Unleash the Gaming Power of AMD A8-3850 APU

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Unleash the Gaming Power of AMD A8-3850 APU

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of the Computer Configuration
  3. Performance Comparison with Discrete Graphics Card
  4. Gaming Experience with Dirt 3
  5. Video Settings and Performance in Dirt 3
  6. Gaming Experience with Shift 2 Unleashed
  7. Video Settings and Performance in Shift 2 Unleashed
  8. Temperature and Stability of the Machine
  9. Upgradability and Cost-effectiveness
  10. Conclusion

Gaming Performance and Experience of the AMD A8 APU with ATI Radeon HD 6550D

Gaming on a budget without compromising on performance has become a major concern for many gamers. The AMD A8 APU with ATI Radeon HD 6550D aims to address this issue by providing a powerful integrated graphics solution. In this article, we will explore the gaming performance and experience offered by this combination.

1. Introduction

Gaming enthusiasts are always on the lookout for cost-effective solutions that deliver exceptional performance. The AMD A8 APU with ATI Radeon HD 6550D combines a high-performance CPU with integrated graphics, making it an attractive option for gamers on a budget.

2. Overview of the Computer Configuration

Before delving into the gaming performance, let's take a quick look at the computer configuration. The system is equipped with a Core Master Hyper 212 CPU cooler, a G.Skill Ripjaws 16GB DDR3 RAM, and an older 7200 RPM 320GB hard drive. The power supply used is the Corsair 850W TX.

3. Performance Comparison with Discrete Graphics Card

One of the key features of the AMD A8 APU with ATI Radeon HD 6550D is its ability to provide decent gaming performance without the need for a discrete graphics card. In this section, we will compare the performance of this integrated graphics solution with a full-blown discrete graphics card.

4. Gaming Experience with Dirt 3

Dirt 3 is a graphically demanding Game that serves as a suitable benchmark for testing the performance of the AMD A8 APU with ATI Radeon HD 6550D. In this section, we will explore the gaming experience while playing Dirt 3 on this configuration.

5. Video Settings and Performance in Dirt 3

To achieve optimal performance in Dirt 3, it is important to fine-tune the video settings. In this section, we will discuss the recommended video settings for smooth gameplay and analyze the performance of the AMD A8 APU with ATI Radeon HD 6550D in various scenarios.

6. Gaming Experience with Shift 2 Unleashed

Shift 2 Unleashed is known for its advanced graphics engine and visually stunning gameplay experience. In this section, we will examine the gaming experience offered by the AMD A8 APU with ATI Radeon HD 6550D while playing Shift 2 Unleashed.

7. Video Settings and Performance in Shift 2 Unleashed

Similar to Dirt 3, adjusting the video settings in Shift 2 Unleashed is crucial for an immersive gaming experience. Here, we will explore the recommended video settings and evaluate the performance of the integrated graphics solution in Shift 2 Unleashed.

8. Temperature and Stability of the Machine

Temperature and stability are vital aspects to consider when evaluating a gaming machine. In this section, we will assess the temperature levels and overall stability of the AMD A8 APU with ATI Radeon HD 6550D during long gaming Sessions.

9. Upgradability and Cost-effectiveness

One of the advantages of the AMD A8 APU with ATI Radeon HD 6550D is its upgradability. This section will delve into the potential for upgrades, specifically the ability to harness the power of a discrete graphics card alongside the integrated graphics, providing users with increased performance for gaming.

10. Conclusion

To conclude, the AMD A8 APU with ATI Radeon HD 6550D offers excellent gaming performance at an affordable price point. With its integrated graphics solution, it proves to be a viable option for gamers on a budget. While it may not match the performance of a full-blown discrete graphics card, it delivers smooth gameplay and impressive visuals in popular games. The machine's upgradability adds further value, allowing users to enhance their gaming experience in the future.


  • The AMD A8 APU with ATI Radeon HD 6550D provides cost-effective gaming performance.
  • The integrated graphics solution eliminates the need for a discrete graphics card.
  • Dirt 3 and Shift 2 Unleashed serve as benchmark games to test the performance of the machine.
  • Fine-tuning video settings is crucial for optimal performance in both games.
  • The machine showcases stability and acceptable temperature levels during long gaming sessions.
  • Upgradability options include the ability to combine the power of integrated and discrete graphics cards.


Q: Can the AMD A8 APU with ATI Radeon HD 6550D handle graphically demanding games? A: While it may not reach the performance levels of a discrete graphics card, the AMD A8 APU with ATI Radeon HD 6550D can handle most graphically demanding games with decent performance.

Q: Is the machine upgradeable? A: Yes, the AMD A8 APU with ATI Radeon HD 6550D offers upgradability, allowing users to enhance performance by adding a discrete graphics card.

Q: What is the cost-effectiveness of this machine? A: The AMD A8 APU with ATI Radeon HD 6550D provides an attractive balance between performance and price, making it a cost-effective solution for gamers on a budget.

Q: Are there any temperature issues during long gaming sessions? A: The machine exhibits acceptable temperature levels and stability during extended gaming sessions.

Q: Can the machine achieve smooth gameplay in popular games? A: Yes, the AMD A8 APU with ATI Radeon HD 6550D delivers smooth gameplay and impressive visuals in popular games, ensuring an enjoyable gaming experience.


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