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작성자: Theodore 님의 글 7월 17 2024
Toolify AI와 함께 AI 음악 생성기의 멋진 성악 트랙을 발견하세요! 정말 놀라운 성악 트랙으로 당신을 홀릴 것입니다!
작성자: Samyak Goswami 님의 글 3월 31 2024
Toolify AI의 15가지 놀라운 생성기로 음악 비디오의 미래를 경험해보세요! 몇 분 안에 창의력을 발휘하고 멋진 시각적 효과를 만들어보세요.
작성자: Asher 님의 글 3월 29 2024
툴리파이 인공지능과 함께 창의력을 발휘하세요 - 음악 창작의 미래를 향해!
소셜 리스닝
Fire Train Stunts
Don't try this at home! Playing with fire can be very dangerous, though maybe steam engines are used to it. More locomotive acrobatics https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD5_2v4-fG-2-yYPg6qabv6AAESPKvC-l Filmed with an iPhone 12 mini at 120fps. Thanks to Alyssa for assistance. Music stems generated by Beatoven.ai https://www.beatoven.ai/ Previous video https://youtu.be/6xedOxFr6Fo Outro music "Overlook" by EmCee https://open.spotify.com/track/1oLVUbMcKh1YbetqDK7ka1 Website http://5madmoviemakers.com Subscribe http://youtube.com/5madmoviemakers 2023 - 5 Mad Movie Makers It took an average of 20 attempts per shot for this video
Beach Train Ride
Roll through sandy scenery, past tall towers and into perilous passageways onboard a wooden railroad train. Special thanks to Alyssa, Neil, Heidi, and Matthew for construction and scenery, Mark for behind-the-scenes, Dave and Kristen for the location, and Jeff and Lynn for the sand castle molds. Filmed with a GoPro Hero 5 Session at 120fps and played in slow motion at half-speed. Music generated by Beatoven https://www.beatoven.ai/ Marble Run Islands https://youtu.be/i-CLV1aHLdE Outro music "Overlook" by EmCee https://open.spotify.com/track/1oLVUbMcKh1YbetqDK7ka1 Create A Castle blue split sandcastle molds https://createacastle.com/ SOCIALS Website: http://5madmoviemakers.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/5madmoviemakers Twitter: http://twitter.com/5madmoviemakers Channel: http://youtube.com/5madmoviemakers 2023 - 5 Mad Movie Makers
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