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소셜 리스닝
Land Your Dream Design Job in Canada in Just 2.5 Months – No Experience Needed!
To Land Your Dream Design Job in Canada in Just 2.5 Months with No Experience, follow this step by step process, to find UI / UX, Product design job in Canada. Free UI/UX Course Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRZWNqYx9mxEvy-v5QkXrLtcBowJcF-cv Get ideas for your projects here: https://www.briefz.biz https://goodbrief.io https://drawerrr.com/challenge#target-problem Domain & Portfolio: https://www.squarespace.com Resume: https://www.resume.io Presentation: https://www.canva.com #howtogetdesignjob #uiux #uiuxdesigner #howtogetajob #productdesign #job #jobsearch #careerguidance #canada #india #downtownvancouver #ontario #unitedstates
New UX/UI Portfolio Tools & A.I. That I Love! – Drawerrr, Pafolios, Gemini
Today we're looking at some amazing new UX/UI design portfolio tools and AI tools to make perfect UX/UI portfolios to get any design job. Join our UX/UI school and internship - https://designwings.in/ Resources mentioned 1. Pafolios - https://pafolios.com/ 2. Career Strategy Labs - https://www.careerstrategylab.com/ 3. Drawerrr - https://drawerrr.com/ 4. Tome Case Study - https://tome.app/templates/case-study 5. Spotify Design - https://spotify.design/tools 6. Google UX Portfolio - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIGx2ohbCY4 7. Gemini - https://gemini.google.com/app Video chapters 0:00 Introduction 0:16 Pafolios 0:58 Career Labs 1:59 Drawerrr AI 3:50 Spotify Design Resources 4:43 Tome Case Study Design 5:30 Google UX Portfolio Course 5:55 Gemini Portfolio Tutorial For Sponsorship: punitwebdeveloper@gmail.com Follow Me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/punitchawlaofficial/ Follow me on Medium: https://medium.com/@punitweb My Behance Profile: https://www.behance.net/punitweb #uidesign #uxdesign #designportfolio
Level up your UI/UX design skills Using this Five Tool
Hello Fam! In this video, I show you some of the tools you could use to sharpen your UI/UX Design skills and how to go one more step higher than that and get the most benefits out of it! Tools mentioned in the video: ❖ https://designercize.com/ ❖ https://sharpen.design/ ❖ https://fakeclients.com/ ❖ https://goodbrief.io/ ❖ https://drawerrr.com/ 🚀 Subscribe for more weekly design content 🧑🏻💻Editor: https://www.instagram.com/forisle/ 🌎 Socials https://dribbble.com/Meworkees https://www.instagram.com/meworkees https://twitter.com/Meworkees | Chapters 00:00 Welcome! 00:21 About 01:08 designercize 02:24 sharpen.design 03:12 fakeclients 04:04 goodbrief 06:34 Outro XOXO ❤️
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