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월 $49
1 모델. 모델당 500개 스니펫. 월 500건의 요청. 약 100개의 페이지. OpenAI API 키 필요 없음
월 $198
2 모델. 모델당 1,250개 스니펫. 월 15,000건의 요청. 모델당 약 250개의 페이지. OpenAI API 키 필요
월 $798
5 모델. 모델당 2,500개 스니펫. 월 25,000건의 요청. 모델당 약 500개의 페이지. OpenAI API 키 필요. 개인 클라우드릿 포함
최신 가격을 확인하려면 다음 링크를 방문하세요:
소셜 리스닝
Connect ChatGPT to your SQL Database in 5 minutes
In this video I show you how you can use SQL to dynamically fetch data from your database (ANY database), and use it as real time information for ChatGPT using OpenAI's APIs, for then to use AI to analyse your own private data - Check out our stuff at
Connect your OpenAI GPT to your SQL database
I played around with OpenAI's assistants and realised the superior way to connect it to my database, using a Magic cloudlet, exposing an API, being a thin wrapper around my database, allowing ChatGPT to access my private database and query it through my API. Try out my example assistant here - Get your own cloudlet here -
How Architecture Destroyed Software Development!
In this video I illustrate how you increase your technical debt 12.9 times, while increasing resource costs by 100,800 times by following software development architecture "best practices". Some dude on GitHub who is writing a book about software development architecture was able to spend 214 days on a codebase I reproduced in Hyperlambda in 1 minute. His result was 1,762 lines of code, in 35 files, across some 15 different folders, and it took him 214 days. My result was 5 files, in one folder, with 137 lines of code, created in 1 minute! My Hyperlambda code probably has less bugs, and is also probably more secure and more scalable than his "solution". Notice, this code is intended for a chapter in a book about the CQRS and Mediator design patterns, teaching students "how to write good software" I must presume. This implies that we're literally teaching our children how to deliver junkware for 100,000 times the resource costs we could have spent, resulting in entire generations learning anti-practices, while believing these are in fact "best practices", when they're everything *but*! Just sayin' ... 😜 Visit
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