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작성자: Amelia 님의 글 6월 17 2024
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소셜 리스닝
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Artists! Are you tired of the music industry? No royalties. No interaction with your audience. We get it. There is a different way: Value 4 Value (V4V). With V4V, modern podcast apps can play your music, and listeners can send you micropayments directly and message you. How can you get in on this? Upload your music to Podhome! Simple steps, configure Value 4 Value and start receiving. We don't take any cut, everything goes to you! Check it out and start your trial at: https://www.podhome.fm/ 00:00 - Introduction 00:17 - Modern Podcast apps boost and stream Value 01:12 - How to get your music on Podhome - Create and album 02:42 - Create your first track 03:33 - Configure Value 4 Value 04:45 - Distribute your album
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