Unveiling the Flawed Beauty of ATI RADEON HD 4870 x2

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Unveiling the Flawed Beauty of ATI RADEON HD 4870 x2

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Reviewing Computer Parts on YouTube
  3. The Asus Radeon HD 4870 X2: A Blast from the Past
    • 3.1 Not DirectX 11 Compatible
    • 3.2 Twin GPUs for Extra Fun
    • 3.3 A Stunning Design
    • 3.4 Launch and Specs
  4. Comparing the Radeon HD 4870 X2 with its Competitors
    • 4.1 Nvidia's GTX 295 Dual GPU Solution
    • 4.2 The Radeon's Performance in Crisis
  5. Troublesome Issues with the Radeon HD 4870 X2
    • 5.1 Overheating and Artifacts
    • 5.2 Attempted Troubleshooting
    • 5.3 The Final Verdict: A Failed Card
  6. An Alternative: The Nvidia GTX 3870
  7. Future Plans: Exploring the GTX 590 and Quad SLI
  8. A Consolation Prize: Check Out f2f Text's Review
  9. Support the Channel and Conclusion

🖥️ The Asus Radeon HD 4870 X2: A Blast from the Past 🎮

In the world of computer hardware, there are always those nostalgic moments when we look back at the devices that once ruled the market. Today, we'll be taking a trip down Memory Lane as we delve into a review of the Asus Radeon HD 4870 X2. This graphics card, with its unique features and impressive performance, captured the hearts of gamers and tech enthusiasts alike. So, let's dive in and rediscover this gem from 10 years ago.

1. Introduction

In this article, we will explore the Asus Radeon HD 4870 X2, a powerful graphics card that made waves in the tech community. We will discuss its features, specifications, and performance compared to its competitors at the time. Additionally, we will address any issues that arose with this card and attempt to troubleshoot them. Finally, we'll touch on future plans, including the exploration of other notable graphics cards like the GTX 590 and Quad SLI.

2. Reviewing Computer Parts on YouTube

Before we dive into the details of the Asus Radeon HD 4870 X2, let's take a moment to appreciate the platform where this review originated from - YouTube. Timmy Joe, a renowned tech reviewer, has dedicated his channel to providing honest and in-depth reviews of various computer parts. His passion for graphics cards, in particular, shines through as he shares his thoughts and experiences with his audience. It's through channels like Timmy Joe's that we gain valuable insights into the world of computer hardware.

3. The Asus Radeon HD 4870 X2: A Blast from the Past

3.1 Not DirectX 11 Compatible

One notable aspect of the Asus Radeon HD 4870 X2 is its lack of DirectX 11 compatibility. Although this may be a downside in today's standards, it's important to remember that this graphics card was released in 2008, a time when DirectX 10.1 was the standard. While it may not have the latest capabilities, this card served its purpose well during its prime.

3.2 Twin GPUs for Extra Fun

What sets the Asus Radeon HD 4870 X2 apart from its competitors is its dual GPU setup. With two GPUs working in tandem, this graphics card delivered exceptional performance, especially when it came to demanding tasks like gaming and graphics rendering. The inclusion of twin GPUs was a unique selling point for this card and made it a favorite among enthusiastic gamers.

3.3 A Stunning Design

In terms of aesthetics, the Asus Radeon HD 4870 X2 deserves recognition. Its design showcases the attention to detail of the Asus engineers. From the cool box to the beautiful girl adorned on the card's casing, this graphics card exudes an air of elegance. The distinct heatsink design, with its unconventional placement and eye-catching RGB lighting, adds a touch of artistry to the overall look.

3.4 Launch and Specs

The Asus Radeon HD 4870 X2 was launched on August 12th, 2008. At the time, it was considered a top-tier graphics card and boasted impressive specifications. Powered by an ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2 GPU and equipped with 2 gigabytes of GDDR5 memory, this card promised a smooth and immersive gaming experience. With compatibility for Microsoft DirectX 10.1 and OpenGL 2, it supported the latest gaming technologies of its era.

4. Comparing the Radeon HD 4870 X2 with its Competitors

4.1 Nvidia's GTX 295 Dual GPU Solution

Just a few months later, Nvidia released its GTX 295, a formidable competitor to the Radeon HD 4870 X2. This dual GPU solution outperformed the Radeon in several key aspects, leaving enthusiasts in awe of its capabilities. With a smaller fabrication node and improved efficiency, the GTX 295 stole the title of the fastest card on the market.

4.2 The Radeon's Performance in Crisis

One benchmark that showcased the Radeon HD 4870 X2's performance was the Game Crisis. In comparison to previous benchmarks, the Radeon fared well and delivered a significant FPS boost. However, it fell short when compared to Nvidia's GTX 295, which offered even better performance. Nonetheless, the Radeon HD 4870 X2 remained a solid choice for gamers who wanted a high-end graphics card.

5. Troublesome Issues with the Radeon HD 4870 X2

5.1 Overheating and Artifacts

Despite its impressive features, the Asus Radeon HD 4870 X2 faced challenges in terms of overheating and artifacting. The thin copper heatsink and lack of a vapor chamber led to high temperatures and inefficient cooling. This resulted in frequent artifacts and unstable performance, making it difficult for users to fully utilize the card's capabilities.

5.2 Attempted Troubleshooting

Efforts were made to troubleshoot the Radeon HD 4870 X2's issues. From fresh thermal paste application to replacing thermal pads, enthusiasts tried various methods to improve the card's performance. However, due to design flaws and power delivery component degradation, these efforts often proved unsuccessful.

5.3 The Final Verdict: A Failed Card

In the end, the Asus Radeon HD 4870 X2 proved to be a challenging card to work with. Despite its impressive design and initial performance, it became clear that this graphics card was plagued with inherent issues. The lack of proper cooling and the impossibility of disabling one of the GPUs contributed to its ultimate downfall. While it retains its Charm as a collectible item, functionality-wise, it is no longer a viable choice in today's fast-paced gaming landscape.

6. An Alternative: The Nvidia GTX 3870

For those seeking an alternative to the Radeon HD 4870 X2, the Nvidia GTX 3870 presents itself as a viable option. With improved cooling and better GPU management, this graphics card offers stability and satisfactory performance. While not as powerful as its Radeon counterpart, the GTX 3870 provides a solid gaming experience and can be a suitable replacement.

7. Future Plans: Exploring the GTX 590 and Quad SLI

Moving forward, there are exciting prospects on the horizon. The exploration of other notable graphics cards, such as the GTX 590, will allow enthusiasts to experience the cutting edge of technology. Additionally, the concept of Quad SLI, where two GTX 590 cards are used simultaneously, promises to deliver exceptional performance and push the limits of gaming and rendering capabilities.

8. A Consolation Prize: Check Out f2f Text's Review

Before we conclude, it's important to acknowledge f2f Text, another prominent tech reviewer on YouTube. His comprehensive review of the Asus Radeon HD 4870 X2 provides deep insights into the technical aspects of the card. From detailed benchmarks to scientific explanations, his review offers a level of analysis beyond the scope of this article. Check out his video for a more in-depth look at the card and support his channel.

9. Support the Channel and Conclusion

If you enjoyed this review and want to support Timmy Joe's channel, there are several avenues you can explore. You can follow him on Instagram and Twitter to stay updated on his latest content. Additionally, consider joining his Patreon community or using his affiliated Amazon links when making purchases. Your support goes a long way in helping Timmy Joe continue to provide engaging and informative reviews.

In conclusion, the Asus Radeon HD 4870 X2 remains a pivotal graphics card in the history of computer hardware. Its unique features, stunning design, and competitive performance left a lasting impression. Despite its flaws and subsequent obsolescence, it continues to hold a special place in the hearts of nostalgic tech enthusiasts. As we move forward, we eagerly anticipate the exciting developments in the world of graphics cards.


  • Timmy Joe's YouTube channel: link
  • f2f Text's YouTube channel: link
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