코딩 기술없이 AI ebook 및 마케팅 퍼널 생성하기
랜딩 페이지, 팝업 및 AI 도구로 구독자에게 이메일을 보내는 무료 ebook을 만들고 팔로워를 확보하세요. 웹 사이트나 워드프레스 플러그인을 사용하지 않고 이메일 목록을 구축하세요.
더 많은 문의사항이 있으면 문의하기 페이지(https://leadslide.com/contact)를 방문하세요.
Leadslide AI Ebook Creator and Marketing Funnels에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 회사 소개 페이지(https://leadslide.com/about-us)를 방문하세요. .
Leadslide AI Ebook Creator and Marketing Funnels 로그인 링크: https://ai.leadslide.com
Leadslide AI Ebook Creator and Marketing Funnels 가입 링크: https://ai.leadslide.com/register
작성자: Emmett 님의 글 5월 04 2024
당신의 마케팅 잠재력을 발휘하세요: 9가지 최첨단 AI 도구 발견하기!
작성자: Sebastian 님의 글 5월 04 2024
AI 파워 잠금 해제: 이 15가지 마케팅 도구로 귀하의 캠페인을 한 단계 더 높이세요!
작성자: Nitish Singh 님의 글 4월 03 2024
Toolify AI와 함께 매력적인 eBook을 위한 AI의 힘을 해제하세요 - 10가지 전문 전략 공개!
소셜 리스닝
LeadSlide AI Ebook Creator - How to Make an Ebook with ChatGPT and AI
This is a beta test of the AI Ebook creator from leadslide.com In this video we show how you can make a simple downloadable ebook PDF that you can use on leadslide.com or your Wordpress website. We show one prompt that generates an ebook with AI. We also do small edits after with the online ebook editor, use some AI tools to get suggestions, and publish the ebook to use in our marketing funnel generator on your Wordpress website or Leadslide.com Try out our beta version from free at https://ai.leadslide.com/register and let us know what you think of the one-click AI Ebook creator. We want to work with you!
🛒 I buy my supplements from this guy
00:00 🌱 Addison Best is the co-founder and director of digital at 88 Herbs and the CEO of LeadSlide, a software company specializing in AI marketing for platforms like Shopify and WordPress. 01:35 🇨🇳 Addison's 14-year stay in China began in 2003, initially for leisure, but he eventually got involved in internet-related projects, including podcasting and online marketing. 03:14 💼 Addison's experience in China led him to start a supplement business, where they focus on quality ingredients without fillers and have a multi-faceted approach, including online and retail sales. 06:37 🏆 Their best-selling supplement is a magnesium bisglycinate that doesn't cause diarrhea, and they prioritize creating specialty products that stand out. 09:23 🛒 In 2013, their early success on Amazon was partly due to less competition and the ability to get free traffic through good listings. Nowadays, Amazon advertising is crucial for visibility. 12:06 💡 When formulating new supplements, they experiment with various ingredients and rely on partners with research expertise. Trends and experimentation play a key role in developing new products. 13:02 🌍 Addison's goal for 2024 is to find balance in life, enjoy more time with family, and adapt to a new lifestyle in Canada, while also considering travel to warmer destinations. 16:10 📈 Addison is working on LeadSlide, a marketing platform with automation tools for building marketing funnels, email opt-in forms, and e-books with AI. You can find more information at leadslide.com.