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몰입형 시뮬레이션을 통한 직장 기술 훈련
7월 21 2024
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뮈르시온은 인간이 제공하고 AI가 보조하는 직장에서 필수적인 기술을 연습할 수 있는 몰입형 시뮬레이션을 제공합니다. 어려운 상황과 고위험 대화에 대한 1:1 몰입형 훈련 시뮬레이션을 제공합니다.

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검색 기록

What Is Meta Anyway? My Thoughts On Facebook's Big Announcement.

Facebook’s rebrand to Meta is even bigger than you think. Here are my perspectives on this deal, along with some discussion about Nextdoor (https://nextdoor.com/) , DAO (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_DAO_(organization)) s, STRIVR (https://www.strivr.com/) , Mursion (https://www.mursion.com/) , and why I think Facebook is missing a big opportunity. This is a risky move for the company, and it may take them away from the biggest opportunity they have – fixing the existing business we all know. And also, that Facebook sees the Metaverse as a massive advertising strategy, learning more about you as a consumer than you ever wanted them to know. “Let’s not build the Metaverse with the plan to help other Platforms accumulate and retain consumers,” Rubin wrote. “Let’s build the Metaverse to keep them from being in the VR business in a meaningful way at all.” “Revenue would also come from ads, the market Facebook knows best. Rubin imagines Coca-Cola (https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/KO)  paying for prime placement of a pavilion, Ford (https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/F)  paying for its virtual cars to be usable or Procter & Gamble (https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/PG)  promoting its brands on digital billboards. Gucci could open a virtual store and Comcast (https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/CMCSA)  (owner of CNBC parent NBCUniversal) would pay for “a giant sign that says, ‘Comcast: Get Better MetaSpeed!’” Interesting Resources The Metaverse Is Mark Zuckerberg’s Escape Hatch (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/29/technology/meta-facebook-zuckerberg.html) (my general thinking) Facebook Meta Was Our Game To Lose (https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/30/facebooks-meta-mission-was-laid-out-in-a-2018-paper-on-the-metaverse.html) (the real Advertising strategy here) The Metaverse May Be Coming But Don’t Expect It From Zuckerberg (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/10/30/metaverse-may-be-coming-dont-expect-it-mark-zuckerberg/) (WaPo) What The Metaverse Could Be (https://www.fastcompany.com/90678442/what-is-the-metaverse) (A positive view from VR fans) Meta the Business (https://stratechery.com/2021/meta/)  (good business perspective) Facebook Employees Think The Name Is a Brand Tax (https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/29/meta-moves-company-away-from-facebook-brand-tax.html) Definitions of Meta Making or showing awareness of reference to oneself or to the activity that is taking place, especially in an ironic or comic way. One definition of this Greek word is transcending or going above and beyond. In the computer field, it defines things that embrace more than usual. For example, a metafile contains all types of data. Meta-data describes other data. See metafile (https://www.yourdictionary.com/metafile) , metadata (https://www.yourdictionary.com/metadata) , and meta tag (https://www.yourdictionary.com/meta-tag) . Going beyond or higher, transcending. Metalinguistics, metacriticism.

Josh Bersin
11월 18 2024

L&Debrief • salons HR & Learning Technologies 2025 : notre top des solutions RH & Formation 🏆

Un bon salon professionnel, c'est avant tout des exposants de top qualité ! Des solutions SaaS qui surprennent, des innovations, des évolutions, des redécouvertes... Et au final, les meilleurs outils pour répondre aux besoins des DRH, recruteurs, directeurs formation, digital learning manager, coachs et concepteurs pédagogiques de tous les secteurs. Voici les solutions qui ont marqué nos experts sur l'édition 2025 des salons Learning / HR technologies : • 15five, pour mesurer la performance en continu - https://www.15five.com/ • Limeade One, communication interne - https://support.limeade.com/hc/fr-ca • Mursion, plateforme dédiée à l'upskilling - https://www.mursion.com/ • Numix, spécialiste de la pédagogie immersive - https://numix.fr/ • Climate school, formation aux enjeux environnementaux - https://axaclimateschool.com/ • Synthesia, pour générer des vidéos pédagogiques par l'IA - https://www.synthesia.io/fr • Kumullus, la solution incontournable pour former en vidéo interactive - https://www.kumullus.com/ • Anemon, pour engager et former avec des campagnes SMS - https://anemon.co/ • MuchBetter, pour entraîner les équipes commerciales - https://muchbetter.ai/fr/ ___________ Sommaire de l'émission complète "Aller ou ne pas pouvoir aller aux salons HR Technologies France & Learning Technologies France, telle est la question" 🎭 Mais dans les deux cas, la meilleure réponse c'est le L&Debrief 👇 🔥 nos partenaires experts vous partagent leur synthèse des meilleurs moments du salon ; 🔥 les tendances, les nouveaux outils, les conférences les plus passionnantes... Vous saurez TOUT ! ; 🔥 dans un format décontracté et convivial, vous pouvez poser vos questions, réagir, intervenir... Venez passer votre pause déj avec nous, et nos deux mots d'ordre : expertise & simplicité 🌟 ___________ Qui sont les experts présents sur ce L&Debrief ? 🎙️ • Olfa Bouhlel, Senior HR Consultant, UUMANN, anciennement DRH Dr Oatker Tunisie ; • Pierre de Beauvillé, fondateur Com & Learn, expert en storytelling et Marketing de la Formation ; • Othmane Lahlou Amine, fondateur UUMANN, anciennement country manager TalenToBe, Head of Sales Kumullus... ; • André-Charles Idier, fondateur UUMANN, anciennement training manager TotalEnergies, co-fondateur de la EdTech Stimuli, Learning Director chez Kumullus... ___________ Comment s'inscrire pour les prochains L&Debrief ? 📆 Le L&Debrief est un rendez-vous mensuel consacré à l'actualité et aux enjeux de la RH et de la formation professionnelle. Outils, bonnes pratiques, tendances, retours d'expérience... Nos experts partenaires et des invités débriefent les sujets-chauds de notre secteur pro, en toute décontraction, sans tabous ni publicité déguisée. A la manière d'une radio libre, le public présent peut également prendre la parole pour réagir, compléter les infos ou partager de bonnes idées. ✅ Abonnez-vous à la page UUMANN sur LinkedIn pour ne rater aucun épisode : https://www.linkedin.com/company/uumann/ #innovationRH #ressourceshumaines #edtech #hrtech #learningtechnologies #UUMANN

UUMANN • La marketplace du capital humain
2월 13 2025

Mursion 삽입 실행

웹사이트 배지를 사용하여 커뮤니티에서 Toolify Launch에 대한 지원을 유도하세요. 홈페이지나 바닥글에 쉽게 삽입할 수 있습니다.

Mursion: 몰입형 시뮬레이션을 통한 직장 기술 훈련
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