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3월 07 2023
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기프티스틱AI는 특별한 분들을 위한 완벽한 선물을 찾아주는 맞춤형 선물 추천 엔진입니다. 최첨단 기술과 인공지능을 사용하여 쇼핑 대상인 사람의 개인적인 특징을 분석하고 독특하고 생각들이 담긴 선물을 제안합니다.

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10 Best Ai Tools for Fun - From Chatbots to Meme Generators

Note: The voices in this video were AI generated with Eleven Labs! Visit them and try for yourself! elevenlabs.io/?from=partnerfarmer2784 Looking for some fun ways to use AI tools? The Mook from 1930 is gonna be sharing 10 of the best AI tools for fun and Entertainment! They're all super useful too! From chatbots to meme generators, these tools are perfect for entertaining yourself or your friends. Whether you're in the mood for an ai generated pickup line or some creative inspiration, these Fun AI tools will have you laughing and learning in no time. So put down that copy of Buck Rodgers and grab a cup o' joe, sit back and enjoy the show! Here are the sites listed in the video: Mai Movie MaiMovie: https://maimovie.com/ Maimovie is an AI-powered movie and TV show search tool that helps users find content based on specific moods or contexts. It’s an app. SuperMeme Ai https://www.supermeme.ai/ Supermeme.ai is an AI-powered meme generator that helps users create memes from any text, in any language. It also offers an array of tools and features, including a meme template selector, a multilingual meme generator, an AI-powered meme search, and APIs, to help users promote their personal or professional brand across social media, digital ads, and outbound marketing. It's free to try and no credit card is required. Ai Pet Namer https://aipetnamer.herokuapp.com/ The AI-Powered PetNamer is a free demo app that generates unique and creative names for any type of pet. The user has the option to specify the pet type, gender, color, origin, and personality traits and can even choose a historical theme to generate names from. Cook Ai Food https://cookaifood.com/ CookAIfood is a revolutionary cooking experience that uses AI to generate unique recipes and provide users with advanced tools, such as diet planners, grocery lists, printable cookbooks, calorie counters, meal planning, and nutrition monitoring. Users can explore existing recipes, create their own unique recipes, and share and like recipes with other foodies. CookAIfood offers a pay-as-you-go model, with flexible packages and bonus credits for sign-ups, affiliates, and promo codes. AI Pickup Lines https://www.aipickuplines.com/ The AI Pick-up Line Generator is a tool that provides users with clever, funny, and smooth pickup lines that are guaranteed to make anyone swoon. It is designed to help users overcome awkward silences and improve their dating lives. The tool also includes a free Pickup lines guide. Booom.ai https://joinplayroom.com/games/booom Enter a topic and it will generate a fun trivia game that you can play around that topic. Play by yourself or play with friends. Let’s Foodie https://letsfoodie.com/ This tool provides an AI-generated recipe tailored to a list of ingredients that the user inputs. It also provides a variety of popular reads on topics related to baking, cooking, eating, and leftovers. GiftAssistant Io https://www.giftassistant.io/ Gift AI is an artificial intelligence technology that enables customers to find the perfect gift for any occasion. Gift AI combines machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to analyze customer conversations and identify the best gift for each customer’s unique needs. With Gift AI, customers can easily find the perfect gift quickly and accurately. Gift AI can be used to help customers find the ideal gift for any occasion. By analyzing customer conversations, Gift AI can determine the customer's interests, budget, and preferences. With this information, Gift AI can then recommend the perfect gift for the customer. Gift AI also provides customers with a personalized gift recommendation page, which can be tailored to the customer's interests. Giftastic.ai https://giftastic.ai Giftastic.AI is a personalized gift recommendation engine that uses cutting-edge AI technology to analyze the personal characteristics of the person and recommend unique and thoughtful gifts. It is free of charge, and helps users quickly and easily find the perfect gift for their loved ones. Autodraw.com https://www.autodraw.com/ AutoDraw is a drawing tool that uses machine learning and drawings from talented artists to help everyone create visuals quickly and easily. It features a suggestion tool that can guess hundreds of drawings and can be used on any device. It is free to use and was built to make drawing and creating more accessible and enjoyable. Character.ai https://beta.character.ai/ Character.AI is a beta product that uses neural language models to enable users to collaborate with a computer to write dialog with the illusion that they are talking with another character. It can be used for imagination, brainstorming, and language learning. Subscribe to the Mindstorm Channel and prosper! https://www.youtube.com/@MindstormMarc?sub_confirmation=1

The Mindstorm AI Channel
3월 25 2023

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웹사이트 배지를 사용하여 커뮤니티에서 Toolify Launch에 대한 지원을 유도하세요. 홈페이지나 바닥글에 쉽게 삽입할 수 있습니다.

기프티스틱AI: AI 기반인 기프티스틱AI는 개인적인 특징을 분석하여 독특한 선물을 제안합니다.
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