Unlocking the Power of Intel AMT and ISM | A Comparison

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Unlocking the Power of Intel AMT and ISM | A Comparison

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Intel Active Management Technology (AMT)
    1. Features of AMT
  3. Intel Standard Manageability (ISM)
    1. Features of ISM
  4. Comparison between AMT and ISM
    1. Remote Management Capabilities
    2. Wake-up Timers
    3. Wi-Fi and Cloud-based Management
    4. Tools for Managing AMT and ISM Devices
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQs

🖥️ Intel Active Management Technology (AMT)

Intel Active Management Technology (AMT) is a management technology that has been a key part of the Intel vPro platform since its inception. It offers extensive remote management capabilities and is designed to provide hardware-level control over devices. With features like KVM remote control, AMT allows administrators to have remote keyboard, video, and mouse access to devices.

Some notable features of Intel AMT include:

  • Remote control access through KVM
  • Configuration profiles and APIs
  • Support for wired and wireless network connections
  • Cloud-based hardware management

💻 Intel Standard Manageability (ISM)

Intel Standard Manageability (ISM) is another management technology offered by Intel. It is similar to AMT but provides a subset of the capabilities found in AMT. ISM has been around for several years and is gaining attention as part of the Intel vPro Essentials platform.

Key features of Intel ISM include:

  • Subset of management capabilities found in AMT
  • Configuration profiles and APIs
  • Support for wired network connections (prior to Intel vPro Essentials)
  • Support for wireless network connections (with Intel vPro Essentials)
  • Cloud-based hardware management (with Intel vPro Essentials)

💡 Comparison between AMT and ISM

When comparing Intel AMT and ISM, there are several key differences in their management features.

Remote Management Capabilities

Intel AMT offers the most extensive remote management capabilities of the two technologies. It provides features like KVM remote control, which allows administrators to have remote hardware-level keyboard, video, and mouse access to devices. ISM, on the other HAND, offers a subset of these capabilities.

Wake-up Timers

One difference between AMT and ISM is support for pre-defined wake-up timers, also known as alarm clocks. This feature is available in ISM but not in AMT or on dash platforms.

Wi-Fi and Cloud-based Management

Another significant difference is the support for Wi-Fi network connections and cloud-based hardware management. While AMT supports both of these capabilities, they were not available on dash platforms. However, with the launch of Intel vPro Essentials, ISM now offers support for Wi-Fi and cloud-based management, making it possible to manage laptop form factors and provide remote hardware-level management.

Tools for Managing AMT and ISM Devices

When it comes to managing AMT and ISM devices, there are no different tools needed. Intel vPro's management software, Intel Emma, has supported Intel AMT from the start and will also support ISM devices starting with the 12th generation Intel vPro platforms. The configuration profiles, APIs, and user interface for managing AMT and ISM are the same. Intel Emma detects whether the device being managed is AMT or ISM based and adapts accordingly. This unified approach simplifies the management process for administrators.

📝 Conclusion

In conclusion, Intel Active Management Technology (AMT) and Intel Standard Manageability (ISM) are management technologies offered by Intel. AMT provides extensive remote management capabilities, including KVM remote control and support for wired and wireless network connections. ISM offers a subset of these features and was primarily limited to wired network connections before the launch of Intel vPro Essentials. With the new platform, ISM now supports Wi-Fi and cloud-based management, allowing for remote management of laptops and hardware-level management. Despite their differences, both AMT and ISM can be managed using the same tools and configuration profiles through Intel Emma.


Q: Can I use the same tools to manage Intel AMT and ISM devices? A: Yes, Intel Emma, the management software, supports both Intel AMT and ISM devices. The configuration profiles, APIs, and user interface are the same for both technologies.

Q: What are the key differences between Intel AMT and ISM? A: The main differences lie in their remote management capabilities. Intel AMT offers more extensive features, such as KVM remote control, while ISM provides a subset of these capabilities. Additionally, ISM supports Wi-Fi and cloud-based management, which were not available on AMT or dash platforms.

Q: Can ISM devices be managed remotely? A: Yes, with the launch of Intel vPro Essentials, ISM now supports remote management capabilities, including Wi-Fi and cloud-based management. This allows for managing laptop form factors and providing hardware-level management remotely.

Q: Do wake-up timers work with both AMT and ISM? A: Wake-up timers, also known as alarm clocks, are supported in ISM but not in AMT or on dash platforms.

Q: Are there any limitations of managing ISM devices compared to AMT? A: ISM offers a subset of the capabilities found in AMT. While it provides remote management features, it does not have the full extent of hardware-level control and access that AMT offers through features like KVM remote control.

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