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다음은 고객 서비스를 위한 Seller Snap 지원 이메일입니다: marketing@sellersnap.io .
Seller Snap 회사 이름: SELLER SNAP .
Seller Snap 회사 주소: 7455 Arroyo Crossing Parkway, Suite 220, Las Vegas, NV 89113, United States.
Seller Snap에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 회사 소개 페이지(https://www.sellersnap.io/about-us/)를 방문하세요. .
Seller Snap 로그인 링크: https://app.sellersnap.io/login
Seller Snap 가격 링크: https://www.sellersnap.io/pricing/?nab=0
Seller Snap Facebook 링크: https://www.facebook.com/sellersnap.io/
Seller Snap Youtube 링크: https://youtube.com/@sellersnap
Seller Snap Linkedin 링크: https://www.linkedin.com/company/seller-snap-inc./
Seller Snap Twitter 링크: https://twitter.com/sellersnap_io?lang=en
Seller Snap Instagram 링크: https://www.instagram.com/sellersnap.io/
기본 요금제
기본 가격 재조정 기능 및 최대 500개 SKU 지원 포함
고급 요금제
고급 가격 재조정 기능, 무제한 SKU 지원 및 우선 고객 지원 포함
최신 가격을 확인하려면 다음 링크를 방문하세요: https://www.sellersnap.io/pricing/?nab=0
소셜 리스닝
I paid my best worker $3/hr
I pay my best worker $11 an hour. She lives in the Philippines, so she's able to support her entire family. Hiring overseas is one of the best ways to keep your overhead low while still giving employees a great life. Join the Wholesale Network: https://www.wholesalenetwork.io/ My credit card referral links: capital one spark unlimited 2% cash back credit card https://i.capitalone.com/JYM92LbJL chase ink business premier credit card unlimited 2.5% cash back on purchases over $5,000, unlimited 2% cash back on everything else https://www.referyourchasecard.com/21q/C86BY5C66R Here's my 100% FREE wholesale course to help you open your first account: https://coreybrandrocket.gumroad.com/l/sndts FREE supplier email templates that don't suck https://coreybrandrocket.gumroad.com/l/templates SOFTWARE I USE: 💻 SmartScout (Tool for finding brand-direct wholesale accounts - 25% off your first 3 months): https://partners.smartscout.com/?fpr=corey89 Code: COREY25 💰 SellerSnap (Best Amazon repricer on the market - 15% off first 3 mos) https://referrals.sellersnap.io/l/BrandRocket/ 💵 Seller Investigators (Get automatically reimbursed when Amazon owes you money - first $500 in reimbursements FREE) Code: corey https://sellerinvestigators.com/reim/ref/corey Melio (pay your suppliers with a credit card, they get cash) https://affiliates.meliopayments.com/4p0gnyr72g7 FOLLOW MY SOCIALS: 🐦 Twitter🕴️: https://twitter.com/GanimCorey LinkedIn 📷 : https://www.linkedin.com/in/corey-ganim/ Instagram🕺 : https://www.instagram.com/coreyganim/ TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@coreyganim?lang=en
The BEST way to make BIG money
Best way to land deals? Just keep asking. Join the Wholesale Network: https://www.wholesalenetwork.io/ My credit card referral links: capital one spark unlimited 2% cash back credit card https://i.capitalone.com/JYM92LbJL chase ink business premier credit card unlimited 2.5% cash back on purchases over $5,000, unlimited 2% cash back on everything else https://www.referyourchasecard.com/21q/C86BY5C66R Here's my 100% FREE wholesale course to help you open your first account: https://coreybrandrocket.gumroad.com/l/sndts FREE supplier email templates that don't suck https://coreybrandrocket.gumroad.com/l/templates SOFTWARE I USE: 💻 SmartScout (Tool for finding brand-direct wholesale accounts - 25% off your first 3 months): https://partners.smartscout.com/?fpr=corey89 Code: COREY25 💰 SellerSnap (Best Amazon repricer on the market - 15% off first 3 mos) https://referrals.sellersnap.io/l/BrandRocket/ 💵 Seller Investigators (Get automatically reimbursed when Amazon owes you money - first $500 in reimbursements FREE) Code: corey https://sellerinvestigators.com/reim/ref/corey Melio (pay your suppliers with a credit card, they get cash) https://affiliates.meliopayments.com/4p0gnyr72g7 FOLLOW MY SOCIALS: 🐦 Twitter🕴️: https://twitter.com/GanimCorey LinkedIn 📷 : https://www.linkedin.com/in/corey-ganim/ Instagram🕺 : https://www.instagram.com/coreyganim/ TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@coreyganim?lang=en
#023 - How to succeed on Amazon using @sellersnap with Ian Kaneshiro | The Amazon Wholesale Podcast
Introducing The Amazon Wholesale Podcast! This is a show where I'll be interviewing established wholesale sellers and diving into the deep end of wholesale to educate you about the space. In this episode I talked to Ian Kaneshiro who is the Head of Sales and Customer success at Seller Snap. My company have been using Seller Snap as a repricer tool on Amazon for the last 3 years and it has been pivotal to our success on Amazon. Ian is an Amazon Repricing Expert who knows everything about Seller Snap. I hope you enjoy this episode! SellerBoard (2 month free trial instead of 1) -- USE CODE COREY https://sellerboard.com/?partner=01101 Ian's Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iankaneshiro/?originalSubdomain=il Ian's Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/1bvW2iDYgsknLAzvg5GMBj?si=eff724d18dc64b01 @sellersnap www.Sellersnap.io Wholesale Challenge: wholesalechallenge.com Newsletter: https://corey-ganim.ck.page/f8c7a2515b Here's my 100% FREE wholesale course to help you open your first account: https://coreybrandrocket.gumroad.com/l/sndts FREE supplier email templates that don't suck https://coreybrandrocket.gumroad.com/l/templates SOFTWARE I USE: 💻 SmartScout (Tool for finding brand-direct wholesale accounts - 25% off your first 3 months): Code: COREY25 https://smartscout.com/?fpr=corey83 💰 SellerSnap (Best Amazon repricer on the market - 10% off first 3 mos) https://referrals.sellersnap.io/l/BrandRocket/ 💵 Seller Investigators (Get automatically reimbursed when Amazon owes you money - first $500 in reimbursements FREE) Code: corey https://sellerinvestigators.com/reim/ref/corey ⚡ SellerBoard (Profit analytics software - 2 mos free instead of 1) https://sellerboard.com/?partner=01101 📈 Melio (pay your suppliers with a credit card, they get cash) https://affiliates.meliopayments.com/4p0gnyr72g7 FOLLOW MY SOCIALS: 🐦 Twitter🕴️: https://twitter.com/GanimCorey LinkedIn 📷 : https://www.linkedin.com/in/corey-ganim/ Instagram🕺 : https://www.instagram.com/coreyganim/ TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@coreyganim?lang=en
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