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작성자: Ethan 님의 글 4월 17 2024
이 8가지 놀라운 AI 캐리커처 제작기를 사용하여 사진에 재미있고 독특한 변화를 줘 보세요!
소셜 리스닝
只要上傳照片,就能生成表情誇張的卡通頭像!#AIGC #design #designtool #tutorial #設計神器
💡 本期重點 1. 打開 Caricaturer.io 網站(毋須註冊登入帳號)。 2. 把容貌清晰的照片,拖曳進來上傳圖片。 3. 在 Prompt 框中根據原照片修改描述,比如修正性別、戴上眼鏡等。 4. 選擇對應的性別,再從底下選個想要的卡通頭像樣板。 5. 回上方點擊「Upload and Start」按鈕,就能開始生成卡通頭像。 6. 生成完畢後,可在頭像右上角點擊編輯,或直接點下載即可使用。 🤗 系統學習 PPT 線上課程 高質感 PPT 設計 👉 https://hahow.in/cr/pptdesigner 工作型 PPT 速成 👉 https://hahow.in/cr/pptconnoisseur ✉️ 演講授課、企業內訓、簡報定制設計 聯繫方式 👉 contact@slidecollege.com 🔎 簡報技巧、設計神器、AIGC 資訊 官方網站 👉 https://slidecollege.com Facebook 👉 https://www.facebook.com/slidenovice Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/slidenovice Threads 👉 https://www.threads.net/@slidenovice TikTok 👉 https://www.tiktok.com/@slidenovice
Vision BASIC (Commodore 64 Compiler) - How to create a user-defined function (in this case it's MOD)
Please Like and Subscribe and Share!!!! And visit https://www.visionbasic.net ! Not only does Vision BASIC allow you to create your own "commands", but you can also create your own "functions" in Vision BASIC. The add-on graphics pack that comes with Vision BASIC provides some user-defined functions -- like SIN, COS and SQR. But since regular C-64 BASIC never came with a MOD function, I never thought to add the function to Vision BASIC (nor did I ever think to add it as a user-defined function either). In this video, I show you how to create and use a user-defined function. And starting more than halfway through the video, I explain how to work around another bug I found related to program banks, and I give yet another tiny peek at something new coming up in Vision BASIC 1.2. And finally, I hope to have my next video out much sooner than the two months it took to get this video out. But I do plan to get back to working on version 1.2 right away. Source images found in the video thumbnail: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/mathematics-formula-physics-school-1509559/ https://pixabay.com/photos/school-wall-education-lessons-6096795/ https://pixabay.com/photos/robot-teacher-blackboard-class-6405858/ Thumbnail caricature created at the following website: https://caricaturer.io/ ========================================================= If you don't know what Vision BASIC is, visit my website at https://www.VisionBASIC.net and watch the following videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROR1NQE-2DY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14PaDKQQABY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onQlDP5YBIA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY1t9qOR6Lw And down below is a description of what Vision BASIC is all about. ========================================================= Vision BASIC is a versatile BASIC compiler for the Commodore 64. Imagine blending together Simon's BASIC with the Blitz! compiler and an assembler all together into one program! But then imagine that it's even much better than that! The programs you create with Vision BASIC won't need a language extension (like Simon's BASIC on cartridge) in order to run when you are done making your programs! You can easily run your programs from within the editor instead of having to funnel your programs through a separate compiler in a completely separate process! And if you need an assembler, Vision BASIC doubles as one! Stick with BASIC, go with assembly language, or do both! Mix it up however you'd like! Over 100 new commands are added -- commands for sprites, characters, bitmaps, sound and even interrupts! Take that slow BASIC game you made that just never made the cut and try breathing new life into it by putting it in Vision BASIC's hands -- feel the raw power that machine language can provide without having to look at an endless and often confusing column of machine language instructions! But why keep reading -- just watch the video and see for yourself what Vision BASIC can do!
Caricaturer.io – фоторедактор карикатур, преобразующий портреты с помощью искусственного интеллекта.
Caricaturer.io - фоторедактор карикатур, преобразующий портреты в драматичные и преувеличенные карикатуры с помощью искусственного интеллекта. Основные преимущества включают: использование передовых технологий и более 60 карикатурных фотографий, созданных с помощью искусственного интеллекта и глубокого обучения. TIMEAI.RU - Новости искусственного интеллекта и нейросетей