세계 최고의 이벤트 및 네트워킹 플랫폼
1만 명 이상의 이벤트 주최자와 함께하고 브렐라를 통해 참가자와 후원사 모두에게 전례없는 AI 네트워킹 경험과 혁신적인 이벤트 앱을 제공하세요.
Brella 회사 이름: Brella Ltd, Inc. .
Brella에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 회사 소개 페이지(https://www.brella.io/about-us)를 방문하세요. .
Brella 로그인 링크: https://next.brella.io/?utm_source=website&utm_medium=signin
Brella Facebook 링크: https://www.facebook.com/Brellanetwork/
Brella Youtube 링크: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3_uyruZwm4jDvAJfh57cZg/videos
Brella Linkedin 링크: https://www.linkedin.com/company/brellanetwork
Brella Twitter 링크: https://twitter.com/brellanetwork?lang=en
Brella Instagram 링크: https://www.instagram.com/brellanetwork/?hl=en
소셜 리스닝
Brella Tutorial 2: Platform Overview
Join us for DynamicsCon Virtual on November 13 on our event platform! https://next.brella.io/join/dynamicsconvirtual -- Dynamics User Group (DUG) empowers everyday users, administrators, developers, and partners with the tools and information required to excel in their professions. Online discussion forums, video content, training programs, local user groups via Meet-Up, live interactive virtual and in-person events are just some of the resources members enjoy with their free membership. Visit all the DUG Programs: https://dynamicsusergroup.com/ -- LINKS Website | https://dynamicsusergroup.com/ Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/dynamicsuser Twitter | https://twitter.com/dynconference LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/company/dynamics-user-group/
Brella Coindesk Sponsor Experience
The Brella team had the pleasure of providing the event app for one of the world's most influential crypto events, CoinDesk Consensus. As we all know, event sponsors are crucial in bringing these events to life and uniting the community to learn, engage, and connect. We gathered feedback from sponsors about their experience with our app and where blown away with their positive responses. A huge shoutout to the organizing team at CoinDesk and the outstanding sponsors who made this event possible. Thank you for your support and partnership! Learn more about Brella here: https://www.brella.io Contact Sales here: https://www.brella.io/contact-sales #eventplatform #eventapp #eventtech
Build events faster with Brella X Swoogo
Announcing an exciting strategic partnership between Brella and Swoogo! 🚀 Brella, known for its powerful networking and engagement features, has evolved into a premium event app. Together with Swoogo, a leader in customizable event management, they provide a seamless integration to enhance the attendee experience from start to finish. Key benefits include: Effortless event data sync across both platforms AI-powered matchmaking to boost attendee engagement Comprehensive analytics for deep insights into event success This partnership revolutionizes workflows and elevates every aspect of event planning, execution, and post-event analysis. Learn more! https://www.brella.io/event-app
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