Unleashing the Power of the RX 250: GTA & Fortnite Performance 2022

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Unleashing the Power of the RX 250: GTA & Fortnite Performance 2022

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Quest for a Budget PC
  3. The Elusive Video Card
  4. Meet the Ghost Series XFR
  5. The Sad Truth of Aging Components
  6. The Challenges of the Current Times
  7. The Allure of Gaming
  8. The Performance of the RX 250
  9. Frustrations and Limitations
  10. Fortnite Performance Review
  11. Tackling Grand Theft Auto
  12. The End of the Gaming Adventure


The Quest for a Budget PC

The Elusive Video Card

Meet the Ghost Series XFR

The Sad Truth of Aging Components

The Challenges of the Current Times

The Allure of Gaming

The Performance of the RX 250

Frustrations and Limitations

Fortnite Performance Review

Tackling Grand Theft Auto

The End of the Gaming Adventure

🖥️ Gaming on a Budget: The RX 250 Experience

Have you ever considered building a budget PC? In a world where video cards have become as rare as diamonds and supply chains are constantly disrupted, finding the perfect components for a gaming rig can be a challenging endeavor. Join me on my quest as I dive into the world of budget PC building and put the Ghost Series XFR, specifically the RX 250, to the test. Let's find out if this dated video card can handle popular games like Fortnite and Grand Theft Auto.


Building a budget PC can be a rewarding experience for gamers on a tight budget. However, finding the right components, especially a decent video card, can be a daunting task in today's market. In this article, we'll explore the journey of assembling a budget gaming rig and examine the performance of the RX 250, a video card from the Ghost Series XFR.

The Quest for a Budget PC

Looking to build a budget gaming PC can stem from various motivations. Perhaps you're a casual gamer who wants to dip their toes into the world of gaming without breaking the bank. Or maybe you're a seasoned gamer who loves the thrill of optimizing performance within the constraints of a limited budget. Whatever the reason, building a budget PC presents its own set of challenges and rewards.

The Elusive Video Card

One of the biggest challenges faced by budget PC builders is the scarcity of video cards. With the demand for high-performance graphics cards outstripping supply, obtaining a quality video card has become akin to a treasure hunt. The RX 250 from the Ghost Series XFR caught my attention due to its affordability and availability, despite its age. Let's see if it lives up to its reputation.

Meet the Ghost Series XFR

The Ghost Series XFR is a line of gaming components known for their reliability and cost-effectiveness. The RX 250, a member of this series, claims to deliver decent gaming performance without breaking the bank. Let's examine this video card and see what it has to offer.

The Sad Truth of Aging Components

In the world of technology, advancements are made at a rapid pace. What was once top-of-the-line quickly becomes outdated, and the RX 250 is no exception. With its release almost a decade ago, it's disheartening to realize that this aged video card is still sought after due to the scarcity of newer models. However, its price point can still make it an attractive option for budget-conscious gamers.

The Challenges of the Current Times

Obtaining the necessary components for a budget gaming PC is not just restricted to video cards. The global chip shortage and disrupted supply chains have affected various industries, with the auto industry being hit particularly hard. As the rich get richer and the income gap widens, the struggle for resources becomes more pronounced. In this context, finding affordable hardware for a budget PC becomes a small victory in the greater scheme of things.

The Allure of Gaming

Despite the challenges faced in assembling a budget PC, the allure of gaming remains strong. Whether you're diving into the immersive world of Fortnite or wreaking havoc in Grand Theft Auto, the joy and excitement of gaming are universal. With the RX 250 in HAND, it's time to put it to the test and see if it can handle these popular games.

The Performance of the RX 250

After booting up the system, the RX 250 is identified by Windows as an R7 200 series. Despite not being top-of-the-line, the performance of this video card is surprisingly decent. With an average of 31 frames per Second, it offers gameplay quality on par with the i5 10th generation integrated graphics. Considering its age and affordable price point, this is quite impressive.

Frustrations and Limitations

While the RX 250 performs admirably in certain games, its limitations become evident in more demanding titles. The choppy frame rates and lack of fluidity can detract from the overall gaming experience. Overclocking the CPU and GPU does improve performance slightly, but it is clear that the RX 250 struggles to keep up with modern games.

Fortnite Performance Review

Fortnite, one of the most popular battle royale games, showcases the RX 250's capabilities. With settings tweaked, the video card manages to deliver around 30 frames per second in less crowded areas, and occasionally reaches 60 frames per second. However, the game occasionally freezes, reminding us that this budget graphics card has its limitations.

Tackling Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto, a Game known for its detailed open-world environment, presents a more significant challenge for the RX 250. While it can handle the game at around 60 frames per second in some less demanding areas, the subpar textures and slow rendering of objects, especially trees, hinder the overall gaming experience. It becomes clear that the RX 250 is not built for high-end gaming.

The End of the Gaming Adventure

As my gaming adventure with the RX 250 comes to a close, it's evident that this budget video card has its pros and cons. While it offers an affordable entry into the world of PC gaming and can deliver decent performance in less demanding games, it struggles to keep up with modern titles. Ultimately, the decision to opt for a budget PC depends on your expectations and priorities as a gamer.


  • Building a budget PC has its challenges and rewards.
  • Scarcity of video cards is a significant hurdle for budget PC builders.
  • The RX 250 from the Ghost Series XFR offers affordability and availability.
  • Despite its age, the RX 250 remains a sought-after option due to scarcity.
  • The global chip shortage and income gap affect hardware availability.
  • Gaming provides a universal allure, despite the challenges.
  • The RX 250 offers surprising performance for its age and price.
  • Limitations become apparent when playing more demanding games.
  • Fortnite performance is decent, but occasional freezes are noticeable.
  • Grand Theft Auto presents more significant challenges, highlighting the limitations of the RX 250.


Q: Is the RX 250 a good option for budget PC gamers? A: The RX 250 offers decent performance for its price, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious gamers. However, its limitations become evident in more demanding games.

Q: Can the RX 250 handle popular games like Fortnite and Grand Theft Auto? A: The RX 250 can handle less demanding games like Fortnite quite well, delivering around 30-60 frames per second. However, it struggles with more graphics-intensive games like Grand Theft Auto due to its age and lower performance capabilities.

Q: Are there any alternatives to the RX 250 for budget PC gamers? A: While the RX 250 is a viable option, there are other budget-friendly video cards available on the market. It's essential to research and compare different options to find the best fit for your specific gaming needs and budget.

Q: How much does the RX 250 typically cost? A: The price of the RX 250 can vary depending on availability and seller. On average, it can be found for around $60, excluding shipping costs.

Q: Is building a budget PC worth it in the current market? A: Building a budget PC can be a worthwhile endeavor, especially if you prioritize affordability and have the patience to navigate the challenges of the current market. It allows you to enter the world of PC gaming without breaking the bank, although compromises in performance may be necessary.

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