397 Episode Highlight: What Is a Tech-Enabled Company?
In this special episode of Startup Junkies, we’re recording live from Startup Crawl 2024 where we sat down with a variety of guest entrepreneurs and their innovative ventures.
Louis Lee, CMO of Wonderful Platform, discussed its pioneering work in senior care technology. Wonderful Platform’s companion robot, Avadin, addresses elderly loneliness and depression through personalized AI-driven interactions.
Jangwon J Lee’s company, DeepSales, tackles the unique sales challenges in Asia. By building a comprehensive business database and employing AI, it streamlines lead generation and pre-qualification for SMEs.
Sarah No, a champion for early childhood education, shared insights on Playtag. This game-changing platform leverages AI and computer vision to analyze child behavior, enhancing teacher-parent communication and improving learning outcomes. With a ninety percent satisfaction rate in Korea, Sarah aims to refine Playtag's offerings for the U.S. market through valuable customer
Kris Adams enlightened us on Startup Junkie’s robust event calendar, boasting over two hundred free events to support local entrepreneurs. He introduced the ARse program focusing on tech and tech-enabled startups in Arkansas. In a short time, ARise has already connected one hundred and nine startups with thirty subject matter experts, offering free coaching, access to capital, and valuable industry connections.
Stephen Park of DOWHAT, a hospitality venture, enhances operational efficiency in hotels via mobile app integrations, already serving fifty-five hotels in Korea. Stephen's positive experience in Northwest Arkansas and ambitious goals for market expansion encapsulate the collaborative spirit of the region.
Overall, this episode reflects on the warm, family-like community among entrepreneurs, epitomized by the growing success of the Startup Crawl event, making it clear that the commitment to collaboration and consistent effort forms the backbone of NWA’s thriving startup ecosystem.
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[2023 DATA-Stars 킥오프데이 개별인터뷰] 딥세일즈
딥세일즈는 인공신경망을 기반으로 한 머신러닝의 일종인 딥러닝과 영업을 의미하는 세일즈의 합성어입니다. 고도화된 분석 기술을 통해 세일즈팀이 신규 바이어 발굴하는 인공지능 모델을 제시하여, 중소기업의 세일즈 역량을 증폭시키고자 합니다. 딥세일즈 홈페이지 : https://deepsales.com/ 데이터스타즈 공식 블로그 : https://blog.datastars.or.kr/
397 Episode Highlight: What Is a Tech-Enabled Company?
Summary In this special episode of Startup Junkies, we’re recording live from Startup Crawl 2024 where we sat down with a variety of guest entrepreneurs and their innovative ventures. Louis Lee, CMO of Wonderful Platform, discussed its pioneering work in senior care technology. Wonderful Platform’s companion robot, Avadin, addresses elderly loneliness and depression through personalized AI-driven interactions. Jangwon J Lee’s company, DeepSales, tackles the unique sales challenges in Asia. By building a comprehensive business database and employing AI, it streamlines lead generation and pre-qualification for SMEs. Sarah No, a champion for early childhood education, shared insights on Playtag. This game-changing platform leverages AI and computer vision to analyze child behavior, enhancing teacher-parent communication and improving learning outcomes. With a ninety percent satisfaction rate in Korea, Sarah aims to refine Playtag's offerings for the U.S. market through valuable customer feedback. Kris Adams enlightened us on Startup Junkie’s robust event calendar, boasting over two hundred free events to support local entrepreneurs. He introduced the ARse program focusing on tech and tech-enabled startups in Arkansas. In a short time, ARise has already connected one hundred and nine startups with thirty subject matter experts, offering free coaching, access to capital, and valuable industry connections. Stephen Park of DOWHAT, a hospitality venture, enhances operational efficiency in hotels via mobile app integrations, already serving fifty-five hotels in Korea. Stephen's positive experience in Northwest Arkansas and ambitious goals for market expansion encapsulate the collaborative spirit of the region. Overall, this episode reflects on the warm, family-like community among entrepreneurs, epitomized by the growing success of the Startup Crawl event, making it clear that the commitment to collaboration and consistent effort forms the backbone of NWA’s thriving startup ecosystem. Links https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffamerine/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/caleb-talley-25189211b/ https://startupjunkie.org/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/louisleedonguk/ https://avadin.io/en https://www.linkedin.com/in/leejangwon1995/ https://deepsales.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/nosarah/ https://playtag.ai/?ckattempt=1 https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristopher-adams-ab6131134/ https://arisearkansas.org/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/shpark7906/?locale=en_US https://en.dowhat.io/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/calvin-smith/