무베르트는 인공지능을 활용하여 다양한 목적에 적합한 고품질 음악 트랙을 생성하는 무료로얄티 음악 플랫폼입니다. 음악 제작자들의 창의력과 AI 알고리즘을 결합하여 음악 제작에서 인간과 기술의 상생 관계를 구현합니다.
1. 무베르트 렌더: 콘텐츠 제작자들은 무베르트를 통해 콘텐츠의 분위기, 지속 시간 및 템포에 완벽하게 맞는 사운드트랙을 손쉽게 생성할 수 있습니다. 2. 무베르트 스튜디오: 아티스트들은 AI와 협업하여 독특한 트랙, 샘플 및 루프를 제작하고 그들의 창작물로부터 수익을 창출할 수 있습니다. 3. 무베르트 익스텐션: 콘텐츠 제작자들은 Adobe After Effects 또는 프리미어에서 맞춤 음악을 손쉽게 생성할 수 있습니다. 4. 무베르트 API: 개발자들과 브랜드들은 무베르트를 통합하여 제품에 오리지널 음악을 손쉽고 무료로 사용할 수 있습니다. 5. 무베르트 플레이: 청취자들은 여유롭게 쉬거나, 운동하거나, 일하거나, 감상하고 싶은 순간에 맞는 음악을 찾을 수 있습니다.
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소셜 리스닝
In this video I chat all about the TOP 10 AI Tools that you simply won’t believe exist! Some of them are truly mind blowing (trust me) and AI is getting crazy with what it can do! So get ready to be blown away by the insane possibilities and see how these futuristic technologies are reshaping our world! 1. Lexica.art 2. Descript 3. Mubert - Music generated by Mubert https://mubert.com/render 4. Uberduck.ai 5. Nvidia Canvas 6. Replicate.com 7. Lumalabs.ai 8. ChatGPT 9. Supermeme.ai 10. Kaiber.ai FREE WALLPAPERS https://haylsworld.com/collections/free 🌟 SOCIAL 🌟 • SHORTS - https://www.youtube.com/c/HaylsWorldShorts • INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/haylsworld • TWITTER - https://twitter.com/HaylsWorld • WEBSITE - https://www.haylsworld.com/ 🛒 AMAZON SHOP 🛒 https://www.amazon.com/shop/haylsworld 🎵 MUSIC 🎵 http://share.epidemicsound.com/tpmvw 📷 GEAR 📷 https://www.haylsworld.com/gear-products/my-camera-filming-equipment #ai #chatgpt #artificialintelligence
I Tried 200 AI Tools, These are the Best
The craziest, most productive, and weirdest ai tools I found after researching hundreds. Artificial intelligence already has thousands of use cases and endless tools available. For everything from productivity to video editing, business to art, music, logos, branding, text-to-video, and some that are just weird. I spent countless hours researching and testing and am sharing the best tools I've discovered. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► AI video effects with Kaiber: https://kaiber.ai/?via=fp-yt ► Use AI to build your website with 10web: https://bit.ly/10web_io ► Generate music with Mubert: https://mubert.com/render/pricing?via=fp-yt More from Futurepedia: ⚒️ Get recommendations on the best AI tools for your work: https://www.futurepedia.io/ ✉️ Become the office AI-expert, 5min/week: https://futurepedia.beehiiv.com/ 🐦 Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/futurepedia_io 🖥️ Follow on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/futurepedia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tools Mentioned in Order of Appearance (with links): NVIDIA Canvas: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/studio/canvas/ NVIDIA Broadcast: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/broadcasting/broadcast-app/ NVIDIA Omniverse: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/omniverse/ Versy: https://www.versy.ai/ Imagen: https://imagen.research.google/ Kaiber: https://kaiber.ai/?via=fp-yt Leia Pix: https://convert.leiapix.com/ RunwayML Gen 2: https://research.runwayml.com/gen2 Caktus: https://www.caktus.ai/caktus_student Wisdolia: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wisdolia/ciknpklcipibmfbgjmdmfdfalklfdlne Rewind: https://www.rewind.ai/ Pimeyes: https://pimeyes.com/en Deep Nostalgia: https://www.myheritage.com/deep-nostalgia D-ID: https://www.d-id.com/ RunwayML: https://runwayml.com/ Luma Labs: https://lumalabs.ai/ Notion: https://www.notion.so/product/ai Wist Labs: https://wistlabs.com/ AutoDraw: https://www.autodraw.com/ Reimagine Home: https://www.reimaginehome.ai/ Do Not Pay: https://donotpay.com/ Soundraw: https://soundraw.io/ Mubert: https://mubert.com/render/pricing?via=fp-yt Eleven Labs: https://try.elevenlabs.io/sajwz8g65sby Midjourney: https://www.midjourney.com/home/ Mixo: https://mixo.io/?via=fp-yt Jasper: https://bit.ly/jasper-fp Looka: https://looka.grsm.io/fp-yt Poly: https://poly.ai/ Synthesia: https://www.synthesia.io/ Tome: https://beta.tome.app/ Futurepedia: https://www.futurepedia.io/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:23 Nvidia Canvas 0:40 Nvidia Broadcast 0:56 Nvidia Omniverse 1:06 Versy 1:24 Text to Video 1:41 Kaiber 1:58 Leia Pix 2:10 RunwayML 2:28 Caktus 3:08 Wisdolia 3:35 Rewind 3:54 Pimeyes 4:05 Deep Nostalgia 4:24 D-ID 4:38 RunwayML 5:41 Luma Labs 6:01 Microsoft365 Copilot 6:35 Google 7:12 Notion 7:35 Wist Labs 7:45 AutoDraw 7:55 Reimagine Home & donotpay 8:09 Soundraw & Mubert 8:44 Eleven Labs 9:06 Midjourney / Text to Image 10:02 Mixo 10:39 Jasper 10:58 Other Copy Tools 11:17 Looka, Poly, Synthesia, Tome 12:05 Future Tools
Top 10 BEST Mac Apps For Productivity: M1 & M2
Maximize productivity on your Macbook with the TOP 10 BEST M1 & M2 apps that you will ACTUALLY use. This list of the top 10 best apps for mac took years of trial & error to narrow down. Boost your productivity and save hours of time and effort using these apps! Best deals on new Macs on Amazon ⬇️ Best 14" MacBook Pro to buy in 2023 ➡ https://geni.us/Gltxlc Best 16" Macbook Pro to buy in 2023 ➡ https://geni.us/2mcOjE All Applications in the video ⬇️ Alfred - https://geni.us/KGrfz HandMirror - https://geni.us/chMuD9N Rectangle - https://geni.us/y8I3aG HiddenMe - https://geni.us/lDuPhC Bartender 4 - https://geni.us/1q4jBx TempBox - https://geni.us/BA6e7Wt Dropzone 4 - https://geni.us/LBWB7 CheatSheet - https://geni.us/qXA2OAU MonitorControl - https://geni.us/TPRa6J AppCleaner - https://geni.us/oA3TV MY FAVORITE TECH & GEAR » Everyday Carry Tech (EDC) - https://geni.us/EverydayCarryTech » Desk Setup - https://geni.us/kITyMuj » YouTube Studio - https://geni.us/sRih1Y BEST HEALTH TECH & GEAR » Workout gear (Save 15%, code: CTOMSHACKTT15) - https://geni.us/TenThousandCC » Whoop (Free Whoop 4.0 & One Month Free) - https://join.whoop.com/ChrisTomshack BEST PRODUCTIVITY APPS: » Superhuman Email (one FREE month) - https://geni.us/SuperHuman » SigmaOS - https://geni.us/SigmaOS WALLPAPER PACKS » Phone/Tablet/Desktop Wallpapers - https://christomshack.gumroad.com/ LET'S CONNECT » Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/christomshack_/ » Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/christomshack_/ Timestamps ⬇️ Intro - 00:00 App 1 - 00:54 App 2 - 01:54 App 3 - 02:52 App 4 - 04:00 App 5 - 04:50 GIVEAWAY - 05:25 App 6 - 06:00 App 7 - 07:54 App 8 - 08:35 App 9 - 09:20 App 10 - 10:16 Conclusion - 10:45 **Giveaway has ended** Giveaway rules - https://christomshack.notion.site/YouTube-Giveaway-Rules-5f26533653824078b4b092f919fc86e5?pvs=4 Music generated by Mubert https://mubert.com/render ___ Disclaimer: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases made through them. However, rest assured that these are all products I have personally tested, own, and recommend. #Macbook #Apps #Productivity #BestApps #bestMacApps #MacbookAir #MacbookPro #M1Mac #M2Mac
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