Proto is the leader for inclusive CX automation and multilingual contact centre automation for businesses and governments. Deploy fast with AI chatbots, livechat, ticketing, and CRM.
To use Proto AICX, follow these steps: 1. Sign up for an account on the website. 2. Explore the platform's core features such as chatbots, livechat, ticketing, and CRM. 3. Customize your customer experience by managing global profiles. 4. Enhance chatbot and agent efficiency with ChatGPT and proactive chat. 5. Gain actionable insights from your data. 6. Upgrade your data storage and security. 7. Explore the solutions tailored for financial services, health services, and government agencies. 8. Access documentation and APIs to further delve into Proto's product. 9. Stay updated with the latest features on the Proto AICX Platform through the release notes. 10. Check the system status for any updates or maintenance. 11. Monitor Proto's upcoming product roadmap for future enhancements.
Proto AICX 회사 이름: Proto Global Ltd. .
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작성자: Theodore 님의 글 5월 14 2024
비즈니스 성장을 높이는 방법: CRM 및 자동화 전략 10가지
작성자: Samyak Goswami 님의 글 5월 18 2024
생산성 해제: 2023년을 위한 14가지 자동화 해킹 발견하기!
소셜 리스닝
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