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소셜 리스닝
we tried the hardest build challenge EVER in the sims 4
thank you Shining Nikki for sponsoring the video! download Shining Nikki here: http://bit.ly/CarynandConnie #ad we thought Plumbella’s new cursed build challenge in the sims 4 couldn’t ACTUALLY be cursed… we were so wrong. watch us try to build an adorable a-frame house from the roof down? Plumbella’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcgveWLEgvg Plumbellas’s Build Generator: https://perchance.org/uw3gjbcg1a Gallery ID: CarynandConnie Mods: Twisted Mexi's "T.O.O.L Mod" and "Better BuildBuy" -------------------------------------------------------------- hey. you. yeah you. CHECK OUT OUR OTHER STUFF! • Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/carynandconnie • Discord - https://discord.gg/PNq5wNGwJC • Twitter - https://twitter.com/carynandconnie • Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/carynandcon... • TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@carynandconnie • Other YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/CarynandConnie • LinkTree - linktr.ee/carynandconnie -------------------------------------------------------------- BUSINESS INQUIRES: candc@night.co MUSIC We Shop Song - Philip Milman Morning Stroll: Josh Kirsch/Media Right Productions Hall of the Mountain King: Kevin MacLeod Future City Funk - Bad Snacks
we tried the hardest build challenge EVER in the sims 4
thank you Shining Nikki for sponsoring the video! download Shining Nikki here: http://bit.ly/CarynandConnie #ad we thought Plumbella’s new cursed build challenge in the sims 4 couldn’t ACTUALLY be cursed… we were so wrong. watch us try to build an adorable a-frame house from the roof down? Plumbella’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcgveWLEgvg Plumbellas’s Build Generator: https://perchance.org/uw3gjbcg1a Gallery ID: CarynandConnie Mods: Twisted Mexi's "T.O.O.L Mod" and "Better BuildBuy" -------------------------------------------------------------- hey. you. yeah you. CHECK OUT OUR OTHER STUFF! • Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/carynandconnie • Discord - https://discord.gg/PNq5wNGwJC • Twitter - https://twitter.com/carynandconnie • Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/carynandcon... • TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@carynandconnie • Other YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/CarynandConnie • LinkTree - linktr.ee/carynandconnie -------------------------------------------------------------- BUSINESS INQUIRES: candc@night.co MUSIC We Shop Song - Philip Milman Morning Stroll: Josh Kirsch/Media Right Productions Hall of the Mountain King: Kevin MacLeod Future City Funk - Bad Snacks
이모티콘 3개를 모으면 존잘 캐릭터가 된다?! 😱 Emoji Meme
2년 전에 구독자 1000명 기념🎉으로 만들었던 Emoji Meme을 Shorts 버전으로 리메이크해봤습니닷🥳💖 2년 전 올린 영상 👉 https://youtu.be/gI6SC1en1pw 여러분도 캐디하다가 막힐 때! 누가 나 대신 키워드 좀 던져줬으면 한다면? 🤔 🔻 메리마가 이모지 하나하나 골라서 직접 제작한!! 이모지 랜덤뽑기 사이트💖 (광고 아님!! 제가 만들었어요!) 👉 https://perchance.org/57rzfcp9u2 빈 칸에 원하는 개수(3)를 적고 [randomise!] 버튼을 눌러주세요! 나오는 이모지를 조합해서 메리마처럼 캐디해보기~!! 😆 #meme #emojimeme #summerofshorts !! 이 Meme은 원본이 있습니다 !! Rope로페님의 오리지널 구경가세요 😊 🪄Original Meme🪄 https://youtu.be/jjSqeIaFKXM 🔮 instagram : @art_merryma 🎵BGM🎵 Song: Toby Callum - Dark Passenger (feat. Sophiella) Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://youtu.be/P4eOxpqNhQ4
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