Unveiling the Remarkable Intel BZM2 Bitcoin ASIC's Hashrate

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Unveiling the Remarkable Intel BZM2 Bitcoin ASIC's Hashrate

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to the New Intel Bitcoin Mining ASIC
  2. The Significance of Intel's Entry into the Bitcoin Mining Market
  3. Specifications of the Intel BZM2 ASIC
    1. Manufacturing Process and Efficiency
    2. Compute Power and Hash Rate
    3. Energy Consumption and Power Efficiency
  4. The Competitive Nature of Bitcoin Mining
    1. Importance of Compute Power for Miners
    2. Increasing Efficiency of Mining Farms
  5. The Evolution of ASIC Mining
    1. Early Days and FPGA-based ASICs
    2. Advancements in Silicon Development
  6. Intel's Move into Blockchain-Enabling Hardware
    1. Raja Kaduri's Hints in December
    2. Confirmation with the Isscc Talk
  7. Details from the SEC Filing
    1. The BZM2 Chip and Supply Agreement
    2. Chip Specifications and Design
  8. Power Efficiency of the BZM2 ASIC
    1. Comparison with Other ASIC Miners
    2. Benefits of Intel's Ultra Low Voltage Design
  9. Potential Market Impact of Intel's ASIC
    1. Expected Growth in the Mining Hardware Market
    2. Benefits of Localized ASIC Production
  10. Availability of the BZM2 ASIC and Future Outlook

🚀 The New Intel Bitcoin Mining ASIC: Revolutionizing Efficiency and Power in Mining 🌌

Introduction to the New Intel Bitcoin Mining ASIC

In a surprising development, Intel, one of the world's largest silicon manufacturers, has announced its foray into the bitcoin mining industry with the introduction of its new mining ASIC, the BZM2. This move comes as a significant milestone for both Intel and the cryptocurrency mining community, as the company aims to bring its expertise in CPU manufacturing to revolutionize the efficiency and power consumption of bitcoin mining. In this article, we will delve into the specifications of the Intel BZM2 ASIC, discuss the competitive nature of bitcoin mining, explore the evolution of ASIC mining, and analyze the potential market impact of Intel's entry into the industry.

The Significance of Intel's Entry into the Bitcoin Mining Market

Bitcoin mining, the process through which new bitcoins are created and transactions are verified on the blockchain, has undergone tremendous growth over the years, evolving from CPU and GPU mining to specialized mining hardware known as ASICs. With the increasing popularity and institutional investment in cryptocurrencies, mining farms have become massive operations, requiring higher compute power and greater power efficiency to remain profitable. Intel's entry into the bitcoin mining market signifies the increasing importance of specialized hardware solutions and further competition in the ASIC industry. By leveraging its expertise in silicon development and custom design capabilities, Intel aims to introduce a new generation of mining ASICs that offer enhanced power efficiency and performance.

Specifications of the Intel BZM2 ASIC

Manufacturing Process and Efficiency The Intel BZM2 ASIC is built on the highly advanced 7 nanometer manufacturing process. While the exact details of the process are not disclosed, it is likely to be one of the first customer designs utilizing Intel's in-house custom design team. The 7nm fabrication technology enables higher density and smaller chip sizes, leading to improved yields and cost-effectiveness.

Compute Power and Hash Rate The BZM2 ASIC boasts an impressive compute power, with a hash rate of 137 gigahash per second (Gh/s). This significant hashing power ensures speedy and efficient mining operations, resulting in higher rewards for miners. The chip operates at 1.6 GHz and has been designed specifically for SHA-256 cryptographic hash functions, which are essential for mining bitcoin.

Energy Consumption and Power Efficiency One of the key highlights of the Intel BZM2 ASIC is its exceptional power efficiency. The chip consumes a mere 2.5 watts per chip, making it one of the most power-efficient ASICs in the market. Intel's ultra-low voltage design, specialized clocking strategies, and other circuit and micro-architectural optimizations contribute to its outstanding energy efficiency. At 137 Gh/s and 2.5 watts per chip, the BZM2 ASIC achieves an impressive 55 joules per terahash (J/TH), making it the most power-efficient ASIC miner to date.


  • Superior power efficiency compared to existing ASIC miners, leading to reduced energy consumption and operating costs.
  • Increased compute power and hash rate for faster and more efficient mining operations.
  • Utilization of Intel's advanced manufacturing processes and custom design capabilities for enhanced performance and reliability.
  • Entry of a major player like Intel into the ASIC market brings forth more competition and potential advancements in mining hardware technology.


  • Limited availability to the general public, as it is primarily targeted towards specific partners and large-Scale mining operations.
  • Potential challenges in establishing a supply chain and meeting demand due to the global semiconductor shortage.
  • Uncertainty surrounding the pricing and resale availability of the BZM2 ASIC on the Second-HAND market.

The Competitive Nature of Bitcoin Mining

Importance of Compute Power for Miners In the highly competitive world of bitcoin mining, compute power plays a crucial role in determining the profitability of mining operations. Miners with higher compute power are more likely to solve complex mathematical puzzles and secure block rewards. As a result, mining farms strive to increase their compute power by deploying more efficient and powerful mining hardware.

Increasing Efficiency of Mining Farms With the influx of institutional investment into bitcoin mining, mining farms have grown exponentially in size and scale. The larger the mining farm, the more critical it becomes to maximize efficiency and reduce operating costs. Power efficiency and performance are key metrics in determining the long-term profitability of mining operations. By utilizing power-efficient ASICs like the Intel BZM2, mining farms can optimize their energy consumption and increase their profit margins.

Stay tuned for more content on the New Intel Bitcoin Mining ASIC...

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