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소셜 리스닝
10 Most Important Chess Endgames (statistically)
Did you know that one endgame comes up in more than 15% of all chess games? Some endgames occur very frequently, and those are the ones we have to know best. I have listed 10 most common and most important chess endgames and tried to explain their basic ideas and principles. Practice against Noctie here: The statistical data was taken from Karsten Müller and Frank Lamprecht's excellent "Fundamental Chess Endings" (Gambit Publications Ltd., 2001, 11-12) 10 most common endgames are (in descending order): 1. rook vs rook endgames 8.45% 2. rook & bishop vs rook & knight endgames 6.76 3. two rooks vs two rooks endgames 3.45 4. rook & bishop vs rook & bishop (s.c.) endgames 3.37 5. bishop vs knight endgames 3.29 6. rook & knight vs rook & knight endgames 3.09 7. king & pawns vs king & pawns endgames 2.87 8. rook & bishop vs rook & bishop (o.c.) endgames 1.92 9. queen vs queen endgames 1.87 10. rook & bishop vs rook endgames 1.77 Rook and minor piece vs rook and minor piece endgames come up in more than 15% of all chess games played! They've been divided into separate endgames above to make things clearer. Become a Patron: New chess merch: More Merch on weird stuff like pillows: Follow me on lichess (write, ask, challenge): Tournament fund: #chess
7 Most Important Chess Endgame Principles
Chess endgames are easy to navigate if you anderstand the key principles like having an active king, triangulation, or the power of passed pawns. Visit Noctie: Practice these positions against Noctie: Principle 1, King activity: Principle 2, Passed pawns: Pinciple 3, Pawn breaks: Principle 4, Triangulation: Principle 5, Cutting off the king: Principle 6, Rooks behind passed pawns: Principle 7, Exchanging pawns or pieces?: Chess endgame strategy is something you learn from experience. It's very hard to get better at it from endgame lessons or books. Playing complex positions out is the best way to get a feel for what works and why. 0:00 Introduction 00:18 King activity 03:14 Passed pawns 07:09 Pawn breaks 18:52 Triangulation 21:02 Cutting off the king 22:34 Rooks behind passed pawns 29:24 Exchanging pawns or pieces? #chess #noctie
12 Most Important Chess Middlegame Principles
Chess Middlegame Principles every player must know. Middlegame fundamentals in 12 easy concepts suitable (and necessary!) for any rating or experience level. Visit Noctie: Practice these positions against Noctie: If you decide to try all of Noctie's features out, use the code HANGINGPAWNS to get a 64% discount! Where are the weaknesses? Outposts You can also get flashcards to solve positions where you've made mistakes! If you wanna learn chess middlegames or middlegame srategy, you have to learn key principles and use them to solve every position that isn't immediately clear to you. Use the concepts listed below as questions you ask yourself when coming up with plans. 0:00 Introduction 00:15 What does my opponent want to do? 02:31 Where are the weaknesses? 08:57 What's the worst placed piece? 11:02 Outposts 12:48 Open files and infiltration squares 17:21 Pawn hooks 21:08 Pawn breaks 23:09 Centralizing pieces 25:21 Blockading passed pawns 27:37 Weak squares 29:48 Space advantage #chess
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