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소셜 리스닝
Itel Super Guru Series Feature Phones with in-built UPI Launched - Price From 1499 -All Details Here
PRODUCT BRAND STORE AMAZON : Itel has launched its ‘Super Guru’ series of feature phones in India. The series includes three models: Super Guru 200, Super Guru 400, and Super Guru 600. Earlier this month, the Itel launched the S23. The Itel Super Guru Series is a remarkable collection of feature phones that offer an array of features. One notable feature is the mobile payment capability, allowing users to effortlessly perform UPI functions like money transfers and bill payments on the go using GSPay app developed by Gupshup.io that is powered by NPCI’s UPI 123 Pay. The Super Guru Series sets higher standards in terms of power and durability. It includes a strong call alert for reliable communication, a robust structural design to withstand daily wear and tear, and enhanced durability for long-lasting usage. Additionally, Itel is offering a free transparent and dotted cover with the Super Guru Series, combining style and protection. ↪ ⚠If someone has any problem with this video and want to remove this video from my channel then before give me strike contact me I will definitely delete this video⚠ ➡️ contact:- amratlal298@gmail.com #MobileLeaksMukesh #itel #mobile
MasterClass WhatsApp Como Canal de Alta Conversão
Confira a Masterclass sobre WhatsApp Como Canal de Alta Conversão, que vai te ajudar a potencializar as estratégias de uso do WhatsApp em todas as etapas de comunicação com seu cliente. Rodrigo Garcia, head de negócios da #cvortex, e Leonardo de Paula, com 15 anos de experiência e uma carreira brilhante, hoje Head na @gupshup.io, tiveram um bate papo sobre o assunto. Assista agora. No Linkedin Leonardo de Paula: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonardodepaula/ Rodrigo Garcia: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rodrigo-garcia-da-silveira-9970764/ cVortex: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cvortexdigital Gupshup: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gupshup/
We are Gupshup The Conversation Cloud
Gupshup’s Conversation Cloud Platform makes it easy for businesses to meet their customers, where they are - on messaging channels of their choice - be it WhatsApp, RCS, or Instagram… And turn those conversations into opportunities for growth across customer acquisition, engagement, commerce and support. Explore more at https://www.gupshup.io/
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