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소셜 리스닝
Ideias de SaaS e MicroSaaS para desenvolver antes de 2024
Uma lista de ideias de SaaS e MicroSaaS para você desenvolver antes de 2024 e começar a ganhar dinheiro com recorrência. 😲 Links importantes: Grupo do Facebook, Instagram, etc.: https://linktr.ee/VivendodeSaas 👉 Link para Assinar a Plataforma Vivendo de SaaS: https://bit.ly/vivendodesaas 👉 Revenda o eGestor: https://bit.ly/revenda-egestor URLS mencionadas no vídeo: https://cademi.com.br/ https://memberkit.com.br/ https://www.astronmembers.com.br/ https://vimeo.com/ https://pandavideo.com.br/ https://www.bannerbear.com/ https://myaskai.com/ https://www.rezi.ai/ https://bit.ly 00:00 Introdução 00:51 Área de Membros 04:23 Plataformas de vídeos 08:01 Checkouts 10:12 Nota Fiscal de Serviço 11:43 SMS para equipes 13:25 Buscador de erros de português em sites 15:00 BannerBear 17:00 ChatGPT para sites 18:00 Currículos com Inteligência Artificial 18:41 Encurtador de URLs 20:22 Conclusão
Advanced ChatGPT concepts for Accountants
Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/145rXZSFThSF2CVyffUb-T0HP4cYH8_q54EuNuHSE758/edit?usp=sharing Try the AI software I use (MyAskAI): https://myaskai.com?via=freetrial If you missed the first (Basics 101) here is the link: https://youtu.be/JVoTQXxma6Q Part 2 of this session: https://youtu.be/6uf2dsChX6A Join the ALTACCOUNTANT coaching/mentorship program: https://altaccountant.com/
AI Shark Tank: 5 Founders Pitch Us Their AI Products (#124)
Turn visitors into leads today with HubSpot's free marketing tools. https://clickhubspot.com/u99 Video is the future. Kipp and Kieran react to video AI startups with half-baked marketing ideas and pick which companies they’d write angel checks for. Learn how personalized video will forever change the game, the power of AI data analysis, and the value of AI use cases for customers. Mentions Ben Tossell https://bentossell.com/ Ben’s Bites Newsletter https://www.bensbites.co/ Kieran’s favorite twitter AI thread https://twitter.com/amasad/status/1661227892569968640 Kieran’s other featured tweet https://twitter.com/frantzfries/status/1661359327637131264 Capsule AI video tool https://capsule.video/ My AskAI https://myaskai.com/ HubSpot Content Assistant https://www.hubspot.com/artificial-intelligence Kajoo https://kajoo.ai/ James Fridman twitter https://twitter.com/fjamie013 Whereto AI https://www.wheretoai.com/ Deep Sheet https://deepsheet.dylancastillo.co/ Timestamps 00:00 Intro 00:41 Brand-new AI tools 02:41 Kieran’s favorite Twitter AI thread of the week 03:57 Tool 1: Capsule, an AI video tool 07:44 Tool 2: MyAsk AI, an AI-powered chatbot 13:18 Tool 3: Kajoo.AI, an AI-powered DXC Platform 19:31 Tool 4: WhereTo AI, an AI-powered travel tool 23:55 Tool 5: DeepSheet.ai, an AI-powered Data Analytics tool 29:00 Q&A and discussion 31:45 Summary and wrapping up 32:27 Outro 🎙️Want more from Marketing Against the Grain? Download the podcast: https://link.chtbl.com/dlPdNxbV We’re on social media! 📲 Twitter: https://twitter.com/matgpod 📲 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@matgpod About the Show Kipp Bodnar (HubSpot’s CMO) and Kieran Flanagan (Zapier’s CMO), lead you down the rabbit hole of marketing trends, growth tactics and innovation. On the way you’ll pick up undiscovered strategies to give you that slight edge for success. These are not your typical twitter thread regurgitated marketing tactics that everyone is doing. These are new methods, with unfiltered examination of successful fresh ideas.
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