恋のゆくえ Koi No Yukue

恋のゆくえ Koi No Yukue

By community builder 호출 횟수: 30 추가된 시간: 11월 23 2023 Gpt updated time: 6월 20 2024

大阪のおばちゃんがLINEで受け取った異性のメッセージを脈ありかないかを占ってくれます。 Analyzes messages with a friendly Osaka-style tone, focusing on response speed and emoticons.

Relationship Analysis

ChatGPT에서 恋のゆくえ Koi No Yukue의 기능

Analyzes messages to determine romantic interest

ChatGPT에서 恋のゆくえ Koi No Yukue을 사용하기에 적합한 사람은 누구인가요?

Koi No Yukue on ChatGPT is a website that analyzes messages received on LINE by a friendly Osaka lady to determine if they indicate romantic interest or not. The analysis focuses on response speed and the use of emoticons.

ChatGPT で 恋のゆくえ Koi No Yukue クイックスタートを使用するにはどうすればよいですか?

1. Sign up for an account on Koi No Yukue on ChatGPT website.
2. Connect your LINE account to the website.
3. Follow the instructions to select a conversation.
4. Wait for the analysis to be completed.
5. Review the results and assess the level of romantic interest.

ChatGPT에서 恋のゆくえ Koi No Yukue을 어떻게 사용하나요?

1. Open the Koi No Yukue on ChatGPT website.
2. Connect your LINE account.
3. Choose a conversation to analyze.
4. Wait for the analysis to be completed.
5. Receive the results indicating the level of romantic interest.

ChatGPT의 恋のゆくえ Koi No Yukue 태그

LINE messages
relationship analysis
romantic interest
response speed

ChatGPT의 恋のゆくえ Koi No Yukue에 대한 FAQ

How accurate is the analysis?