Unlock FPS and Enhance Graphics in Dead by Daylight

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Unlock FPS and Enhance Graphics in Dead by Daylight

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Exploring Graphic Optimization in Dead by Daylight
  3. Navigating to the System Folder
  4. Editing the Engine File
  5. Unlocking FPS in the Game User Settings
  6. Adjusting Graphics Settings
  7. Final Tweaks to Unlock FPS
  8. Enhancing the Game's Visuals
  9. Conclusion
  10. Frequently Asked Questions


Are you a Steam or Epic PC player struggling with low FPS in Dead by Daylight? Or maybe you're a new player looking to optimize your graphics for the best gaming experience? You've come to the right place. In this article, I will guide you through a few simple steps to boost your FPS and optimize your graphics settings. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, these tips will help you make Dead by Daylight run smoothly with high FPS and the best graphics possible.

Exploring Graphic Optimization in Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight offers limited options for graphic optimization. In fact, there are only two settings that can change the overall graphics and render quality. The first step is to explore every parameter available, such as visual terror radius controller, speed hot scaling, and more. Adjust these settings to your liking and then close the game. Remember, all the next steps must be done with the client closed.

Navigating to the System Folder

To optimize the graphics further, we need to navigate to the system folder of the game. Start by accessing the app data folder, which is usually invisible by default. You can make it visible by going to Properties or pressing Windows+R and entering the provided line. Once you're in the app data roaming folder, navigate through the paths shown on the screen. It's important to note that Steam and Epic Games have different final folders, so keep that in mind.

Editing the Engine File

Within the game's system folder, you'll find two files that you can edit to improve graphics and gameplay. One of them is the engine file. Open it in Notepad and add the provided lines at the end of the file. These lines will make the game respond more quickly and smoothly to your actions. If you don't want to edit the file manually, you can download my files from Google Drive. Just ensure that the file is in a read-only state by right-clicking on it, selecting Properties, and checking the "Read-only" box. This prevents the game from overwriting the changes.

Unlocking FPS in the Game User Settings

Now, let's move on to the most important file for unlocking FPS: the game user settings file. Open it in Notepad and you'll see a plethora of settings. These settings are specific to your game, which is why it's crucial to adjust them while you're in the game itself. Focus on the graphics settings first.

Adjusting Graphics Settings

The first group of settings to consider is the scalability groups. These settings range from 0 to 4, with 0 being low, 1 being normal, 2 being high, 3 being ultra, and 4 being the ultra Package d10k. If you have a high-end PC, it's recommended to leave them at 4. However, if you have a lower-performing PC, set everything to 0. If you want crisp, good-looking graphics without putting a strain on your PC, adjust them manually.

Resolution quality determines the rendering quality. It's advisable to leave it at 100 for optimal results. Lower values tend to make the graphics look unappealing. View distance should be set to the lowest value possible to increase FPS if your PC struggles with higher numbers.

Anti-aliasing can be set around one or two for a balance between visual quality and performance. Higher values tend to smooth out the edges but can impact FPS. Shadow quality is personal preference, but a higher value can improve both visuals and visibility.

Post-processing quality doesn't make a significant difference, so leaving it at zero is recommended. Texture quality should be set as high as your GPU can handle, as it greatly enhances the overall visual experience. FX quality and the use of footage and shading animation quality can be set to zero as they have minimal effect on gameplay.

Final Tweaks to Unlock FPS

After adjusting the graphics settings, save the changes made to the game user settings file. Now, let's focus on unlocking FPS. Start by checking the resolution section. There should be a total of 6 lines. Manually adjust them to match your monitor's resolution.

Next, you'll need to turn off Vsync (vertical synchronization). This setting locks the frame rate. To disable Vsync, change the line "bUseVsync=True" to "bUseVsync=False".

Lastly, look for the line called "FrameRateLimit" and set the FPS limit to your monitor's refresh rate or leave it at the preferred FPS. Even if you have a 60Hz monitor, aiming for 120 FPS will result in a smoother gameplay experience. Save the changes, close the file, and don't forget to check the "Read-only" box. Now, launch the game and enjoy Dead by Daylight like never before.

Enhancing the Game's Visuals

If you find the game to be too dark and difficult to see, there's a solution for that as well. In the video provided, instructions on how to make your game look brighter and more visually appealing are shown. This will enhance your overall gaming experience and make Dead by Daylight more enjoyable. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss it.


In conclusion, optimizing the graphics and unlocking the FPS in Dead by Daylight is possible with a few simple steps. By exploring the graphic optimization options, editing the necessary files, and adjusting the graphics settings, you can greatly improve your gaming experience. Remember to save the changes, set the files to read-only, and enjoy Dead by Daylight with smooth gameplay and stunning visuals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can these optimization tips be applied to console versions of the game? A: No, these tips are specifically for Steam and Epic PC players.

Q: Will these changes affect the performance of my PC? A: The changes are aimed at improving performance and FPS. However, it's advisable to have a PC that meets the minimum system requirements for Dead by Daylight.

Q: Are there any risks involved in editing game files? A: Editing game files carries a minimal risk. However, following the instructions provided and setting the files to read-only should prevent any undesired modifications. As always, it's recommended to create a backup of the files before making any changes.

Q: Will these optimization tips work for other games as well? A: The optimization tips mentioned in this article are specific to Dead by Daylight. However, some concepts can be applied to other games with similar settings.

Q: Can I revert the changes if I'm not satisfied with the results? A: Yes, you can revert the changes by either removing the lines added to the files or restoring the backup files you created before editing.


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