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프로필 사진에 대한 편견 없는 피드백을 받고 만들어지는 인상을 이해하세요.
5월 05 2023
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Photofeeler 제품 정보

Photofeeler이란 무엇인가요?

Photofeeler는 프로필 사진에 대한 편견 없는 피드백을 받고 전문적, 사회적 및 데이트 프로필에서 만들어지는 인상을 이해하는 플랫폼입니다.

Photofeeler을 어떻게 사용하나요?

Photofeeler를 사용하려면 사진을 업로드하고 커뮤니티에서 평가 받기만 하면 됩니다. 성별과 연령에 따라 투표자를 대상으로하여 원하는 대상으로부터 피드백을 받을 수 있습니다. 이 플랫폼은 혁신적인 AI 기술을 활용하여 정확하고 신뢰할 수 있는 결과를 보장합니다. 사진의 가시성을 제어할 수 있으며, 언제, 누구에게 보이게 할지를 결정할 수 있습니다.

Photofeeler의 핵심 기능

프로필 사진에 대한 명목상의 피드백

커뮤니티 평가 시스템

성별과 연령에 따른 투표자 대상화

정확한 결과를 위한 혁신적인 AI 기술

사진 가시성에 대한 개인정보 보호 제어

Photofeeler의 사용 사례


비즈니스, 사회, 데이트 프로필에 가장 적합한 사진 선택


사진이 만드는 인상에 대한 피드백 받기


온라인 존재감에서 신뢰성과 매력 향상


다른 대상에게 다른 사진의 영향 이해하기

Photofeeler의 FAQ

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Photofeeler는 어떻게 작동하나요?

Photofeeler의 핵심 기능은 무엇인가요?

Photofeeler를 어떻게 사용할 수 있나요?

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Photofeeler 분석

Photofeeler 웹사이트 트래픽 분석

최신 웹사이트 트래픽

월간 방문 수
평균 방문 시간
방문당 페이지 수
Jan 2023 - Jan 2025 모든 웹사이트 트래픽

지리적 트래픽

상위 5지역

United States
United Kingdom
Jan 2023 - Jan 2025 데스크톱 장치만 해당

웹사이트 트래픽 소스

디스플레이 광고
Jan 2023 - Jan 2025 전 세계 데스크톱 기기만 해당

인기 키워드

클릭당 비용
$ 0.88
check photos for dating apps
photo feeler
$ 2.70
dating app photo rating
good face shot on tinder

소셜 리스닝

검색 기록

These Small Changes Completely Changed My Dating Life

IF YOU WANT MY DIRTY GUIDE TO GETTING MATCHES ON DATING APPS: Go to my Instagram (ig.me/m/redbeardrants1) and DM me “dirty”. Embrace Online Dating: Cold approaching is out. Focus on online dating and social media to meet high-quality women. Use AI to make your face and body 20% better-looking. Tutorial in my free guide called the dirty guide to matches, message me the word “dirty” on Instagram. A lot of good info there, even a hack to stay at the top of algo. Text like a chatbot: Keep a database of your best lines. Anytime a girl asks what I’m doing “I’m at the gym so I can stay looking sexy for you”. In every convo, I mention things like travel, gym, etc. Whenever I get stuck, I have a database of fun flirty questions to ask like “so what type of guys are you into?” “lets see how humble and self-aware you are: what are your weaknesses?” “what photo on my IG is for favorite?” “what are your biggest green and/or red flags in dating?” Build a High-Status Profile: Your social media should showcase a lifestyle that attracts women. This is like your resume. You build a good resume first, then you do a lot of volume. Speaking of volume, I got something for that coming up. Learn about photography: The core four. Get a clip on LED phone light. Workout and Lead with Your Physique: If you've got a great body, use physique shot as your main profile picture. Showcase Your lifestyle. The less attractive you are, the more you focus on lifestyle and using Instagram to meet women instead of dating apps. More on this later, so stay tuned. Highlight High-Value Activities: Photos of you speaking on stage, receiving an award, winning a martial arts competition, at a private event or backstage at a concert, in a limousine, in a helicopter, private jet, with a celebrity, on a yacht, playing music in front of people. No Bad Photos Allowed: Every photo should be a hit. Use PhotoFeeler.com to test your pics and only use the best. Remeber how I talked about volume? Get an online dating VA. Invest in Premium Features: Don't skimp on dating apps. Use premium features to get more visibility. Learn how to screen: HARDCORE. Response time, thoughtfulness, questions. Use Voice Messages: Stand out by sending voice messages. It adds a personal touch. Here’s one: Video Calls Before Dates: Try to have a video call before meeting up. It's a great way to build rapport. Minimize flaking - voice messages, have charming content on your profile, do a video call first, and plan multiple dates. Dress Well: First impressions matter. Make sure you're well-groomed and dressed sharply for your dates. this also kills to birds cus you can get photos. Use Charming Video Content: Add videos to your profile where you're telling stories, showing off a talent, or just being funny. ————————————— IF YOU WANT MY DIRTY GUIDE TO GETTING MATCHES ON DATING APPS: Go to my Instagram (ig.me/m/redbeardrants1) and DM me “dirty”. ————————————— MY WEBSITE (PRODUCTS, COACHING, ETC.): https://redbeardrants.net/ ————————————— INSTAGRAM: ig.me/m/redbeardrants1 —————————————

Red Beard Rants
4월 10 2024

How to ACTUALLY Take Photos for Dating Apps and Instagram

IF YOU WANT TO GET ON A FREE STRATEGY CALL WITH ME: Go to my Instagram (ig.me/m/redbeardrants1) and DM me the word “STRATEGY”. (LIMITED TIME ONLY) ------------------------------------------------- How to take photos for getting matches on Tinder, Bumble and Hinge. If you want more Tinder matches, then you need to learn how to take photos for Tinder. Here is what you need to know: * Make Yourself 20-30% Better Looking with AI: Download an app called “Face App” to your phone. Use the “Hollywood 4” filter at level 2 or 3. This will give you a noticeable boost in your attractiveness without going overboard. You can also use the “reshape” feature to make your muscles bigger. Remember, don’t go overboard. The goal isn’t to be a catfish, just a 20-30% boost. * Fashion, Lighting, Grooming, Location (The Core Four): These elements determine whether or not you’ve taken a “good photo” for dating apps/Instagram. Make sure you’re dressed sharp (business casual works better), the lighting is good (get the clip on LED phone light), you’re well groomed (haircut, neck hairs trimmed, etc.) and you’re in a luxurious location. * How to Get Perfect Lighting Indoors and at Night - The Clip on LED Light. This is a game-changer. Simply go to Amazon and search “Clip on LED phone light”. This will instantly give you the ability to take photos at night with perfect lighting. * Use “Charming Video Content” on Your Instagram: This is the best thing since sliced bread and NOTHING is working better at the current moment. * Avoiding Fatal Mistakes: Stay clear of anything controversial, offensive, or overly revealing content. * YOU GET JUDGED BY YOUR WORST PHOTO: Even ONE bad photo can ruin everything. Get your photos rated at a site like PhotoFeeler.com and don’t post anything where you don’t rate at least a 7/10. Use these tips to get more matches on Hinge and other dating apps. This is exactly how you should be taking photos for dating apps and Instagram.

Red Beard Rants
6월 16 2024

6개의 소셜 미디어 데이터를 보려면 잠금을 해제해야 합니다

Photofeeler 삽입 실행

웹사이트 배지를 사용하여 커뮤니티에서 Toolify Launch에 대한 지원을 유도하세요. 홈페이지나 바닥글에 쉽게 삽입할 수 있습니다.

Photofeeler: 프로필 사진에 대한 편견 없는 피드백을 받고 만들어지는 인상을 이해하세요.
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