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Jumper 会社名: Witchcraft Software AB 。
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Introducing Jumper: A Game-Changing AI Plugin for Premiere & Final Cut Pro
https://getjumper.io/ Our discord: https://discord.gg/3JFNYAfwSb In this video, we introduce Jumper, the game-changing AI plugin for Premiere and Final Cut Pro. It makes finding footage as easy as typing a word. With powerful image and speech recognition, Jumper can instantly locate the exact shot, line, or matching visuals you need. Everything stays offline, so it's lightning-fast and private. Say goodbye to endless searching and hello to creativity and speed like never before. Check it out and see how Jumper transforms your editing workflow!
The Ultimate Final Cut Pro Search Tool: A Game-Changer
This is HUGE. Try for FREE: https://getjumper.io/?ref=bruce This Final Cut Pro Search Tool is an Extension That searches your footage in the blink of an eye Speech and Image Recognition in Final Cut Pro. In all the time I've been publishing Final Cut Pro videos, I have never seen anything as HUGE as this. It changes everything about searching for speech or footage in Final Cut Pro. FREE TRIAL: https://getjumper.io/?ref=bruce AI recognizes images and sequences of images, including words in the audio. Forget about needing to change file names or even setting up keyword collections. You type text to find scenes and once found, you can ask for similar scenes. Even copy an image from Google or your photos to find similar images in your open Final Cut Pro libraries. This 5-minute Video will open your eyes to the possibilities The software is called “Jumper.” It can analyze any Final Cut Pro library or event. Once analyzed, the library information is retained for future use. Exciting news about my upcoming book "𝗘𝗱𝗶𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗧𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗖𝘂𝘁 𝗣𝗿𝗼"It's currently trending as the #𝟭 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗥𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 on Amazon!!📚 Pre-order your copy now and be among the first to elevate your Final Cut Pro skills: https://amzn.to/48MyP1Z Join my channel to have your questions about Final Cut Pro answered by an industry professional from $1.49 per month - cancel any time https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOE_zSaeU1xd9yIk6kfwf_A/join Use these TIMESTAMPS: to jump directly to the time in the video.⏰ Beginning: 0:00 UPSCALE VIDEO TO 8K - Topaz Video Enhance AI: https://topazlabs.com/video-enhance-ai/ref/835/ DOWNLOAD as many Final Cut Pro Plugins than you can handle - TOOLFARM is the place to go - includes all of FXFactory Plug-ins: https://www.toolfarm.com/store/cart/referral/referrer/VTUTOR/url/apple_final_cut_pro_x_plug_ins/target/host Recommended: Final Cut Youtube channels: @Think media Tv , @TheFinalCutBro, @DylanJohnYT, @Matthew O'Brien, @rippleguys, @Primalvideo, @Brad and Donna Recommended: Download trial for TubeBuddy APP: https://www.tubebuddy.com/DIYVideo The training Final Cut Pro web site is: https://trainingfinalcutpro.com https://www.facebook.com/trainingfinalcut/ Recommended: Final Cut Effects, Transitions, Titles and Templates http://www.fcpeffects.com/afmc=1d RECOMMENDED - Easy to learn and use: Wondershare Filmora Video Editor: https://tinyurl.com/2mymacby ASK ANY QUESTIONS FOR FREE 📩 FREE Final Cut Pro SUPPORT: : https://www.trainingfinalcutpro.com/support-page DOWNLOAD FREE BOOK THE BEGINNER'S VIDEO EDITING GUIDE: https://www.trainingfinalcutpro.com/videoeditguide Check out these BASIC EDITING TIPS: https://www.trainingfinalcutpro.com/basic-editing-tips Recommended: Download trial for TubeBuddy APP: https://www.tubebuddy.com/DIYVideo If you enjoyed this video and would like to just BUY ME A ☕️ COFFEE, as a thank-you: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/trainingfcp - thank you for your support 👍 One-on-One personal tuition: https://www.trainingfinalcutpro.com/trainingrequest I’m Bruce Macbryde and my goal is to improve your knowledge and speed up your workflow in Final Cut Pro. 🎬 Final Cut Pro. 👨💻 These YouTube tutorials are great for learning Final Cut, but your questions don’t always get answered in a prerecorded tutorial. Save time searching through Youtube and get an instant answer, on your computer, with personal one-on-one tuition. https://trainingfinalcutpro.com You can download the Free course material to work with: https://www.trainingfinalcutpro.com/freecoursematerial The training Final Cut Pro web site is: https://trainingfinalcutpro.com https://www.facebook.com/trainingfinalcut/ Recommended: Final Cut Effects, Transitions, Titles and Templates http://www.fcpeffects.com/afmc=1d RECOMMENDED - Easy to learn and use: Wondershare Filmora Video Editor: https://tinyurl.com/2mymacby Disclosure: For some of the links above, I use affiliate links. Purchasing through these links gives me a small commission to support videos on this channel -- the price to you is not affected. #finalcutpro #finalcutprotutorial #fcpx
Лучшие НЕЙРОСЕТИ для Premier PRO
Эти нейросети для Premier Pro реально могут упростить процесс создания твоих видео и при этом ими можно воспользоваться бесплатно! Telegram — https://t.me/RomanVideoAI AutoPod(для вырезания пауз) — https://www.autopod.fm/ Jumper — https://getjumper.io/ Таймкоды: 00:00 - О чем видео? 00:14 - 1 нейронка 01:56 - 2 нейронка 03:42 - 3 нейронка 06:46 - 4 нейронка