Unlocking the Power of Virtualization with Zen Server 6.2 and Nvidia Grid

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Unlocking the Power of Virtualization with Zen Server 6.2 and Nvidia Grid

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Zen Server 6.2 and Nvidia GRID
  3. Housekeeping and Webinar Overview
  4. Virtualization and its Characteristics
  5. Citrix XenApp and ZenDesktop
  6. Nvidia Grid Technology and VGPU
    • Basic Introduction to VGPU Technology
    • Technical Details and Specifications of Grid Cards
    • VGPU Profiles and User Group Considerations
    • Impact of VGPU Technology in the Market
    • Cost Savings and Benefits of VGPU Deployment
  7. Conclusion


In this article, we will dive into the world of virtualization and explore the power of Zen Server 6.2 and Nvidia Grid. Virtualization has emerged as a Game-changing technology, enabling businesses to centralize their data, applications, and management, and deliver them as on-demand services to any user, on any device, at any time. With the introduction of Nvidia Grid and VGPU technology, virtualization has become even more powerful, particularly for CAD users and designers who require high-performance graphics processing. Join us as we uncover the intricacies of virtualization, the benefits of Zen Server 6.2 and Nvidia Grid, and the impact it has on the market.

Understanding Zen Server 6.2 and Nvidia Grid

Housekeeping and Webinar Overview

Before we delve into the details, let's Take Care of some housekeeping matters. Firstly, this webinar will be recorded and made available on our YouTube Channel, so you can access it at your convenience. We understand that time is of the essence, so we will try to keep this webinar fairly short and punchy, lasting approximately 30 minutes. Due to time constraints, we will not be able to take questions during the session, but feel free to reach out to us afterward for further discussions. Our team of virtualization specialists is always ready to assist you. Now, let's jump into the exciting world of Zen Server 6.2 and Nvidia Grid.

Virtualization and its Characteristics

At its core, virtualization is all about centralizing and virtualizing resources. By centralizing data, processing, and management, businesses gain the ability to deliver these resources as an on-demand service to users, regardless of their devices or operating systems. This centralized approach allows for greater scalability, as processing power is shared among multiple users, rather than being constrained to individual workstations. Additionally, virtualization simplifies data and application management, improves security, and enhances productivity. It is a cost-effective solution that offers flexibility and mobility to businesses.

Citrix XenApp and ZenDesktop

Within the realm of virtualization, Citrix has been a pivotal player, offering powerful solutions such as XenApp and ZenDesktop. These products have been instrumental in deploying CAD software and providing virtualized work environments. XenApp, in particular, has been widely used to Scale CAD deployments, allowing approximately 20 CAD users per physical server. However, the traditional one-to-one relationship between users and graphics processing units (GPUs) posed certain limitations in terms of scalability. That's where Nvidia Grid enters the picture.

Nvidia Grid Technology and VGPU

Nvidia Grid technology revolutionizes the GPU landscape, enabling businesses to offload graphics processing from CPUs to virtualized environments. This groundbreaking technology allows for the sharing of GPU hardware acceleration between multiple virtual desktops, without compromising the graphics experience. With the introduction of the VGX hypervisor embedded in the Grid cards, we now have new deployment options that take virtualization for CAD and design users to the next level. These options include GPU pass-through or direct path, as well as the virtualization of the GPU itself, known as VGPU.

Basic Introduction to VGPU Technology

VGPU technology enables virtual machines (VMs) to directly pass graphics commands to the GPU without translation by the hypervisor. This allows for Parallel processing and improved performance, as the GPU can launch new kernels and dynamically spawn new Threads simultaneously. The VGPU technology supports key graphics APIs such as OpenGL, DirectX, and Nvidia CUDA, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of CAD applications and enhancing the user experience.

Technical Details and Specifications of Grid Cards

To fully understand the capabilities of VGPU, let's take a closer look at the Grid cards offered by Nvidia. The Grid K1 card features 16 GB of memory and four Kepler 107 GPUs, offering 768 CUDA cores. With this card, we can scale up to 32 users, depending on the VGPU profiles assigned to each user. On the other HAND, the Grid K2 card provides eight GB of memory and two Kepler GK104 GPUs, offering a whopping 3,072 CUDA cores. This card is especially suitable for power users and can support up to 16 users, depending on their specific requirements. The availability of different VGPU profiles allows for flexibility in allocating GPU resources to different user groups based on their needs.

VGPU Profiles and User Group Considerations

When deploying VGPU technology, it is essential to consider the different VGPU profiles and how they Align with user requirements. These profiles determine the amount of memory allocated to each VM, the number of screens and their resolutions, and the type of users they cater to. For instance, knowledge workers who primarily deal with 2D applications can benefit from the Grid K1 card, which offers a higher number of users per card, while power users working with 3D applications might require the greater CUDA cores and memory provided by the Grid K2 card. Careful consideration of user groups and their specific needs ensures optimal resource allocation and performance.

Impact of VGPU Technology in the Market

The introduction of VGPU technology by Citrix and Nvidia has solidified their positions as industry leaders in virtualization, particularly in the CAD and design user markets. With the availability of full virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) and the remarkable scalability offered by VGPU profiles, businesses can now tailor their deployments to suit diverse user groups effectively. Furthermore, the compatibility between various applications, tools, and plugins on a single virtualized desktop environment enables seamless collaboration and enhances productivity. The cost savings, improved mobility, and enhanced security make VGPU deployments an attractive proposition for businesses.

Cost Savings and Benefits of VGPU Deployment

Virtualization, in general, brings significant cost savings and benefits to businesses. By centralizing data, applications, and management, the total cost of ownership reduces, while return on investment increases. Workstation deployments become more efficient, as targeted application and toolsets are delivered Instantly to users. The flexibility of virtualization allows for easy scalability, enabling businesses to respond to changing project needs. Additionally, virtualization provides enhanced security by keeping data within a centralized data center, mitigating the risks associated with data transfer outside the corporate network. With VGPU deployments, businesses can achieve workstation-comparable performance, improving productivity among CAD and design users.


In conclusion, Zen Server 6.2 and Nvidia Grid have revolutionized the virtualization landscape for CAD and design users. The power of VGPU technology, combined with the scalability and flexibility of Zen Server and Citrix solutions, offers a compelling proposition for businesses seeking high-performance virtualized environments. Whether it's deploying virtualized applications through XenApp or creating full VDI deployments with ZenDesktop, the possibilities are endless. The market impact of this technology is significant, with cost savings, improved mobility, and enhanced security driving its adoption. As virtualization specialists, we are here to assist you in navigating this exciting new era of virtualization. Feel free to reach out to us for further discussions, explore our website for more information, and check out our YouTube channel for additional resources.

Please note: The content of this article is for informational purposes only. The reader should consult with professionals and conduct further research before making any decisions or implementations.

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