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My Plan To LIVE OFF DIVIDENDS In 15 Years (or Less)
Check out Skwad for free with a 15-day trial, and take 15% off of your subscription by using code "RYNE15" ► 📊 GET MY DIVIDEND PORTFOLIO SPREADSHEET (FREE) ► 📊 TRACK YOUR PORTFOLIO WITH GETQUIN (FREE) ► 📈 SEEKING ALPHA PREMIUM (FREE 7-DAY TRIAL) ► 📊 FOLLOW MY PORTFOLIO ON BLOSSOM (FREE) ► 💬 JOIN MY DISCORD GROUP WITH OVER 3,000 INVESTORS (FREE) ► 📣 ADVERTISE ON THE CHANNEL ► In this video, I'm telling you my plan to live off dividends in 15 years or less. To effectively live off dividends in 15 years, I'll need to invest a bit more aggressively than I have been to build my dividend portfolio to the point where it can support that level of dividend income in such a short amount of time. The ideas and opinions presented in this video are meant for informational and entertainment purposes only, are not intended to serve as a recommendation to buy or sell any security in any account, and are not an offer or sale of a security. They are also not research reports and are not intended to serve as the basis for any investment decision.
This Is How Long It Takes To Build A $100K Dividend Portfolio ⏳
Check out Skwad for free with a 15-day trial, and take 15% off of your subscription by using code "RYNE15" ► 📊 GET MY DIVIDEND PORTFOLIO SPREADSHEET (FREE) ► 📊 TRACK YOUR PORTFOLIO WITH GETQUIN (FREE) ► 📈 SEEKING ALPHA PREMIUM (FREE 7-DAY TRIAL) ► 📊 FOLLOW MY PORTFOLIO ON BLOSSOM (FREE) ► 💬 JOIN MY DISCORD GROUP WITH OVER 3,000 INVESTORS (FREE) ► 📣 ADVERTISE ON THE CHANNEL ► Building a $100k dividend portfolio is one of the toughest dividend investing milestones, which begs a couple of questions: Why is the first $100k so difficult to get to, and how long does it take to get there? We’ll try to answer both of those questions in this video, and we'll approach it from the viewpoint of a brand new dividend investor. The ideas and opinions presented in this video are meant for informational and entertainment purposes only, are not intended to serve as a recommendation to buy or sell any security in any account, and are not an offer or sale of a security. They are also not research reports and are not intended to serve as the basis for any investment decision.
This Is A DANGER Sign For Dividend Stocks ⚠️
Check out Skwad for free with a 15-day trial, and take 15% off of your subscription by using code "RYNE15" ► 📊 GET MY DIVIDEND PORTFOLIO SPREADSHEET (FREE) ► 📊 TRACK YOUR PORTFOLIO WITH GETQUIN (FREE) ► 📈 SEEKING ALPHA PREMIUM (FREE 7-DAY TRIAL) ► 📊 FOLLOW MY PORTFOLIO ON BLOSSOM (FREE) ► 💬 JOIN MY DISCORD GROUP WITH OVER 3,000 INVESTORS (FREE) ► 📣 ADVERTISE ON THE CHANNEL ► One of the best things about dividend investing is that it can be a pretty hands-off approach. By nature, this is a buy-and-hold strategy – that’s the only way you can actually receive the dividend income – but that doesn’t necessarily mean you can just buy stocks and completely tune out and forget about them. If you own individual companies, then you need to stay in the loop on what’s going on with them, and in this video, we’re going to talk about 3 things you need to look out for that could spell trouble for the dividend stocks in your portfolio. The ideas and opinions presented in this video are meant for informational and entertainment purposes only, are not intended to serve as a recommendation to buy or sell any security in any account, and are not an offer or sale of a security. They are also not research reports and are not intended to serve as the basis for any investment decision.