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소셜 리스닝
Stewart J Cort at the Soo with Ojibway delivery on June 28th, 2024
Stewart J. Cort - She is the FIRST “Footer” on the Great Lakes. Built as a Self-unoading bulk carrier in 1972 by Erie Marine, Inc. Erie PA for Bethlehem Steel Corp. She’s 1000’ in length and a 105’ in beam. With a capacity of 58,000 tons, like most of her sisters, she’s powered by four GM EMD – 20-645-E7 20-cylinder diesels. They develop a total of 14,400 bhp turning 2 changeable pitch propellers. M/V Stewart J. Cort (interlake-steamship.com)
Regression Games Alpha Cup - Sponsored by Steamship
Regression Games announces their first tournament, the Alpha Cup, where players program bots to compete in a Capture the Flag game mode in Minecraft. Earn over $1500 in prizes, boost your resume, and learn new coding skills in this fast-paced tournament! Sign up at https://play.regression.gg This tournament is sponsored by Steamship! Steamship is Vercel for AI orchestration: deploy instant production APIs for LLM apps, embedding search, GPT chatbots, and more. Learn more at https://steamship.com Important Dates March 11th - Alpha Cup Starts March 25th - Alpha Cup Early Season Winner Announced April 11th to April 17th - Seeding Stage Starts April 24th - Finals Bracket Starts April 28th - Top 8 Finals Stream Prizes 1st Place - $1000 2nd Place - $500 Steamship Sponsor Prize - $400 Learn more about eligibility and prizes at INSERT LINK HERE. Song Attribution Song: Max Brhon - Redemption [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/MB_Redemption Watch: http://youtu.be/
Stewart J Cort heading upbound in the Soo locks on Aug 5th, 2024
Stewart J. Cort - She is the FIRST “Footer” on the Great Lakes. Built as a Self-unoading bulk carrier in 1972 by Erie Marine, Inc. Erie PA for Bethlehem Steel Corp. She’s 1000’ in length and a 105’ in beam. With a capacity of 58,000 tons, like most of her sisters, she’s powered by four GM EMD – 20-645-E7 20-cylinder diesels. They develop a total of 14,400 bhp turning 2 changeable pitch propellers. M/V Stewart J. Cort (interlake-steamship.com)
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