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Tailored AI solutions for your business
3월 28 2024
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Custom-built AI apps and agents for your business

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월간 방문 수
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Dec 2023 - Jan 2025 모든 웹사이트 트래픽

지리적 트래픽

상위 1지역

Dec 2023 - Jan 2025 데스크톱 장치만 해당

웹사이트 트래픽 소스

디스플레이 광고
Dec 2023 - Jan 2025 전 세계 데스크톱 기기만 해당

소셜 리스닝

검색 기록

2024 February Silicon Beach Virtual Pitch Night

This is a recording of the February 2024 Silicon Beach Virtual Pitch Night. ---- THE SPONSORS Appomate With over a decade of experience, 100+ clients, and nothing but 5-star online reviews, Appomate is the partner of choice for founders across Australia wanting to bring their app or SAAS business ideas to the market. From prototype design and MVP development to marketing and fundraising support, we help startup founders get to success faster and safer. Our mission is to make App entrepreneurship accessible to anyone with an idea and to see Australian founders thrive in the global tech start-up scene. ---- THE PITCHES 00:10:24 Bradley Ash from FanScout, https://www.siliconbeach.org.au/dashboard/Aq+ckdx-+rg,ntsknnj-bnl 00:18:14 Latif Rabhi from eBusinnes Services, latifr975@gmail.com 00:25:37 Callum Mcdonald from Hide and Seek, https://www.ebsoftwareservices.com.au/ 00:33:26 Hasan Syed from Sygnl, hasyed2@gmail.com 00:47:54 Akshat Singh 00:50:37 Nicholas Robertson from Swapping Chain, http://swappingchain.com/ 01:07:21 Mahmoud Salem, mahmoud_abdulrahman@hotmail.com ---- THE JUDGES Barath Krish, As the founder and CEO of Appomate.com.au and co-founder of a few tech start-ups, Barath has spent the last ten years working with 100+ start-up founders and enterprise leaders in innovative and disruptive projects. He has hands-on experience with everything from validation to design, development, launch, fundraising and marketing of start-ups, especially the app and SAAS-based start-ups. For over 35 years, He has been helping owners and founders work smarter, get more results, raise capital, and exit. Worked in both large and small companies as a management consultant and also a licensed business broker. In addition, he led the Germinate program at Appomate, coaching Founders on how to raise funds and EXIT their businesses successfully. Stefan Knight Thank you, Stefan Knight, for your contribution! Your support is greatly appreciated. Joan Norton Dr. Joan Norton is a dynamic leader at Swinburne Innovation Studio, specializing in empowering early-stage founders to develop and scale their ideas. With a rich background in sports innovation and commercial programs, she spearheads initiatives to enhance fan experiences and generate new revenue streams. Prior to her role at Swinburne, Joan played a pivotal role in integrating NFTs and the metaverse into Cricket Australia's media rights strategies, driving substantial growth in broadcast deals both nationally and globally. Complementing her industry expertise, she actively mentors sports tech startups worldwide, sharing invaluable insights to fuel their entrepreneurial journey. Joan's executive experience spans veterinary medicine, hospital management, and regulatory roles in professional associations and racing, offering a unique and holistic perspective to her work in sports innovation and entrepreneurship. Additionally, she serves as a Director on the board of Rugby Victoria, further contributing to the sports industry's growth and development. Prize - One-hour mentoring session, online or at the Innovation Studio in Hawthorn VIC David Hauser, Founder and CEO (davidh@THNKinn.com.au) https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidhatt... David joined Silicon Beach after a successful 10-year career in the machine tool industry, where he led interdisciplinary teams to solve complex manufacturing problems for customers like Mercedes, Bosch, Airbus, Samsung and many more. David is the founder of THNK.innovation. An Agency for design thinking, human-centred design, and innovation strategies, THNK.innovation consults and coaches customers from startup SMEs to Universities like Monash University and RMIT on creating innovative customer experiences. As a tech nerd, making excellent products and services is his passion for “awe-making” users. ---- THE WINNERS Prize A – One-hour mentoring session by Joan Norton. Prize Winner: Bradley Ash from FanScout Prize B -The Germinate Seed Funding program covers various topics on seed funding from Barath Appomate. Prize Winner: Mahmoud Salem ------------------------------------- You can view recordings of past events on this YouTube channel and on the past event pages on Silicon Beach meetups. See you soon on the virtual beach 🏖

SiliconBeach TV
2월 11 2024

2023 December Silicon Beach Virtual Pitch Night

This is a recording of the December 2023 Silicon Beach Virtual Pitch Night. ---- THE SPONSORS You are enjoying this event & the recording thanks to our sponsors. Please support them. Australian Computer Society; The Carrot Cake Studio; CFO Worx; The City of Melbourne; Heasley Lawyers; Legally Yours; Melbourne Connect; Monash University; Silicon Beach Studio; THNK.Innovation; Underdog Say you heard of them through Silicon Beach! ---- THE PITCHES 00:18:58 Guri Sandhu from YouMod, contactguri@gmail.com 00:26:43 Brian Borg from Cutting Edge Pet Soultions, dogandcatholisticdentistry@gmail.com 00:34:32 Rotem Salomonovitch from Rassify, rotem@raasify.io 00:42:12 Ishita Shinde from Paymate, ishitashinde1999@gmail.com 00:49:16 Alexander Husenbeth from Breaby, husenbeth@outlook.com 00:56:54 Danny Djarum from PySnap, danny@pysnap.com 01:05:51 Shakti Chauhan from Nauggets 2.0, shakti.chauhan@gmail.com ---- THE JUDGES Barath Krish, As the founder and CEO of Appomate.com.au and co-founder of a few tech start-ups, Barath has spent the last ten years working with 100+ start-up founders and enterprise leaders in innovative and disruptive projects. He has hands-on experience with everything from validation to design, development, launch, fundraising and marketing of start-ups, especially the app and SAAS-based start-ups. For over 35 years, He has been helping owners and founders work smarter, get more results, raise capital, and exit. Worked in both large and small companies as a management consultant and also a licensed business broker. In addition, he led the Germinate program at Appomate, coaching Founders on how to raise funds and EXIT their businesses successfully. Oscar Jonesو Over 35 years, Oscar has been helping owners and founders work smarter, get more results, raise capital, and exit. In his previous life, he has worked in both large and small companies as a management consultant and is also a licensed business broker. He leads the Germinate program at Appomate, coaching Founders to raise funds and EXIT their businesses. James Spurway James Spurway is a business builder, angel syndicate lead investor, Startup accelerator mentor and demo day judge, philanthropist, author, and former commercial pilot. And believe genius is widely distributed. Opportunity is not. He’s an active Mentor at 500 Global and a mentor and judge at Creatella Impact, a social venture impact accelerator. He previously spent several years contributing as an Adjunct Lecturer on Sales and Marketing and Finance Subjects at Singapore-based Colleges. He is known as “The Fundraising Angel” by many Startup Teams he mentored, invested in, and then helped raise pre-seed and Seed funding for. He is originally from Queensland and has lived and worked in the USA, Europe, and several Asian countries during his corporate and entrepreneurial journey. In addition to his work as a startup angel, mentor, and fundraising advisor, he helps established SME CEOs as a Certified Entrepreneurship & Business Life Coach. Daniel Lancefield, Daniel manages the Victorian Cleantech Cluster (VCC), the peak industry network for clean technology companies. The role of the VCC is to connect industry, government, research and finance to drive the commercialisation and uptake of clean technologies in Victoria. He has also worked in sports and the arts, primarily within government relations and business development roles. David Hauser, Founder and CEO (davidh@THNKinn.com.au) https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidhatt... David joined Silicon Beach after a successful 10-year career in the machine tool industry, where he led interdisciplinary teams to solve complex manufacturing problems for customers like Mercedes, Bosch, Airbus, Samsung and many more. David is the founder of THNK.innovation. An Agency for design thinking, human-centred design, and innovation strategies, THNK.innovation consults and coaches customers from startup SMEs to Universities like Monash University and RMIT on creating innovative customer experiences. As a tech nerd, making excellent products and services is his passion for “awe-making” users. ---- THE WINNERS Prize A – From Appomate Barath and Oscar 12-week Germinate Seed Funding program Prize Winner: Rotem Salomonovitch from Rassify Price B - Bundle of Advisory Services worth US$997.00 package Prize Winner: Brian Borg from Cutting Edge Pet Soultions. Prize C - IdeaSpies Prize Winner: Danny Djarum from PySnap ------------------------------------- You can view recordings of past events on this YouTube channel and on the past event pages on Silicon Beach meetups. See you soon on the virtual beach 🏖

SiliconBeach TV
12월 19 2023

2023 November Silicon Beach Virtual Pitch Night

This is a recording of the November 2023 Silicon Beach Virtual Pitch Night. ---- THE SPONSORS You are enjoying this event & the recording thanks to our sponsors. Please support them. Australian Computer Society; The Carrot Cake Studio; CFO Worx; The City of Melbourne; Heasley Lawyers; Legally Yours; Melbourne Connect; Monash University; Silicon Beach Studio; THNK.Innovation; Underdog Say you heard of them through Silicon Beach! ---- THE PITCHES 00:16:42 George Lipinski from CGP, jeffduu@gmail.com 00:23:45 Martin Thompson from Oncoparse, martin@oncoparse.com 00:30:53 Linda Kim from Spazii, linda.kim@ideaclip.com.au 00:39:29 Chris Martz from CollageWrangler, cwmartz@gmail.com 00:49:06 Will Khan from Wampa Snowboards, will.khan787@gmail.com 00:57:43 Statish Hrit from Sparkcraft, satish.hrit@sparkcraft.com.au ---- THE JUDGES Barath Krish, As the founder and CEO of Appomate.com.au and co-founder of a few tech start-ups, Barath has spent the last ten years working with 100+ start-up founders and enterprise leaders in innovative and disruptive projects. He has hands-on experience with everything from validation to design, development, launch, fundraising and marketing of start-ups, especially the app and SAAS-based start-ups. For over 35 years, He has been helping owners and founders work smarter, get more results, raise capital, and exit. Worked in both large and small companies as a management consultant and also a licensed business broker. In addition, he led the Germinate program at Appomate, coaching Founders on how to raise funds and EXIT their businesses successfully. Daniel Lancefield, Daniel manages the Victorian Cleantech Cluster (VCC), the peak industry network for clean technology companies. The role of the VCC is to connect industry, government, research and finance to drive the commercialisation and uptake of clean technologies in Victoria. He has also worked in sports and the arts, primarily within government relations and business development roles. David Hauser, Founder and CEO (davidh@THNKinn.com.au) https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidhatt... David joined Silicon Beach after a successful 10-year career in the machine tool industry, where he led interdisciplinary teams to solve complex manufacturing problems for customers like Mercedes, Bosch, Airbus, Samsung and many more. David is the founder of THNK.innovation. An Agency for design thinking, human-centred design, and innovation strategies, THNK.innovation consults and coaches customers from startups SMEs to Universities like Monash University and RMIT on creating innovative customer experiences. As a tech nerd, making excellent products and services is his passion for “awe-making” users. ---- THE WINNERS Prize A – Barath 12-week Germinate course Prize Winner: Statish from Sparkcraft Prize B - VCC Daniel 12 Month Membership Prize Winner: Will from Wampa Snowboards & Statish from Sparkcraft Price C - Mentoring and coaching Prize Winner: Linda from Spazii Prize D - IdeaSpies Prize Winner: Martin from Oncoparse ------------------------------------- You can view recordings of past events on this YouTube channel and on the past event pages on Silicon Beach meetups. See you soon on the virtual beach 🏖

SiliconBeach TV
11월 06 2023

Appomate 삽입 실행

웹사이트 배지를 사용하여 커뮤니티에서 Toolify Launch에 대한 지원을 유도하세요. 홈페이지나 바닥글에 쉽게 삽입할 수 있습니다.

Appomate: Tailored AI solutions for your business
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