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소셜 리스닝
How TikTok is Fueling Overconsumption
Microtrends and 'TikTok made me buy it' culture is getting out of control, and it's only getting worse. Let's talk about how TikTok is fueling overconsumption, the way wasteful consumerism has crept into our feeds, and who profits from all of this. Are you addicted to TikTok? Do you find yourself scrolling endlessly through videos, inspired by the latest fashion trends, makeup routines, or home decor hacks? Well, you're not alone. TikTok has become a cultural phenomenon, with millions of users worldwide, but there's a dark side to this social media platform that's causing serious harm to our planet and our wallets. In this video, we'll explore how TikTok is fueling overconsumption and contributing to the global environmental crisis (and a drain on your finances!). We'll delve into why influencers are motivated to fuel trends, how the platform benefits, and how TikTok has completely changed the fashion industry. #consumerism #overconsumption #personalfinance #tiktok #videoessay Want more videos on money, media, society, and intentional living? Be sure to subscribe for more video essays! Want to support this channel? Donate here!: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/cara.nicole My Monthly Budget & Spending Tracker: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1289163818/simple-monthly-budget-spending-tracker?click_key=898b7990a772d5ddf5d218657fff2f0786e3ad93%3A1289163818&click_sum=8db8521f&ref=shop_home_active_1 Get $100 off LLC formation to start your business (via BetterLegal): http://betterlegal.com/aff/faf5dc437a0e If you like this video, check out some of my other video essays on money & society! - How Consumerism Ruins Our Planet and Finances: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MilcnqXKjR4&list=PLwBDOElnDYbn9pXLf4MngslJoHA4Wygzh&index=4 - The Dangers of 'Stay at Home Girlfriend' and 'TradWife' Culture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj52t_ahC-I&list=PLwBDOElnDYbn9pXLf4MngslJoHA4Wygzh&index=9 - How Designer Brands Will Keep You Poor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzJQiqhldXo&list=PLwBDOElnDYbn9pXLf4MngslJoHA4Wygzh - Influencers Don't Care If You Go Broke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0GV_0H-q1w&list=PLwBDOElnDYbn9pXLf4MngslJoHA4Wygzh&index=3 Time Stamps: 00:00 Intro 00:50 A TikTok buying obsession 01:45 We're buying more than ever before 02:12 Who is profiting? 03:24 TikTok Fashion & Microtrends 05:32 'TikTok made me buy it' Culture 06:46 Stopping impulse buying 08:10 Final thoughts
5 No-Code SAAS Startups That Are Making $100,000+ a Month
In today's video I will be sharing 5 epic no code startup success stories that are making millions in revenue. If you're thinking about getting started with your own no code saas business than this video is a must watch! 💡Develop an MVP for your own idea in less than 30 days: https://www.zecolabs.de/en 📥 Get smart on No-Code - http://go.nocodeforge.io/newsletter 💻 Get started with No-Code (these links help support the channel): Bubble (webapp builder) - https://bubble.pxf.io/LXWEjj Webflow (website/webapp builder) - https://webflow.grsm.io/7wlbazltg0by Airtable (databases) - https://airtable.com/invite/r/656Trp0Y Make (automation) - https://www.make.com/en/register?pc=nocodeforge Hubspot (CRM) - https://www.hubspot.com/ 🔗 My links - https://linktr.ee/glebk 🏦 Startups mentioned in the video: https://www.tealhq.com/ https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/qoins https://www.airspace.com/ https://www.dividendfinance.com/ https://betterlegal.com/ Timestamps: 00:00 - Intro 01:06 - Startup #1 03:33 - Startup #2 05:40 - Startup #3 07:50 - Startup #4 09:42 - Startup #5 11:37 - Key takeaways for your journey Subscribe for more No-Code content! @glebkrasmedia
How Alcohol Keeps You Poor
Would you give up drinking for a million dollars? Because that just might be a fraction of what you'd make going sober 👀 In this video, we run the numbers on the money surrounding drinking, the opportunity cost of buying a beer, and how Gen Z is becoming known as the 'sober curious generation'. Let's talk about the tension between alcohol vs your bank account, how marketing has sold us the idea that alcohol is essential for socializing, and the increasing normalization of sobriety. #personalfinance #genz #videoessay #sobercurious #savingmoney Want more videos on money, media, society, and intentional living? Be sure to subscribe for more video essays! Want to support this channel? Donate here!: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/cara.nicole My Monthly Budget & Spending Tracker: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1289163818/simple-monthly-budget-spending-tracker?click_key=898b7990a772d5ddf5d218657fff2f0786e3ad93%3A1289163818&click_sum=8db8521f&ref=shop_home_active_1 Get $100 off LLC formation to start your business (via BetterLegal): http://betterlegal.com/aff/faf5dc437a0e If you like this video, check out some of my other video essays on money & society! - The Toxic Normalization of Online Gambling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq4wKTWDd9A&list=PLwBDOElnDYbn9pXLf4MngslJoHA4Wygzh&index=6 - How Consumerism Ruins Our Planet and Finances: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MilcnqXKjR4&list=PLwBDOElnDYbn9pXLf4MngslJoHA4Wygzh&index=4 - How Designer Brands Will Keep You Poor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzJQiqhldXo&list=PLwBDOElnDYbn9pXLf4MngslJoHA4Wygzh&index=1 - Influencers Don't Care If You Go Broke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0GV_0H-q1w&list=PLwBDOElnDYbn9pXLf4MngslJoHA4Wygzh&index=3 Time Stamps: 00:00 Gen Z is 'sober curious' 00:42 How much are people spending on alcohol? 02:30 City differences in alcohol costs 03:02 Why is Gen Z drinking less? 04:51 How much could you make NOT drinking? 06:29 Arguments against becoming a sober millionaire 08:43 Drunk shopping 09:16 Gen Z's amazing opportunity 09:47 Questioning normalization of alcohol 10:50 Final thoughts Want to read more? Here were some of the sources I used while researching for this video: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/01/08/dry-january-could-save-millennials-more-money-than-they-think/2831655001/#:~:text=And%20millennials%20have%20the%20most,respectively%2C%20on%20booze%20each%20month. https://alcohol.org/guides/cost-of-drinking-alcohol-by-city/ https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20220920-why-gen-zers-are-growing-up-sober-curious https://www.teenvogue.com/story/sober-curious-young-people-rethinking-alcohol https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277953622009224 https://www.deseret.com/2022/9/23/23366775/gen-z-more-sober-than-older-generations https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/12/health/young-adults-drinking-less-alcohol-us-wellness/index.html https://joinmonument.com/resources/alcohol-relationship-money/ https://www.finder.com/drunk-shopping
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