Unboxing RTX 4060: Stunning Setup and Performance Revealed!

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Unboxing RTX 4060: Stunning Setup and Performance Revealed!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: Unboxing and Setting Up the New GPU 🎉
  2. Researching and Deciding on the RTX 4060 Normal 🔍
  3. Purchasing the RTX 4060 from Pichau 💳
  4. Admiring the Beautiful Graphics Card 💎
  5. Formatting the PC and Installing the New GPU 💻
  6. testing the RTX 4060 with Favorite Games 🎮
  7. Reflecting on the Upgrade Journey 🙏
  8. Preparing for the Next Upgrade: Ryzen 7 5700X 🔜
  9. Troubleshooting and Optimizing the RTX 4060 🛠️
  10. Conclusion: Excited for the Future with the RTX 4060 🎉


Introduction: Unboxing and Setting Up the New GPU 🎉

Oi pessoal! As you could see in my unboxing, I was able to fulfill a dream that was not exactly a dream, but rather a goal. My dream was to get an RTX 4060 Ti, but after looking at many reviews and comparisons, I came to the conclusion that the regular RTX 4060 will serve me very well. I'm not a hardcore gamer, and I just plan to open a live stream and play some casual, lighter games. I'm more of a story-mode kind of guy, so this GPU is going to meet my needs perfectly.

Researching and Deciding on the RTX 4060 Normal 🔍

The savings I made here were approximately R$500, as I was originally aiming for the 4060 Ti. I researched a lot, comparing the 4060 to the 4060 Ti, and I realized that the 4060 would serve me super well. I went to the Pichau store and saw this beautiful white card, which matched my setup quite nicely. Even though the characteristics were already white, I decided this one was perfect for me, and I got it for R$2,134.

Purchasing the RTX 4060 from Pichau 💳

The card was delivered by the Ícaro carrier, arriving two days earlier than expected, which was great. I was able to receive it at my workplace during my lunch break, so I couldn't wait to get home and unbox this beauty!

Admiring the Beautiful Graphics Card 💎

Wow, what a stunning card! I have to admit, I thought it would be even whiter, but it has a more silvery, icy tone. And the backplate is not plastic, it's metal - that's just awesome. The card is super efficient, with an 8-Pin power connector, which is exactly what the recommended specs said. My 500W power supply will handle this card perfectly.

Formatting the PC and Installing the New GPU 💻

I'm going to format the PC, not deleting anything, just to have a clean slate. I'll then install the card and download some games to do some testing. I'm so excited, guys! You have no idea. For those who started with an i3-2130 with integrated graphics, then a GT 610, a GTS 450, and finally an RX 580 2048SP from Aliexpress (which is still running great after a year), this is a big step up. God has blessed me and given me the strength to go after this dream.

Testing the RTX 4060 with Favorite Games 🎮

Alright, my friends, after everything is formatted, I've already downloaded some games that I enjoy playing, like Forza, Fortnite (which I'm still trying to learn), and Call of Duty. I'm slowly getting everything set up, and the drivers installed. I'll be sure to bring you a review of this beauty soon. Look at that RGB lighting - it's just gorgeous!

Reflecting on the Upgrade Journey 🙏

I'm not sure if it's normal, but I noticed a small light inside the card that seems to be blinking. I saw it yesterday, and it was blinking a bit faster when I was playing Ghost Recon on Ultra settings, but I don't think it was overheating, as the temps were around 52°C. I was able to activate DLSS and other cool features, but I'm still learning all of this, as it's the first time I've had such an advanced piece of technology.

Preparing for the Next Upgrade: Ryzen 7 5700X 🔜

This card is so light, I'm not even using any support. But I'll be sure to get those white braided cables to make it look even more amazing. Little by little, I'll be making improvements. And you know what's next? I'm already eyeing the Ryzen 7 5700X - I'm in love with that CPU! As soon as I can afford it, I'll be upgrading my CPU as well.

Troubleshooting and Optimizing the RTX 4060 🛠️

I'm sure I'll have to do some troubleshooting and optimization with this card, but I'm ready to learn and figure it all out. I'm so passionate about this GPU, guys. I can't believe I made it - it's a dream come true!

Conclusion: Excited for the Future with the RTX 4060 🎉

Well, I'm going to wrap up this video here, my friends. I'll be bringing you some Game test videos soon, but I don't want this to get too long. Thank you all for your support and for being on this journey with me. God bless each and every one of you. Like the video if you enjoyed it, and don't forget to subscribe. I'll see you in the next one! Cheers!


  • Upgraded from an RX 580 to an RTX 4060
  • Saved around $500 by going with the regular 4060 instead of the 4060 Ti
  • Extremely happy and excited about the new GPU
  • Preparing for future upgrades, like the Ryzen 7 5700X CPU
  • Experiencing some minor troubleshooting with the 4060, but eager to learn and optimize it

FAQ: Q: Is the blinking light inside the RTX 4060 normal? A: The author is not sure if the blinking light is normal, but it seems to be related to the GPU's temperature and performance during gaming.

Q: What kind of games does the author plan to play with the RTX 4060? A: The author mentions enjoying story-mode games and plans to play titles like Forza, Fortnite, and Call of Duty.

Q: When will the author do a review of the RTX 4060? A: The author states they will be sure to bring a review of the GPU to their viewers soon.


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