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소셜 리스닝
I tried 12 AI interior design tools (NOT midjourney).. Here's my verdict.
AI TOOLS TESTED: AI room planner: https://www.airoomplanner.com Archi: https://www.archi.ai Collov GPT https://gpt.collov.com Fulhaus Ludwig: https://www.fulhaus.com/?ref=Lydia Hestya AI: *this is the one with the AR scanning https://www.hestya.ai get 40% off using code HESTYA0002 Home Designs AI: *this one has the best designs and that awesome eclectic living room picture I am obsessed with https://f9634id9w7r8wan4tli3tp3kf0.hop.clickbank.net/ Homestyler: www.homestyler.com Interior AI: https://interiorai.com?via=lydia ReimagineHome AI: https://www.reimaginehome.ai Room GPT: https://www.roomgpt.io Spacely: https://www.spacely.ai Spoak: https://www.spoak.com ToTree: *use LYDIAP2023 at check out to waive the fee https://www.totree.co Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:58 Test subject rooms 1:40 List of softwares, financial disclosures 2:22 What I will test 2:48 Room GPT 4:35 ReimagineHome AI 8:35 Interior AI 9:10 Collov GPT 12:11 AI Room Planner 12:45 Announcement break 13:01 Hestya AI 15:20 HomeDesigns AI 18:57 ToTree 21:34 Fulhaus Ludwig 22:51 Archi 23:34 HomeStyler 25:01 Spoak 25:28 Spacely AI 27:43 What would I do for next project OTHER USEFUL LINKS My Airbnb Calculator (Free!) - https://lydiapatelll.ck.page/calculator Airbnb hosting ($40 bonus, with me as your ambassador) - www.airbnb.com/r/lleung108 Novo (fee free biz checking, awesome interface and app): https://novo.pxf.io/6ePnmE American Express Blue Business Cash ($500 cash bonus, 0% APR 12 months, and 2% cash back on spend- useful for big purchases) - https://americanexpress.com/en-us/referral/LYDIAPFFsJ?XL=MIMCP My short term rentals playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfQLXUAXr6k&list=PLlI26iY7GVpZp55tbF6nWr1t2ZfEz0J38 --------------- Gear: DSLR camera: https://amzn.to/42yAeWK Wide angle lens: https://amzn.to/3CqBosJ Ring light: https://amzn.to/42LIpiV Microphone: https://amzn.to/3rNmVFp Music: https://share.epidemicsound.com/1hnc21 (FREE 30 day trial) IG: www.instagram.com/lydiapatelll Business inquiries: lydiapatelmedia@gmail.com All ideas, opinions, bad jokes are my own. Not sponsored content. Links above contain affiliates - which means I get a small commission for telling you about the product/service and feels like a little tip jar for me. This is at no cost to you, and independent of the opinions I've already formed on these products/services prior to making the video. :-) #interiordesign #airbnbbusiness #aitools @roomgpt @REimagineHomeAI @HomestylerOfficial @CollovGPT-AI @SpacelyAI @hestya-design @homedesignsaiapp
Diseñando mi cocina con Inteligencia artificial 🤯 Si necesitas inspiración te dejo mis páginas web favoritas para Diseñar tu casa con IA ▪️Spacely.ai ▪️reimaginehome.ai ▪️visualise.ai ▪️interiorai.com #ai #ia #inteligenciaartificial
⭕رؤية مستقبلية مدهشة: تصميم الديكور الداخلي باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي!
🎉🎈هل حلمت يومًا بأن تصبح مصممًا محترفًا للديكور؟ هل تريد أن يكون مشروعك المستقبلي مميز؟ الآن مع قوة الذكاء الاصطناعي يمكنك تحقيق ذلك! 🎉🎈 👇في هذا الفيديو، نشرح أفضل 3 مواقع للتصميم الداخلي باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي. كُن أحد المؤيدين لنا بالانضمام إلى قناتنا، تفعيل زر الجرس ودعمنا لمواصلة تقديم المحتوى المثير حول الذكاء الاصطناعي والتصميم الداخلي. 🎊💓 المواقع المستخدمة في الفيديو #interiordesign #AIdesigntools #artificialintelligence roomgpt : https://www.roomgpt.io/ reimagine home : https://www.reimaginehome.ai/ spacely : https://www.spacely.ai/
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