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DON'T use AI companions apps!

Your AI girlfriend is not your friend. And neither is the company developing it. Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thehatedone Follow me: https://twitter.com/The_HatedOne_ https://www.reddit.com/r/thehatedone/ AI companions are exploding in popularity. And the world is more and more looking like the movie “Her”. And not in a good way. Because who is developing these AIs and how exactly do they make money? There is something these companies are not telling you. And I am gonna show why you should not trust or even use these AI chatbots. And I will also show you what you can do to better protect yourself if you still want to use AI chatbots but safely. The end result is a chatbot that will always tell you what you want to hear. It will insulate your from the external world. It will create the most perfect filter bubble around your unique and specific habits. It will make you develop unhealthy dependencies that will deepen your social isolation, even if you subjectively might feel less lonely. SOURCES [references in the transcript] [0] https://www.wired.com/story/ai-girlfriends-privacy-nightmare/ [1] https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-general-social-connection-advisory.pdf [2] https://time.com/6257790/ai-chatbots-love/ [3] https://www.sixthtone.com/news/1006531 [4] https://www.reddit.com/r/replika/comments/108gpb2/replikas_terrible_meme_ad_campaign_is_doing_so/ [5] https://www.vice.com/en/article/z34d43/my-ai-is-sexually-harassing-me-replika-chatbot-nude [6] https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/10/07/characterai-google-lamda/ [7] https://english.elpais.com/technology/2023-12-09/virtual-girlfriend-real-love-how-artificial-intelligence-is-changing-romantic-relationships.html [8] https://www.theinformation.com/articles/character-seeks-250-million-in-new-funding-amid-ai-boom [9] https://www.euronews.com/next/2021/08/26/meet-xiaoice-the-ai-chatbot-lover-dispelling-the-loneliness-of-china-s-city-dwellers [10] https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/articles/happy-valentines-day-romantic-ai-chatbots-dont-have-your-privacy-at-heart/ [11] https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-07-14/microsoft-chatbot-spinoff-xiaoice-reaches-1-billion-valuation [12] https://classic.qz.com/machines-with-brains/1018126/lukas-replika-chatbot-creates-a-digital-representation-of-you-the-more-you-interact-with-it/ [13] https://www.kuki.ai/policies#privacy [14] https://evaapp.ai/app/pp.html [15] https://vineetseamless.gitlab.io/chai-privacy/#section1 [16] https://character.ai/privacy [17] https://replika.ai/legal/privacy [18] https://tuta.com/ [19] https://proton.me/ [20] https://grapheneos.org/ [21] https://jan.ai/ [22] https://huggingface.co/chat/assistants [23] https://huggingface.co/models Credits Music by CO.AG Music https://www.youtube.com/@co.agmusic The footage and images featured in the video were for critical analysis, commentary and parody, which are protected under the Fair Use laws of the United States Copyright act of 1976.

The Hated One
7월 20 2024

Top 10 AI Girlfriend Apps Websites In 2024 | Mind Blowing And Realistic | Top Pick Candy.ai

🏆 Try Our Top Pick Girlfriend/Boyfriend App Candy .ai FREE here: https://candy.ai/characters/new?via=aitoolstoday18 Looking for companionship, conversation, or even just a fun way to explore AI? In 2024, AI girlfriend apps are more advanced and engaging than ever! This video dives into 10 of the most beautiful and feature-rich AI girlfriend apps available. We'll explore their unique features, stunning visuals, and what makes them stand out. But before you download: We encourage responsible use and acknowledge that these apps cannot replace real-life human connection. Here's what you'll find: Top 10 AI girlfriend apps with stunning visuals and engaging features In-depth look at each app's functionalities and strengths Honest discussions about responsible use and limitations Remember: These apps are for entertainment and companionship, and shouldn't be a substitute for real-life relationships. Like this video? Hit that thumbs up and subscribe for more AiToolsToday! Stay tuned for the next episode of AiToolsToday. 00:00 Introduction 00:30 https://cutechat.ai/ 01:11 https://candy.ai/s/aitoolstoday18 (Our #1 Choice for AI Companions 2024!🏆) 01:30 https://www.gptgirlfriend.online/ 01:49 https://beta.luka.ai/ 02:07 https://replika.com/ 02:25 https://myanima.ai/ 02:45 https://joiai.com/ 03:00 https://www.kuki.ai/ 03:16 https://steemit.com/steemhunt/@juecoree/mitsuku-the-world-s-best-conversational-chatbot 03:31 https://tinderprofile.ai/ 03:50 Conclusion Check out our next episode ALL about https://candy.ai/s/aitoolstoday18 here: https://youtu.be/VorY_7KEwWc?si=xbsX7-y_DPtba5Ah #AIGirlfriend #Apps2024 #TechReview #Companionship #ResponsibleUse #girl #ai #dating

3월 03 2024

The Sinister Rise of AI Influencers | social commentary video essay

What's up with the current AI influencer hype? Are they any less problematic to society than their human counterpart? Well, yes, but also, absolutely not. /Chapters - The Rise of The AI Influencers - VTubers - AI Influencer run down - Aitana; the future of Influencers - The benefit of AI influencers (aka. human influencers suck) - The sinister issues of AI influencers . . . . . If you watched the video, then THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! This took me a bit of time to research and edit, so sorry for the late upload! Hopefully you enjoyed it! Plz Consider the SUBSCRIBE BUTTON, haha, so I can make more videos about culture, movies, literature, art etc.! You don't have to press it, per se...but at least consider it, you know? ---- Become an Airhead and follow ma socials: /Instagram: @upintheairft.zurich (book reviews, art and films - if you like my yt content then Instagram has similar content I don't publish anywhere else) /Twitter: @uitaftzurich (nothing really there, lol) --- /About me: I am a 20-somethin’ y.o intellectual crackhead, who like books, poetry, and anything else I like to get into (art, films, philosophy, culture, social commentary etc.). Talking books, I like classics, literary fiction, and sci-fi, but will read anything if it’s bad-funny enough. --- /(important) articles mentioned. - H and M study for using Kuki, Meta study - Kuki.ai (2023) - Cole Henry, “Cynthia the Gaba Girl: A Look at the First Mannequin Influencer”, Virtual Humans (June 16, 2020) - Angela Yang, “Parents worry AI-generated influencers are promoting unrealistic beauty standards to kids”, NBC News (21, Jan 2024) - Makena Rasmussen, “What’s the difference between virtual influencers, VTubers, Artificial Intelligence, Avatars, and More?”, Virtual Humans (2021) - The World’s first virtual influencer with Down Syndrome – the Diigitals - James K. Wight, “Virtual Influencer: An Interview with Christopher Travers,” Transmedia Blueprint (2022) - “How Lu from Maglu Became the Biggest Virtual Influencer in the world”, Little Black Book online (2022) - Laura Llach, “Meet the first Spanish AI model earning up 10,000 euros per month”, euronews - Elsiena ten Kate, “New Phenomenon of Virtual Influencers: the Paradox of Lil Miquela”, Salience (2021) - r/LAinfluencersnark, Cosmiclani, “2024 the end of influencers???”, Reddit - ParentsTogether, “Stop Fake TikTok Influencers From Creating Real Body Dysmorphia”, Petition - Michelle Cheng, "Apple may be quiet on AI, but it's also the biggest buyer of AI companies", Quartz (26 Sept 2023) - Kyle Chayka, "Is A.I. Art Stealing From Artists?", The New Yorker (10 Feb, 2023) - Angela Yang, “Parents worry AI-generated influencers are promoting unrealistic beauty standards to kids”, NBC News (21 Jan 2024) ---- Music used. - Time to Move and Motivate - by The Insider - The Insider theme – The Insider - Vibration - by The Insider - A Little Woozy, I Guess - by The Insider (use for the Gaba section) - Optimum - by Eaters - I Only Love You On the Internet - Starwood - government funded weed - by Black Ant - 1.26 beat1 - by BOPD #influencer #culture #videoessay #instagram #ai #aitana #aiinfluencer #technology #socialcommentary #socialmedia #videoessay #commentary

Up in the Air ft. Zürich
2월 17 2024

15개의 소셜 미디어 데이터를 보려면 잠금을 해제해야 합니다

Kuki AI 삽입 실행

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