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소셜 리스닝
How to Make the Most of the Olympia AI Team
This video explains how to make the most of the Olympia AI team for your business. Let us know in the comments if you have any questions! Grow your business, not your payroll! Hire the Olympia AI team now: https://app.olympia.chat/pricing?utm_source=homepage Comparison to ChatGPT: https://olympia.chat/chatgpt-alternative
Obie Fernandez - Patterns of Application Development Using AI
Taking advantage of AI components can transform an application developer’s workflow into an incredibly potent force, capable of competing at an unprecedented scale. This presentation draws on practical real-world experience gained by the presenter over the last 12 months of developing Olympia.chat. We will explore practical approaches ranging from real-time data analysis to automated customer support. The emphasis is on new approaches that let application developers focus more than ever on innovation and creativity. Attendees will leave with a roadmap for integrating AI tools and techniques into their projects, insights into the potential pitfalls and best practices, and inspiration to explore the boundaries of what a single developer or a small team can achieve with the right tools. The presenter is a well-known Ruby on Rails expert and his latest book, “Patterns of Application Development Using AI” is the definitive tome on the subject. Video production by TheMattFinish.com
Getting Started: Onboarding
In this video, we’ll guide you through the onboarding process on Olympia. We’ll cover everything from navigating the welcome page to completing your survey. If you need additional assistance, we’ll also show you how to request support from a professional. Read more here: https://olympia-docs.notion.site/ Have questions? Reach support@olympia.chat Join us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/olympia-chat/
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