Unlock 4:3 Stretched Display on AMD Drivers

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Unlock 4:3 Stretched Display on AMD Drivers

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Background on AMD driver update
  3. The issue with four by three stretch in CS:GO and Fortnite
  4. Steps to enable four by three stretch on AMD drivers
  5. Resolution settings for four by three stretch
  6. Other recommended settings for optimal gameplay
  7. Benefits of using four by three stretch
  8. Potential downsides of using four by three stretch
  9. Conclusion
  10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Enabling Four by Three Stretch on AMD Drivers

The gaming community has been buzzing lately about the recent AMD driver update and its impact on the beloved four by three stretch feature in games like CS:GO and Fortnite. In this article, we will dive into how to enable four by three stretch on AMD drivers and explore the benefits and potential downsides of using this display setting.


For many AMD users, the latest driver update has caused some concern. One of the most noticeable changes is the removal of the four by three stretch feature, which has been a go-to setting for gamers seeking a competitive edge. In response to this, we have put together a step-by-step guide on how to enable four by three stretch on AMD drivers, ensuring that you can continue to enjoy your favorite games with the display settings you prefer.

Background on AMD Driver Update

With the release of the AMD driver update version 19.12.3, several changes have been introduced, including modifications to display settings. While these updates bring improvements in various aspects, they have unintentionally impacted the ability to use the four by three stretch feature. This has left many AMD users frustrated, as four by three stretch has become a popular choice among gamers for its distinct advantages in competitive play.

The Issue with Four by Three Stretch in CS:GO and Fortnite

Before we delve into the steps to enable four by three stretch on AMD drivers, let's first understand the significance of this feature in games like CS:GO and Fortnite. Four by three stretch refers to the practice of stretching a lower resolution, such as 1024x768, to fit a higher resolution display.

By doing so, players are able to gain an expanded field of view, increasing their peripheral vision and allowing for greater situational awareness. This can be particularly advantageous in fast-paced games where split-Second decisions can make all the difference.

Steps to Enable Four by Three Stretch on AMD Drivers

Now that we have established the importance of four by three stretch, let's go through the steps to enable this feature on AMD drivers.

  1. Update your AMD drivers to the latest version (19.12.3 or newer).
  2. Open the AMD Radeon Settings by right-clicking on your desktop and selecting it from the menu.
  3. In the Radeon Settings, click on the "Display" tab.
  4. Identify the main display you want to enable the four by three stretch on and hover over it. You should see a red Outline appear.
  5. Click on the display with the red outline and navigate to the "Scaling Mode" setting.
  6. If the scaling mode is not already set to "Full Panel," switch it to "Full Panel."
  7. Next, change the scaling mode to "Preserve Aspect Ratio" and then switch it back to "Full Panel."
  8. Open the "Gaming" tab in the Radeon Settings.
  9. Locate the Game you want to enable the four by three stretch on (e.g., CS:GO or Fortnite).
  10. For the selected game, find the "Scaling Mode" setting and switch it to "Full Panel."

Congratulations! You have successfully enabled four by three stretch on your AMD drivers. Now, let's explore some additional settings to enhance your gameplay experience.

Resolution Settings for Four by Three Stretch

Once you have enabled four by three stretch on your AMD drivers, you need to choose the appropriate resolution settings. The most commonly used resolution for four by three stretch is 1024x768. However, other resolutions, such as 1280x960 or 1440x1080, can also be used depending on personal preference.

Experiment with different resolutions to find the one that best suits your gameplay style and monitor setup. Keep in mind that higher resolutions may result in a more pixelated image, while lower resolutions may sacrifice Clarity for increased performance.

Other Recommended Settings for Optimal Gameplay

While enabling four by three stretch is a crucial step in maximizing your gaming experience, there are several other settings you can adjust to further enhance gameplay. Here are some recommended settings to consider:

  1. Image Sharpening: Enable image sharpening for a crisper and clearer image. A setting of 100% sharpness is recommended for four by three stretch.
  2. Aspect Ratio: Ensure that your monitor's aspect ratio matches the resolution you have selected for four by three stretch. This will prevent distortion and maintain proper scaling.
  3. Field of View (FOV): Adjust the FOV settings within your game to complement the increased peripheral vision provided by four by three stretch. Experiment with different FOV values to find the optimal balance between visibility and distortion.

By fine-tuning these settings, you can tailor your gaming experience to suit your preferences and gain a competitive edge on the virtual battleground.

Benefits of Using Four by Three Stretch

Using four by three stretch offers several benefits for gamers aiming to optimize their performance:

  1. Increased Field of View: Four by three stretch expands your field of view, allowing you to see more of the game world and react faster to potential threats.
  2. Enhanced Situational Awareness: With a wider field of view, you can better monitor your surroundings, minimizing blind spots and gaining an advantage over opponents.
  3. Improved Target Acquisition: The stretched display can make targets appear larger, making it easier to spot enemies and improve your aiming accuracy.

Potential Downsides of Using Four by Three Stretch

While four by three stretch has its advantages, it's important to consider potential downsides before making it your default display setting:

  1. Visual Distortion: Stretching a lower resolution to fit a higher resolution display can introduce visual artifacts and distortion. This may impact image clarity and overall visual fidelity.
  2. Reduced Detail: Using a lower resolution may result in a loss of detail, making it harder to discern fine textures and small objects in the game environment.
  3. Incompatibility with Some Games: Not all games support four by three stretch or may not handle it well. Certain UI elements or HUDs may appear distorted or clipped, affecting gameplay.

Consider these factors when deciding whether to use four by three stretch, weighing the potential gameplay benefits against any trade-offs in visual quality and compatibility.


In conclusion, the recent AMD driver update has raised concerns among gamers who rely on four by three stretch for optimized gameplay. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can enable four by three stretch on your AMD drivers and continue enjoying the benefits it offers.

Remember to experiment with different resolution and setting combinations to find the optimal configuration for your gaming preferences. While there are potential downsides to using four by three stretch, its advantages in terms of increased field of view and situational awareness make it a popular choice among competitive gamers.

So go ahead and adjust your AMD settings, dive back into your favorite games, and experience the power of four by three stretch firsthand. Happy gaming!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I enable four by three stretch on NVIDIA graphics cards? A: Yes, four by three stretch can also be enabled on NVIDIA graphics cards. The process may vary slightly, but the concept remains the same. Refer to the NVIDIA control panel settings and look for options related to aspect ratio and scaling.

Q: Will enabling four by three stretch improve my gaming performance? A: Enabling four by three stretch itself does not directly impact gaming performance. However, the increased field of view and improved visibility can potentially enhance your gameplay by providing a competitive advantage.

Q: Can I use a custom resolution for four by three stretch? A: Yes, you can use a custom resolution for four by three stretch. Experiment with different resolutions to find the one that suits your preferences and monitor capabilities.

Q: Will using four by three stretch give me a significant advantage over other players? A: Four by three stretch can provide an advantage in terms of increased field of view and situational awareness. However, individual gameplay skill and strategy also play a significant role in overall performance.

Q: Are there any risks or drawbacks to enabling four by three stretch? A: The main drawbacks of four by three stretch include potential visual distortion, reduced detail, and compatibility issues with certain games. Consider these factors and test different settings to find the right balance for your gaming experience.

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