of rest or a potential pullback. Recognizing these Patterns can help inform future trading decisions.

The Extended Position of Nvidia


It is essential to consider a stock's position concerning moving averages when making trading decisions. Nvidia's stock had reached an extended position, trading significantly above both the 50-day and 200-day moving averages. The stock's rise had been remarkable, and it had become overextended in relation to its historical trends. While the stock's movement did not exhibit signs of a blowoff top, the increased volume and extended position signaled a potential period of consolidation or a pullback. I believe taking profits when a stock becomes this extended is a prudent choice.

Taking a Long-Term Perspective on Nvidia


While I am a long-term believer in Nvidia's potential as a company, I prioritize price action in my trading decisions. Although Nvidia's stock may continue to rise in the future, I recognize the importance of reevaluating the stock's position and waiting for better entry points. This does not imply that Nvidia is done as a successful investment; rather, it indicates that it may need time to consolidate its gains and build a stronger foundation. Patience and a long-term perspective allow for strategic decision-making and potentially better returns in the future.



In conclusion, my decision to invest in Nvidia calls was based on the stock's continuous rise and the potential for reaching the $1,000 mark. By opting for long-dated options, I aimed to avoid the challenges of short-term options and benefit from the stock's upward momentum. However, as the stock approached my target level and showed signs of a potential reversal, I decided to take profits and closely monitor its movement. While Nvidia remains a promising company, managing risk and recognizing patterns are crucial aspects of successful trading. Patience and a long-term perspective will guide my future decisions regarding Nvidia and other investment opportunities.


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