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파르티안은 인공지능을 활용하여 금융 분야에서 개인들에게 교육과 인력을 공급하는 플랫폼입니다.
5월 16 2023
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파르티안은 금융에 대한 종합적인 지침을 제공하는 인공지능 기반의 개인 금융 교육 플랫폼입니다. 사용자들의 금융 지식을 향상시키고 정보에 기반한 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 다양한 기능과 도구를 제공합니다.

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파르티안을 사용하기 위해서는 웹사이트에 가입하고 계정을 생성하거나 모바일 앱을 다운로드해야 합니다. 등록한 후에는 금융 계정을 연결하여 자신의 금융 상황을 종합적으로 파악할 수 있습니다. 파르티안의 인공지능을 이용하여 자신의 돈에 관한 맞춤 질문을 할 수 있으며 즉각적인 답변을 받을 수 있습니다. 또한 맞춤 금융 계획을 구성하는데도 도움을 주고, 답변에 대한 설명과 해석을 제공하며 예산 편집, 투자, 신용 관리 도구와 통합됩니다. 대시보드에서 자신의 금융 상태를 추적하고, 교육적인 비디오와 대화형 레슨을 제공하는 접목된 플레이북에 접근할 수 있으며, 적극적인 학습 권장도 받을 수 있습니다.

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검색 기록

The AI Investment Landscape: Insights from the Builders, Dreamers, and Decision-Makers (June 2024)

CMU Tech & Entrepreneurship was on the official lineup of events for NY Tech Week 2024 on June 4th, 2024, featuring a panel discussion of all Carnegie Mellon alumni with perspectives from two startup founders (Arman Hezarkhani & Jeremy Toeman), an academic researcher (Zhou Yu), and a VC investor (Phil Bronner). The panel was moderated by Steven Guo, President of CMU Tech & Entrepreneurship. Panelist Bios available below. https://www.cmute.io/ Panelist Bios: ​Arman Hezarkhani (Builder): Arman is the Founder of Parthean, focused on personal finance education for young professionals. In his current role, he's using transformers to make money easier for people, has raised $2.8M, hired a small team, and more. Before this, he studied Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) at CMU, started two other startups, taught at CMU, and worked with Google. (CIT 19’ BS in Electrical & Computer Engineering) Learn more about Parthean at https://www.parthean.com Jeremy Toeman (Builder): ​Jeremy is the Founder & CEO of Aug X Labs and is passionate about the intersection of media and technology. His startup makes Augie, an AI Assistant that seamlessly blends user-owned content, stock media, and AI effects to automatically craft captivating marketing videos. Jeremy's career spans 25+ years in the field, with recent VP experiences at WarnerMedia, Joyn, and CBS Interactive, as well as startups such as Sling Media and Dijit. (DC 96’ BS in Business & Economics) Learn more about Augie at https://www.augxlabs.com ​Zhou Yu (Dreamer): Zhou is an Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department in Columbia University. She is also a co-founder of Articulate.ai which centers its efforts on harnessing the power of Conversational and Generative AI to empower and shape the future landscape of the workspace. She was featured on Forbes 30 under 30 in Science in 2018. Her team also won the 2018 Amazon Alexa Socialbot Competition. Her team’s work on Persuasive Dialog Systems also won the ACL 2019 best paper nomination. (SCS 17’ PhD Computer Science) Learn more about Articulate.ai at https://articulateai.com/ ​Phil Bronner (Decision-Maker): Phil is Co-founder and Managing Partner of Ardent Venture Partners, an early-stage venture fund investing in B2B fintech, marketplaces, and vertical SaaS+. Throughout his 15-year career, he has led 16 investments totaling over $100 million with prior roles as Founder/Managing Member of Summer League Ventures and General Partner at Novak Biddle Venture Partners. (SCS 92’ BS in Computer Science) Learn more about Ardent Venture Partners at https://www.ardent.vc/ ​Moderated by Steven Guo (Facilitator): Steven is the President of CMU Tech & Entrepreneurship, which is building the infrastructure to support a community of thousands of Tartans across the tech and entrepreneurship continuum with programming, connection, and opportunity. He previously was at LifeX supporting an accelerator for early-stage health tech and life science startups in Pittsburgh and is passionate about building startup ecosystems with an interest in scaling social impact and social innovation. (DC 18’ BS in Decision Science)

CMU Tech & Entrepreneurship
6월 18 2024

파르티안 삽입 실행

웹사이트 배지를 사용하여 커뮤니티에서 Toolify Launch에 대한 지원을 유도하세요. 홈페이지나 바닥글에 쉽게 삽입할 수 있습니다.

파르티안: 파르티안은 인공지능을 활용하여 금융 분야에서 개인들에게 교육과 인력을 공급하는 플랫폼입니다.
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