무제한으로 MBA 수준의 온라인 비즈니스 교육
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팀 규모에 따른 가격 책정
무제한 실시간 강의. 온디맨드 강의 라이브러리. 6가지 인증서 프로그램. 강의 보조 지원. 전문 슬랙 커뮤니티. 참여 보고서. 커리큘럼 지원 및 조언. 맞춤형 학습 경로. 미팅 예약
최신 가격을 확인하려면 다음 링크를 방문하세요: https://www.sectionschool.com/pricing
작성자: Genevieve 님의 글 4월 29 2024
2023년 비즈니스를 발전시키는 13가지 혁신적인 인공지능 도구를 발견하세요!
소셜 리스닝
Have you heard of sectionschool.com? It is a fantastic learning resource for entrepreneurs and business leaders. I have learned more about how to practically apply AI technology at section school than anywhere else. It is affordable too! And no, they are not paying me to say this… In fact, I am paying them! Check it out. #sectionschool #aieducation #onlinelearningtips #entrepreneurtok #startuptoks #greenscreen
Less than 10% are AI proficient! [Section Report]
Section report: www.sectionschool.com/ai/the-ai-proficiency-report Helping businesses with automation and AI. We work with businesses to build out automated workflows using AI so your team members spend less time doing manual, repetitive tasks. 📆 Book a call with me here → calendar.app.google/4rotzTVcgTtbGpWV9 🔗 My links: www.g-media.ai www.linkedin.com/company/g-media-ai www.x.com/GMediaAI www.instagram.com/g_media_ai www.facebook.com/GMediaAI 👋🏼 About me: I'm Boris, an AI entrepreneur, web developer, and automation expert. In 2024, I founded my AI automation agency, G-Media.AI. On my channel, I help businesses streamline their operations through AI, sharing new and practical AI use cases for automation every week.