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소셜 리스닝
反正就来这一趟Just Here Once
I wrote the lyrics in Chinese three years ago (inspired by the life of 17-year periodical cicadas: https://lnkd.in/gtnimhBu and with no help from AI ^_^) and finally Suno (https://www.suno.ai/) joined my band (Yummy Mushroom) today. We worked together for 2 hours trying different genres, e.g., hip-hop, rock, jazz, and folk, and chose the house version - it sounds pretty good. I will write a blog to record the workflow details later. Here are the tools used: - Music generation: Suno.AI (https://www.suno.ai/) - Album cover: HiddenArt.AI (https://hiddenart.ai/) - Video editing: CapCut with automatic AI lyrics captions (some parts were wrong) - Lyric translation: GPT4 with additional editing by me (not as good as the Chinese version - will try to revise in the future) 写于2021年5月20号: 今年美东要迎来数十亿只地下蛰伏了十七年的蝉 - 它们比我们更早来到这里,出来之后只有短暂几周来做三件事:Singing,Mating,Dying - 这一生...[发呆] 有感就写了一首歌词,回头要整个歌: 反正就来这一趟 作词:老王 作曲:不知道呢 没有机会和妈妈说bye 走入地下来躲避伤害 十几年在黑暗里等待 期待上天准时的指派 睁开了双眼 褪去了厚茧 忘记了风险 我一往无前 放声的歌唱 把憋闷遗忘 管TM将来怎样 反正就来这一趟 保持着节奏 找到了皇后 就算短暂的拼凑 我感觉已经足够 啦,啦啦 啦,啦啦啦啦啦