ChatGPT에서 日历을 사용하기에 적합한 사람은 누구인가요?
ChatGPT is a personal assistant that helps you with daily updates and planning using a calendar feature.
ChatGPT で 日历 クイックスタートを使用するにはどうすればよいですか?
To quickly get started with ChatGPT, follow these steps:
1. Visit the ChatGPT website.
2. Create an account.
3. Access the calendar feature.
4. Start inputting your tasks and events.
ChatGPT에서 日历을 어떻게 사용하나요?
1. Sign up for an account on ChatGPT website.
2. Access the calendar feature.
3. Input your daily tasks and events.
4. Receive updates and reminders on your scheduled tasks and events.
ChatGPT의 日历 태그
personal assistant
刘志精의 더보기