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소셜 리스닝
A COLLEGE DAY IN MY LIFE at Brown University (class, lift, errands, and more!)
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A Relaxing Day in My Life at Brown University | Applied Math-Econ Major
Try the best AI-assisted PDF reader in the market, Honeybear.ai, and use JAE20 for 20% off your first 3 months: https://www.honeybear.ai/?via=jae 🍯🐻 One of my more relaxing days at Brown as an Applied Math-Econ major! Let me know your guys' thoughts in the comments below :) 🙋🏻♂️ Who am I? Hello, my name is Jae and I'm a student at Brown University studying Applied Mathematics and Economics on the Mathematical Finance track. 🌲 Follow me on Instagram for everything that happens in between these videos - https://www.instagram.com/jaeahhn/ 📥 Connect on Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaeahn19/ 📚 Book a call with me for your college applications - https://calendly.com/jaeahn/45min 🎧 My Spotify playlist: https://spoti.fi/3v6LYSZ Love you all! ヅ Current Sub Count: 21,157
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