Uncovering Technological Treasures: Rare Finds at Project Reboot

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Uncovering Technological Treasures: Rare Finds at Project Reboot

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Excitement of Discovering Donations for Project Reboot Time Machine
  3. An Inside Look at the 486 DX 266
  4. Rare Find: Pentium II
  5. Uncovering the Mystery of the Kelvin 64 Graphics Card
  6. Creative Sound Blaster: A Blast from the Past
  7. Exploring the Socket 3 and the Unknown
  8. The Fascinating Hard Drive Model S T3491
  9. The Time Machine's AMD K6-2: A Window to 1996
  10. Conclusion

The Excitement of Discovering Donations for Project Reboot Time Machine

The Project Reboot Time Machine has always been a hub of excitement and anticipation, as donations of old computers and hardware continue to pour in. Each new arrival unveils a piece of technological history, offering a glimpse into the past. Recently, a donation containing a 486 DX 266 and a Pentium II caught our attention. The prospect of uncovering the treasures within these machines fueled our Curiosity.

An Inside Look at the 486 DX 266

The 486 DX 266, a true rarity in our collection, proved to be a fascinating find. Despite its years of garage storage, it held up surprisingly well, free from Dust and cobwebs. We delved into its inner workings, discovering a Sound Blaster 16 sound card and a Kid Technologies Kelvin 64 graphics card. While unfamiliar to us, these components ignited our imagination, allowing us to imagine the experiences of gaming and multimedia applications from the past.

The hard drive, a 428-megabyte Model ST3491, intrigued us. Though small by today's standards, it evoked nostalgia and a sense of awe for the technological advancements made since its creation. Wiping the hard drive became a thoughtful task, as we considered its value not only to us but also to retro technology enthusiasts who frequently search for such treasures on online platforms.


  • Rare and valuable find
  • Well-preserved condition
  • Uncovering components with historical significance


  • Small storage capacity

Rare Find: Pentium II

While not as uncommon as the 486 DX 266, the Pentium II still held its own allure. The donation included an AMD K6-2/400 processor, offering a glimpse into the computing power of 1996. The Fujitsu MPC 3102280 hard drive, a substantial 10.2 gigabytes, dwarfed the 486 DX 266's storage capacity. As we carefully removed the outer casing, we marveled at the progress made in a few short years.

Uncovering the Mystery of the Kelvin 64 Graphics Card

Among the components we stumbled upon during our exploration of the 486 DX 266 was the Kelvin 64 graphics card. Its significance eluded us initially, but further research revealed that it was a product of Kid Technologies, a company known for its innovative graphics solutions. The discovery of the Kelvin 64 graphics card highlighted the strides made in graphics technology during the era of the 486 DX 266.

Creative Sound Blaster: A Blast from the Past

Another intriguing component we found nestled within the 486 DX 266 was the Creative Sound Blaster 16 sound card. This iconic piece of hardware brought back memories of the vibrant audio experiences of the past. The Sound Blaster series revolutionized sound reproduction on personal computers and played a significant role in enhancing the gaming and multimedia experiences of that time.

Exploring the Socket 3 and the Unknown

While examining the 486 DX 266, we encountered the term "Socket 3." Curiosity drove us to uncover the significance of this seemingly cryptic label. Extensive research revealed that Socket 3 referred to the CPU socket type used for the 486 processor. This discovery shed new light on a previously unknown aspect of computer hardware history, an example of the unexpected educational moments often experienced at Project Reboot Time Machine.

The Fascinating Hard Drive Model S T3491

The 486 DX 266's Model ST3491 hard drive fascinated us with its capacity limitations. With only 428 megabytes of storage space, it paled in comparison to modern hard drives. However, this glimpse into the past reminded us of the immense progress made in storage technology over the decades. The Model ST3491 served as a humble reminder of the foundations upon which contemporary storage solutions were built.

The Time Machine's AMD K6-2: A Window to 1996

The Time Machine donation also included an AMD K6-2/400 processor, transporting us back to the year 1996. This processor was a symbol of the computing power available at that time, demonstrating the significant advancements made since the days of the 486 DX 266. The K6-2/400 opened our eyes to the rapid pace of innovation within the ever-evolving world of technology.

As we conclude our journey through the donations to Project Reboot Time Machine, we reflect on the excitement and joy that each discovery brings. The 486 DX 266, the Pentium II, and their accompanying components have invoked a deep sense of nostalgia and appreciation for the history of computing. These treasures, though outdated by today's standards, serve as reminders of the progress and innovation that continue to Shape our modern world. Join us in celebrating the preservation and exploration of technological history at Project Reboot Time Machine.


  • Discovering rare and valuable hardware donations for Project Reboot Time Machine
  • The fascination of the 486 DX 266 and its well-preserved condition
  • Uncovering the mysteries of the Kelvin 64 graphics card and the Creative Sound Blaster 16 sound card
  • Exploring the significance of Socket 3 in computer hardware history
  • Reflecting on the technological advancements represented by the AMD K6-2/400 processor


Q: What is the Project Reboot Time Machine? A: Project Reboot Time Machine is an initiative dedicated to preserving and exploring technological history by collecting and restoring old computers and hardware.

Q: How valuable are the donated items to Project Reboot Time Machine? A: The value of the donated items varies. While some items hold significant historical and monetary value, others may be more common. However, all donations contribute to the mission of preserving technological artifacts.

Q: Can I donate old computers or hardware to Project Reboot Time Machine? A: Yes, Project Reboot Time Machine welcomes donations of old computers and hardware. Reach out to them for more information on how to contribute.

Q: What happens to the donated items after they are received? A: The donated items are carefully examined, restored if necessary, and added to the collection at Project Reboot Time Machine. They are then used for educational purposes or made available for enthusiasts to experience the technology of the past.

Q: How can I stay updated with the activities of Project Reboot Time Machine? A: Subscribe to their YouTube channel and follow their social media accounts for regular updates on their discoveries and activities.


  • Project Reboot Time Machine YouTube Channel: [link](insert link here)
  • Project Reboot Time Machine Website: [link](insert link here)
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