Ultimate Guide: Configuring Nvidia Graphics Card on Debian

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Ultimate Guide: Configuring Nvidia Graphics Card on Debian

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Graphics Card Issue
  3. Searching for a Solution
  4. Finding the Nvidia Optimus Video
  5. Installing Envy Control
  6. Switching to Nvidia Only Mode
  7. The Hybrid Mode and Bumblebee
  8. The Integrated Mode
  9. Troubleshooting and Error Messages
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will discuss the process of fixing a graphics card issue that the author has faced while configuring their Debian installation on their Tuxedo Stellaris 16 Generation 5 laptop. The author shares their experience of struggling with this issue for weeks but eventually finding a satisfactory solution. They will specifically focus on the Nvidia Optimus video by the Channel "then she video" and their use of Envy Control script to automate the configurations. The author also mentions their attempts to use Bumblebee and Primus packages, and their findings on the integrated mode. They provide detailed information on their journey and the steps they took to fix the issue, including troubleshooting and solving error messages.

The Graphics Card Issue

The author begins by acknowledging the graphics card issue they encountered while setting up their Debian installation on their Tuxedo Stellaris 16 Generation 5 laptop. They express their frustration with the problem persisting for weeks but finally finding a solution. The author states that although some questions still remain, they have overcome the major issue and can now use their GPU properly. They explain that the purpose of their video is to share the solution they found.

Searching for a Solution

The author describes their extensive research on the topic, spanning several weeks. They recount their efforts to find a comprehensive guide that explains the process of fixing the graphics card issue on Debian. They express gratitude to the creator of the "then she video" for providing the most informative Tutorial they came across. The author highlights the video's comprehensive nature, emphasizing its Clarity in comparison to other disjointed tips they encountered during their research.

Finding the Nvidia Optimus Video

The author directs the readers' attention to the Nvidia Optimus video that proved instrumental in solving their graphics card issue. They recommend watching the video, as it provides valuable information on manually editing config files and running scripts. The author further mentions two essential resources Mentioned in the video: an article on the creator's Wiki and the Envy Control script.

Installing Envy Control

The author proceeds to demonstrate how to install the Envy Control script. They provide instructions on downloading the Package from the GitHub repository's releases page and running the installation command. The author explains that Envy Control offers automated configuration options and includes a switch to easily change graphics modes. They highlight Envy Control's ability to manage integrated, hybrid, and Nvidia-only modes.

Switching to Nvidia Only Mode

The author focuses on the Nvidia-only mode and explains its purpose. They discuss the benefits of using the Nvidia graphics card exclusively and mention that it requires rebooting the computer after switching modes. The author provides a command to switch to Nvidia-only mode using Envy Control. They describe the process of running the command, allowing the script to make the necessary configurations and advising a reboot afterward.

The Hybrid Mode and Bumblebee

The author briefly introduces the hybrid mode and Bumblebee, which is another option for managing the integrated and Nvidia graphics cards. They mention encountering difficulties with Bumblebee and Primus packages. The author recounts their experience of only the primary laptop display being recognized after installing the packages. They express disappointment with the inability to use the external display and other features. The author suggests there may be a solution, but they were unable to find it at that point.

The Integrated Mode

The author provides information on the integrated mode, which disables the Nvidia graphics card completely. They explain that the integrated mode is useful for saving battery life and using only the Intel graphics card. The author details the process of switching to the integrated mode using Envy Control and mentions the need for a reboot to apply the changes.

Troubleshooting and Error Messages

The author disclosed encountering various error and warning messages after disabling the Nvidia GPU. They provide examples of error messages related to the inability to find the Nvidia card. The author expresses confusion about specific issues, such as the HDMI display not working when using integrated mode. They mention seeking assistance by posting on Relevant subreddits and hope for solutions to address these problems.


In conclusion, the author shares their satisfaction with finding a working solution using the Envy Control script. They acknowledge the possibility of further configurations and optimizations to use Primus run and improve the HDMI display recognition. The author emphasizes the importance of using the graphics card to its full capability and shares their plans to review the laptop in the future. They express appreciation for the support received and invite readers to join the ongoing discussion on the topic.


  • The author faced a graphics card issue while configuring Debian on their Tuxedo Stellaris 16 Generation 5 laptop.
  • After weeks of research, they found a satisfactory solution through the Nvidia Optimus video by "then she video."
  • The Envy Control script played a crucial role in automating the configurations and allowing full utilization of the graphics card.
  • The author explored options like Bumblebee and Primus but encountered difficulties with external displays and comprehensive functionality.
  • Envy Control offered three modes: Nvidia only, hybrid, and integrated, enabling flexible graphics management.
  • The integrated mode helped save battery life by disabling the Nvidia graphics card completely.
  • Error messages and HDMI display issues were encountered during the configuration process.
  • The author hopes for further guidance to optimize Primus run and resolve HDMI display recognition.
  • They plan to review the laptop in the future and appreciate the support and discussion around the issue.
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