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2월 23 2024
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검색 기록

Seniorize yourself in 8 minutes? 🤔

Software engineers, presentation is the most important factor in deciding whether you receive mid-level or senior-level offers. The key is to forget the work you did with your fingertips, your identity can't be tied to the work you did with your hands. If you do that, you'll be viewed as less senior than you desire. This interview tip is helpful to prevent downleveling, so you can get the offers you're truly capable of. In this video, Dima Korolev (Ex-Google, Ex-Microsoft, Software Architect, Head of AI) coaches up Alex Bowe (senior software engineer, PhD, AI Engineer). In 8 minutes, the key points from their full mock interview/mentorship session are conveyed so you can learn the nuances between the levels. ▶️ Subscribe for more content: https://youtube.com/channel/UCBFSKqVqTI9unA57UcJ_gLQ/?sub_confirmation=1 Go to hey.applypass.com for ✅ The easiest way to get interviews ✅ More content, including a course for software engineers ✅ Coming soon (free tools, and a community for engineers) Chapters 00:00 Cold open 00:08 Intro 00:26 Alex intro 00:42 First question from Dima, and Alex's first response 1:02 Alex goes into "Mid-level mode" 1:25 Critical feedback from Dima 2:20 Alex goes into "Mid-level mode" again 2:52 More critical feedback from Dima 3:53 Alex improves! He's on the fence of "Mid / senior mode" 4:35 Dima gives even more critical feedback 5:08 Dima gives an example to elevate Alex into "Senior mode" 5:34 Final question from Dima 5:39 Alex taps into "Senior mode"!!!! 6:17 Glowing feedback from Dima and Kevin Want another video featuring Dima? "How to not get downleveled by a super senior engineer (from Microsoft & Google)" → https://youtu.be/Ui_zbQBmobE Want more interviews? Follow us https://www.linkedin.com/company/applypass/ https://www.instagram.com/tryapplypass #seniorengineer #downleveling #mockinterviews #mentorship #interviewtips #feedback #programming #techcareers #interviewpreparation #interviewquestions #EngineeringInsights #InterviewStrategies #Microsoft #Google #TechCareers #EngineeringCommunity #ApplyPass

3월 28 2024

How to not get downleveled by a super senior engineer (from Microsoft & Google)

Software architect, above-senior engineer, formerly of Microsoft and Google, Dima Korolev dives deep into the differences between mid-level, senior, and above-senior level candidates. He's interviewed close to 1000+ engineers, and he shares advice on how to be seen at the level we desire. Dima shines a light on his background in ML, his thoughts on GPT being all hype (This is coming from a guy who wrote NLP patents for Google), and how candidates can set themselves ahead and become better engineers. This is the first episode of Offer Town, a show by Kevin Landucci about practical, playful, & unconventional tactics for engineers to get offers, promotions, and paid what we're worth. Go to hey.applypass.com for ✅ The easiest way to get interviews ✅ More content, including a course for software engineers ✅ Coming soon (free tools, and a community for engineers) Original music by @1UniverseMusic CHAPTERS 0:00 Getting to know Dima and AI is hype 2:20 What do you think of Chat GPT? 3:13 Are people getting laid off at Google because of advances in AI? 7:05 How important is coding for mid, senior, and above-senior level? 8:40 Pass coding interviews at mid-level, you may not need to improve for the rest of your life 9:56 People think they failed because of coding, they're not always right 11:06 Above the senior level, you have to break the rules 13:02 "Say more with less" 14:26 What Dima looks for in Staff and Principle Engineers 15:38 The different archetypes of Staff Engineers 16:35 Common reasons in behavioral interviews to get downlevels / rejections 17:56 Don't say "API" 20:02 Different types of system design interviewers 21:34 Trivia and games ▶️ Subscribe for more content: https://youtube.com/channel/UCBFSKqVqTI9unA57UcJ_gLQ/?sub_confirmation=1 Revive your Job Search, with a Top Engineering Consultant → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui_zbQBmobE Want more interviews? https://twitter.com/ApplyPass_ https://www.linkedin.com/company/applypass/ https://www.instagram.com/tryapplypass #SoftwareArchitect #SeniorEngineer #CareerAdvice #EngineeringInsights #InterviewStrategies #Microsoft #Google #TechCareers #EngineeringCommunity #ApplyPass

2월 15 2024

Lessons After 300+ Coding Interviews: How To Get More Done

In a software engineering interview, the most productive coders don't spend a lot of time typing, thinking about names, or refactoring their code. To pass a programming interview, you need to spend as little mental bandwidth as possible on areas that could slow you down. This advice comes from Victor Moreno (@TheCodingTeacher), who has interviewed 100s of software engineers, and in his conversation with Kevin Landucci he dives deeper into tips and tricks of interviewing. Link to their full conversation https://youtu.be/VGspnZTQxrE Go to hey.applypass.com for 💥 The easiest way to get interviews 💥 More content, including a course for software engineers 💥 Coming soon (free tools, and a community for engineers) ▶️ Subscribe for more content: https://youtube.com/channel/UCBFSKqVqTI9unA57UcJ_gLQ/?sub_confirmation=1 Victor Moreno ( @TheCodingTeacher ) is a Sr. Amazon Engineer and CTO who has launched 11 startups and interviewed hundreds of engineers. Kevin Landucci is an expert coach who has helped hundreds of software engineers get and pass difficult engineering interviews. In the full episode, they talk about the space between "good" and "great" engineers, which is important to you because it affects code cleanliness, as well as coding, system design, and behavioral interviews. There are a lot of other goodies too, with topics ranging from why attitude is underrated and why design patterns are overrated. Check it out now or set a reminder for yourself to watch when you have time! It is the third episode of Offer Town, a show by ApplyPass about practical, playful, & unconventional tactics for engineers to get offers, promotions, and paid what we're worth. Want more interviews? Follow us https://www.linkedin.com/company/applypass/ https://www.instagram.com/tryapplypass #coding #faang #interviews #seniorengineer #engineeringinterviews #CareerAdvice #EngineeringInsights #InterviewStrategies #Amazon #TechCareers #CTO #interviewtips #feedback #programming #techcareers #interviewpreparation #interviewquestions #EngineeringInsights #InterviewStrategies #faang #amazon #TechCareers #EngineeringCommunity #ApplyPass

6월 07 2024

28개의 소셜 미디어 데이터를 보려면 잠금을 해제해야 합니다

ApplyPass 삽입 실행

웹사이트 배지를 사용하여 커뮤니티에서 Toolify Launch에 대한 지원을 유도하세요. 홈페이지나 바닥글에 쉽게 삽입할 수 있습니다.

ApplyPass: 취업 검색을 자동화하고 더 많은 면접을 받을 수 있습니다
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