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작성자: Eloise 님의 글 5월 18 2024
최고 성과를 이루는 비결을 알려드립니다: 꼭 알아야 할 14가지 팁!
소셜 리스닝
How to transition to being a solopreneur? Own Your Awkward Podcast with Kevin B Dull
Kevin B. Dull is an accomplished leader in the field of organizational development and HR, with over 20 years of experience. He is the founder of KBD Consulting, a highly regarded People Strategy and HR Consulting Firm, and Co-Founder of, a cutting-edge HR AI Technology Firm. Dull's expertise in this field culminating in his role as the head of the Human Resources department for a $3.5 billion revenue company with over 22,000 employees. Dull has also spent more than a decade working as an adjunct professor, teaching courses on Innovation, Business Strategy, and Human Resources. He is a lifelong learner, with an impressive educational background that includes a Juris Doctorate, a Master's of Business Administration, a Master's of Management and Leadership, and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. Beyond his professional achievements, Dull is an active member of his community. He serves as the Board member of the Puyallup-Sumner Chamber of Commerce Workforce Foundation and is involved with the University of Washington - Tacoma's Community Advisory Board for the Institute for Innovation and Global Engagement, as well as the Milgard Executive Council for the Milgard School of Business. Dull is a devoted husband to his wife, Susan, and proud father to two children, Bryce and Tyler. He is passionate about solving complex problems and thrives on collaborating with others to create new possibilities. To learn more about Kevin and his work, visit and Connect with Kevin B Dull online: Get merch, join a course and more! Check out all the ways you can support this show and host at: For more information on how you can Own Your Awkward with Andy Vargo, check out #podcast #awkward #ownyourawkward #acceptance #authentiicity #motivation #inspiration #coach #tacoma #solopreneur #entrepreneur #growth #business #washington #piercecounty #HR #employeeengagement