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소셜 리스닝
AI for fashion and interior design
In this video, I will be showing 7 AI tools that can help Fashion designers and Interior Designers with their businesses. I added a bonus AI that can help all companies as well. 1. https://www.patterned.ai/ 2. https://ca.la/ 3. https://vue.ai/products/vuemodel/ 4. https://plask.ai/ 5. Marketplan.io 6. https://getfloorplan.com/ 7. https://www.maket.ai/ 8. https://www.filechat.io/ I recommend this 80%-off Beginner A.I. Art Course: https://aiartforbeginners.com/aeanil For Etsy keyword research https://etsyhunt.com/?fpr=789456 Welcome to the world of AI with Aeanil, where innovation and creativity collide to bring you endless possibilities! As a content creator, I bring you tutorials and news on how AI and its various forms such as machine learning, deep learning, generative AI, and more can be integrated into your daily activities to improve efficiency and even earn you extra income. From making money online through passive income streams to starting your own side hustle using the power of AI, my videos provide actionable tips and tricks to help you grow and succeed. Whether you're looking for growth hacks for your business, or digital marketing strategies, or want to learn about the latest advancements in AR and VR, I have you covered. So join me on my journey as we explore the vast potential of AI and discover new ways to enhance our lives. #fashiondesigner #interiordesigner
Сохрани, чтобы не потерять С правильными инструментами Ai вы можете сделать то, на что обычно уходят часы, за секунды и даже лучше! ChatGPT - отличный инструмент, но не единственный, который вы должны использовать. 10 нейросетей лучше, чем ChatGPT, которые вы должны использовать: - Stocking.ai - Clipdrop - Durable Ai - Runwayml - Marketplan.io - Iloveimg.com - Tome - Apiway.ai - Microsoft Designer - Predis.ai Пиши слово «НЕЙРОСЕТЬ» боту по ссылке в комментарии👨🎓 #нейросеть #нейросети #midjourney #chatgpt #нейродизайнер #neuromarketing #дизайнинтерьера
Marketplan.io: How to Create an Effective Marketing Plan with AI
In this video, you will learn how to create an effective marketing plan with Marketplan.io. Marketplan.io is an AI-powered marketing planning platform that helps you understand your target market, set SMART marketing goals, and create effective marketing campaigns. You will discover how to: Use Marketplan.io to conduct market research Set SMART marketing goals Create a comprehensive marketing strategy Track the performance of your marketing campaigns If you're looking for a simple and intelligent way to create an effective marketing plan, Marketplan.io is the perfect solution for you.
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